Chapter 34: Sam's Pride & Emily's Joy

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Chapter 34: Sam's Pride & Emily's Joy

The day went by quick as did part of the night, we all had a blast with the twins, even Masen had fun playing with other kids. Even though he was older then them they we all close to the same size and Rosemary was just as smart as he was. So Anthony was growing fast and Rosemary was getting smart fast.

It was kind of late when Renesmee and Jacob came back. "Hey" Jacob said as they came through the door. "Hi" I replied "How is Emily?" "She is great" Renesmee said "She had a baby girl a couple hours ago" "Awe really? that is great" I replied as The came over and sat beside us. "So what did they name her?" Edward asked "They hadn't decided on a name yet" Jacob said "They are debating which one to choose" We all laughed. Then Renesmee and I put the twins to be and Edward and I went hunting.

Ever since the babies were born Renesmee hasn't had the urge to hunt, I guess after drinking the blood when she was pregnant it finally just made her sick. She would be fine if she didn't hunt so it won't affect her. Well the next day Renesmee went to see Emily and the baby and Jacob went to help Sam get the stuff ready for Emily and the baby to come home. They told Renesmee that they would bring the baby to see us as soon as they could. Sue was there alot since she was the closest family Emily had. So Charlie was at our house or he was fishing with Phil. Mom was always around cause of Masen and the twins. Esme and Rosalie had their hands full helping with them all. Masen kept running off and hiding. He thought it was funny but if Esme's heart was still beating he would have given her a heart attack by now.

The weekend went fast and then it was Monday. We were all sitting around playing with the kids when there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door, there stood Sam and Emily. Emily was holding a little baby in a pink blanket. She was so precious. "Come in" I said motioning them inside. "How are you doing?" I asked as we all walked towards the living room. "I am good" Emily said as she sat down with the baby. Sam sat beside her and I sat across from her. The baby smelled good, she smelled like baby powder. I loved the smell of a baby, and it wasn't the whole vampire thing I loved it before. They smell so sweet.

As we sat there the rest of the family came out and were fussing over the baby. "So what is her name?" Alice asked. I was surprised she didn't already know. Sam and Emily smiled at each other and Emily said "We named her Addison Elisa" "Awe that is a beautiful name" Esme said as she was looking at the baby. "May I hold her" Emily smiled "Of course" she said as she handed Addison to Esme. I was surprised she handed the baby over so easy, I guess after seeing Esme with Masen. Emily wasn't worried about Esme with Addison. Esme and Rosalie fussed over the new baby and so did Alice. Jasper and Emmett had went hunting so they weren't there. Carlisle and Edward were talking to Sam, Renesmee, Emily and I were talking. It was a great time.

After awhile Sam and Emily left, and we all went to doing what we normally did. The next week went by and Sarah came to visit Masen, her mom and even her sister came with her. They all loved playing with him. His birthday was coming up in a few weeks, he was turning 1, we all couldn't believe how fast time a flown by. "What are you thinking about?" Edward asked as he smiled at me. I smiled back and said "I was just thinking about how fast time has went by" Edward ran his hand through my hair "Even though we have eternity, it seems to fly by when your having fun" he said with a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh at him, then he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

Well Alice has been having some visions about the twins, she can see Rosemary better then Anthony for some reason. But she keeps seeing them walking and talking and she feels like it is close. We all love watching the kids grow, Masen was the slowest but that was only because he was normally growing. The twins are alot slower then Renesmee was but they are faster then what Masen is. We all sat around talking about good times, we were talking about when I first came to Forks, and about old friends. I was the only one that really had old friends, The rest only talked to each other. I kind of wondered what Jessica, Angela, Mike and Eric were up too, and even Tyler. Even though Angela was really the only one I really cared about out of all of them I still wonder where they ended up. I haven't seen or heard from any of them since graduation.

Edward and Carlisle were talking about their lives before they were changed as was Rosalie. Well Rosalie of course was bragging about hers. We all knew how Rosalie was so we paid no attention to her. Esme and Jasper didn't like talking about there past, neither did Alice. Emmett would joke saying the bear tried to kill him and now he kills the bears. I didn't talk much about mine even though it wasn't that bad. I liked it for the most part but I had always felt out of place until I became a vampire.

While they were talking Renesmee and Jacob asked me if I would mind if they threw Emily and Sam a party for the welcoming of the baby. They wanted to do it at La Push this weekend. Well of course I said yes, even thought I hate parties I didn't mind those kinds of parties. So after the others finished there conversation we told them the plan and they were all excited, most of all Alice was excited, she was like the queen of parties. Parties and shopping were like her specialty.

They wanted to have a surprise party so we were trying to figure out how to get Sam and Emily away from La Push so they could decorate and everything. We came up with a plan where Renesmee and Jacob would get them away while Alice, Rosalie, Mom, Esme and Sue would decorate. All the guys were going to help as well so it would get done quick. Even Sarah agreed to help. "I would love to go back to La Push, I liked it there" I kind of wondered if she had a crush on one of the wolves. But I stayed out of it, it wasn't my place to ask.

As the weekend got there Jacob and Renesmee got Sam and Emily to go out, they asked if we would mind watching Addison and of course we said yes. While they were gone everyone but Edward, Carlisle and I went. We three stayed back to watch Masen, Addison, Anthony and Rosemary. It was quite a day watching all four of them together. Masen was into everything, Anthony was picking on Rosemary and Addison just laid there quiet most of the time, which was the best part. She was a good baby. The other three just liked to pick on each other which was funny to a point.

After about 3 hours we headed to La Push with the kids, we told Sam and Emily we would met them there. They were alittle curious as to why but they didn't ask. Well when we got there everything was nicely decorated, they had put balloons and streamer up all over and there was a ton of food. Sam and Emily walked inside and everyone jumped out and said "Surprise" They were both shocked. "What is all this?" Emily asked "It is a welcome baby home party" Renesmee replied. Emily looked at everyone then she hugged Renesmee and said "Thank you so much" then everyone started partying.

After the party was over we all helped clean up, and then we all said our goodbyes. On the way home Edward, Jasper, Alice and I all went hunting. It was starting to get cold so we wanted to get the animals before they bedded down for winter. We went farther then usual and found a heard of mountain lions. We each got one then got a deer as well, after we ate Alice and Jasper headed home and Edward and I headed to the cottage. When we got there we went to the bedroom. We hadn't spent much time together lately cause we had been so worried about Renesmee and the twins. So we spent the rest of the night embraced together, we laid in bed and watched the sunrise. I was so happy to be where I was in my life, even though some may see it as and afterlife, it is the only place I would want to be. "Bella" Edward whispered into my ear. "Yes" I replied as I turned to face him. "I love you" He said with a smile. I looked at him and smiled "I love you too" I said as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

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