Take Me Away

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A heavy sigh came out from Kim Dahyun's mouth after putting the two big buckets of water on the ground to take a little break.

She looked at the rocky road of a hill up to the village. She groaned, "Why is this road not fixed yet? Goodness, this will be the cause of my death" she grumbled imagining if she slips back down here if she loses her balance with the buckets.

Taking a few deep breathes, she stretched her arms and heard some cracks before lifting the buckets. 

But as soon as she lifted it, her attention went to a woman who was wearing an expensive dress, running in her direction. And she sure looks like struggling because of her heels, running with uncontrollable speed through Dahyun's path.

And before Dahyun could even react. The woman starts screaming when she couldn't stop her steps. "Move!" She screamed, but the woman seems deaf.

Dahyun's eyes widened when she realized that the woman is getting closer and closer to her. Both their eyes were wide, and Dahyun was struggling to step aside because of the weight of the pails that she's carrying, and she was panicking "What the--"

And in just a blink of an eye, two bodies collided, stumbled, and one was pressed against the ground. 

One of the two buckets was kicked, making it lose its balance and the water starts to spill and flow down.

Unluckily, Dahyun was the one pressed between the ground and this strange woman that was currently laying on top of her. She groaned in pain, but then their eyes met, both of them were realizing what just happened.

Out of panic, Dahyun pushed the foreign-looking woman out of her and automatically stood up. The latter landed on the side with her butt first, she groaned but then realized that she sat on the ground where the water was spilled. "Oh God, my dress!" she whines, checking her behind where the big stain was. Mud on her butt.

While Dahyun took the bucket with frustration, "It didn't just spill like that.." she tried not to panic, but as soon as she checked the bucket, it was already empty. She looked on the ground that was now sucking the water like Dahyun didn't just walk miles away to get it. "This motherfucking ground didn't just suck all the water--"

"Look what you did to my dress" She was interrupted by the woman standing behind her. She almost forgot her. "I can't go away like this, oh my…" she was as frustrated as Dahyun, frowning as she tries to pat the stained part as if it would actually work, it worsened.

Dahyun scoffs as she faced the woman, "Have you ever realized that you just kicked my bucket? Now the bucket's empty and I have to go back miles away to get one" Dahyun glared at her.

"Excuse me?" The woman gasps, "You're the one who didn't move aside when you saw me running down with uncontrollable speed" she countered.

"I was carrying these heavy buckets! Were you expecting me to easily move aside? Why are you even running like crazy--"

"It's none of your business!"

"See? Your reason is invalid--"

"You should at least feel sorry that you pushed me that hard and now my dress is dirty!"

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