And If We Die Tomorrow

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The news was all over the world. Everywhere Dahyun goes that's the only thing she would hear from people.

The prediction was spreading.

The Korean girl watched the people rushing to get the necessity before the day comes. Rushing to get home. To get ready and prepare.

Prepare for what?

The well-known predictor from South Korea left predictions before he even passed away three years ago. And one of his predictions was,

On October 1, 2021...

The world will end.

And for what reasons? Nobody knows. No one got the chance to ask him what it meant. That old man died after for an unknown reason.

It freaked people out. Of course. Including Dahyun, who was never been a fan nor a believer of such a thing.

But oh well, she has no one but her friends.


Son of a beast:
Brooos the world's gonna end tomorrow!!!

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Do you really believe that old man's prediction?

Son of a beast:
Bijj he's known for predicting shts & it turns right.

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Sure I'd believe him if he says thatt right in front of my face??? ://

Kim Dyeing:
But he's dead???

Eiffel Tzuwer:

Son of a beast:
It's all over the news
I don't think they're joking lmao

Eiffel Tzuwer:
It's just a prediction
but well
we're gonna die anyway so...

Son of a beast:
You think there will be a purge?

Kim Dyeing:
The fuck????

Son of a beast:
Heeey don't judge me
Anything could happen. I kinda wanna experience that.

Kim Dyeing:
You are scaring me...

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Then im keeping my people-opener

Son of a beast:
Did you just referred the knife as a people-opener??!?!?

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Should I not have?

Kim Dyeing:
You guys are SCARING ME.

Son of a beast:
Shouldn't we be talking about Dub's bday?
Where are you tho?

Kim Dyeing:
Celebrating somewhere ;))

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Without us?
The fucking audacity?

Kim Dyeing:
I told you
u guys should spend time with your family incase you know?? we ded??
There's a lot of days for us to meet

Son of a beast:
That's if we gonna survive this hell :\/

Eiffel Tzuwer:
Coming from you, Satan?

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