Sink or Swim

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[Warning: Only for 18+. No minors allowed. Skip this post.]


Dahyun slowly opens her eyes and found Sana crawling up, hovering her face dangerously close to hers, too close that she could smell her breath, minty and intoxicating.

She couldn't speak nor move her body as she could only watch how Sana leaned in to kiss her..

But then she flinched when she heard her alarm clock ringing loudly, enough for her to jolt and sit on her bed.

She was breathing heavily.

But then realized what happened.

Not again.

Dahyun slumped herself back against the bed, covered her face with her pillow and screamed in frustration.

God, it happened again. She just dreamed of Sana once again. Another wet fucking dream.

She uncovered herself from the pillow and groaned. "God, why are you doing this.." she grumbled, almost wanting to cry as images of Sana crawling up on her, leaning closer keep appearing. "I'm so fucked up.." she could only stare at the ceiling.

This kind of dream has been happening for almost a month now or was it months? Dahyun couldn't even remember, but she knows that it all started that time when Sana, one of her friends, kissed her on the fucking cheek. She was kissed by Sana as a thank you for taking her home safely and Dear God…

After that, she's been feeling things she shouldn't feel for a friend.

And it went worse when Sana starts to get clingier when it comes to Dahyun. Like how Sana would randomly pokes her side when she walks by her everywhere or pulling her in from behind because Sana thinks there's too much distance between them. How she would randomly booty taps her when she walks by from time to time. And when they have sleepovers, Sana wants to be beside her always, for cuddles, Sana would pull her in closer while she’s asleep, burying her face on the crook of Dahyun's neck, blowing hot breaths to tickle her. She's like constantly needs to touch Dahyun, whether it's holding hands, poking her, tickling her, or even having her pale cheek in the palm of her hand while kissing it.


She's been all hot and bothered since then. Couldn't process things when she sees or with Sana. Couldn't even talk normally as she couldn't keep eye contact with the Japanese. She easily gets turned on by Sana’s touch or just proximity, she’d start to feel flustered and sweaty, especially if she feels awkward or uncomfortable with the wild emotions whirling in her mind.

"Pull yourself together, Kim Dahyun" She scolded herself

And then the door opened.

Revealing Son Chaeyoung, her Best friend slash housemate. "You look like shit" was the first thing Chaeyoung said to her when she saw her state.

"Thanks, I know" Dahyun mumbled and covered her already blushing cheeks.

"What happened to you?" The younger Korean asked with a frown.

And Dahyun sighed in defeat, she's thankful that there's someone who knows something about her situation with those dreams. "I dreamed about her again…" and looked at her best friend in a defeated look

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