Chapter 33: Reunion

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Chapter 33: Reunion

The next morning we set our plan into motion, Esme asked Sarah's mom to come over and discuss what happened. No one but Edward, Carlisle, Esme and I knew what was going on, about midday there was a knock at the door. Carlisle answered it, it was Sarah's mom. "Mom" Sarah said as she ran over and gave her a hug. "What are you doing here" "I was invited" she replied. "Yes" Carlisle said "We invited her over so you could talk" Sarah smiled and gave Carlisle a hug "Thank you" she said. The here and her mom went and sat down.

We all went into the other room so they could talk, after about 20 minutes Sarah said "Can you all please come here?" so we all walked out to the living room and sat down. "This is my mom Tammy" Sarah said "To formally introduce you, mom this is Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Charlie,Sue, Renee, Phil, Jacob and Renesmee" Tammy looked at all of us then replied "Hi" She seemed alittle unsure of us. "So" she said "You knew what happened?" "Yes" Carlisle replied. "How do I know you all wont hurt us?" Carlisle smiled then said "If you allow us we can show you what happened yesterday and why you can trust us" Tammy looked at Sarah then she said "Alright" Carlisle looked at Renesmee and said "Renesmee, could you please show her" Renesmee looked at Edward and I. We nodded for her to do as Carlisle asked. So she walked over to Tammy and touched her face.

After Renesmee showed Tammy all the images she stepped back. Tammy just stood there, she didn't speak or move. "Mom" Sarah said "Are you alright?" Tammy looked at Sarah and nodded. After a few minutes Tammy finally said "So, you are all vampires?" We all laughed. "Yes" Carlisle said "In a sense we are mostly all vampires, Bella's parents and step dad are human along with Jacobs dad, Renesmee is only half and Jacob is human for the most part" Jacob chuckled at that remark. Edward stood beside me, I could tell by the look on his face that Tammy believed us and that she wouldn't tell anyone. "So" I said "You don't have to worry about the Volturi anymore" Tammy looked at me and smiled "I hope so, the really scared me" she said as she walked over and hugged Sarah. "They said they would kill Sarah if I didn't push her towards you so they could get information about all of you. I wasn't sure who you all were or what you were but I love Sarah to much to disobey them." We all looked at Tammy, We knew it must have been hard for her to push her own daughter towards someone she didn't know just to protect her. I walked over and gave Tammy a hug, I knew somewhat of how she felt. I remember what I was willing to do that day in the meadow when the Volturi came for Renesmee. I was willing to die for her just to make sure she was safe. We all sat around talking for awhile. We explained to Tammy about the Volturi, Kami, and even Masen. She was excited to meet him, even though she didn't like the fact that her young daughter had a baby she was happy to meet him and know he was well taken care of.

Well they day went on and as it was getting dark Tammy asked Sarah "Honey, would you like to come home?" Sarah smiled and gave her mom a hug "Oh mom" she said "I would love to, I missed you so much" "I missed you too Sarah". Sarah walked over and Gave Esme a hug and said "Thank you for everything" Esme smiled. "Your welcome" she said Sarah gave Masen a kiss and hug and told him she would come see him soon. She then hugged everyone else. She kissed Rosemary and Anthony then her and Tammy left.

"Well" Carlisle said "That went well" We all laughed "Yes" Edward said "I was almost expecting it to backfire on us" Alice laughed and said "I knew it wouldn't" We all laughed at Alice then went on about our evening. Renesmee and Jacob were staying at Carlisle awhile longer so Carlisle could monitor the babies. They were so cute and growing fast. No where as fast as Renesmee but still fast. Edward and I decided to go to the cottage tonight, so we headed out.

The next few days went well, the twins we doing great, they were growing and learning quick. Anthony was just like Jacob, he seemed to grow a foot every few days. Not really that much but still he grew faster then Rosemary. Rosemary was growing fast as well but hers was more her mind the body. She was a fascinating girl, she had a great yet disturbing gift. She can show a person their life from birth to death, or to present depending if they are human or vampires. Both kids were amazing, Masen loved to play with them, he was walking now so Esme and Rosalie had their hands full. All was going well, Renesmee and Jacob were doing great, Charlie and Mom loved to come around as did Billy to see the twins. Even Sam and Emily came around alot.

Sam and Emily were suppose to come by today but they didn't, Jacob called to make sure everything was alright and Embry told him that Emily went into labor early this morning. So Renesmee asked "Mom, could you watch the twins for awhile?" I smiled and said "Of course honey, your dad and I will take good care of them" She gave me a hung and kiss and her and Jacob went to see Sam and Emily.

I loved being around the twins, even though they were mostly human that didn't bother any of us. We all loved them very much. Edward and I sat on the couch playing with the twins, Edward had Anthony and I had Rosemary. Edward liked to read their minds since they couldn't tell us or show us like Renesmee did of what they want. He always knew when they needed changed or fed or even when they wanted to be put to bed. Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Emmett all went hunting. Rosalie and Esme were taking care of Masen and playing with the twins as well. Mom and Phil were out with Charlie and Sue and Billy and the wolves were with Sam and Emily. So it was a pretty quiet evening.


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