Reality Hurts

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Author: This story is based on the song 'Cruel', I forgot the singer's name (my bad) but it's a great song. Try to listen while reading.



That's how the water flows through Dahyun's body as she took a shower

No, it isn't just the water

But also her numb feelings and cold heart

Dahyun closed her eyes as she let the cold water run through her body


She's been thinking about her girlfriend a month from now

Sana changed just like hot water turned into a cold one

Dahyun turned off the shower as she sighed heavily

She walked through the mirror

She felt numb, not because of the cold water, but because of Sana

She looked at her naked body as she scanned the visible love bites around her neck, collarbone, down to her chest from yesterday

It doesn't look like a love bite hickies, more on a bruise...

A bruise made from her Sana


It sounds foreign now

Is sana still hers?

A tear ran down through her left cheek

What did I do? What should I do? , Dahyun thought

She wiped her wet body with a towel hoping it would also wipe her heartache and the pain she feels

Sana is still hers, that's what Sana said

Sana still comes home, but only when the sun sets

Dahyun can't help but think that maybe she isn't Sana's home anymore

She tried tho..

She tried to get those negative thoughts away from her mind but her heart can't deny it

She doesn't want to think that Sana is cheating on her, but it feels like she is, Dahyun isn't dumb

So Dahyun followed Sana secretly one week ago

And Dahyun wasn't wrong

She never gets wrong with her feelings

She stayed mute, hiding far away from the restaurant where Sana..

Her Sana is with another girl, happily greeting her girl as Sana kissed the girl's lips just like how she kisses Dahyun before

Those that were once Dahyun owned

And those sparkling eyes that wouldn't spark at Dahyun's eyes anymore

Dahyun wants to close her eyed or ran away acting dumb

But she needs to swallow the truth

It hurts, yes..

But Reality Hurts

So Dahyun came home feeling numb as if someone just pours herself a cold water

Dahyun stay silent when Sana always comes home

Dahyun would smile as tries to hide the pain she feels
She might be hurt

But she can't just let go of Her Sana

'Her Sana'..

Cut it, she doesn't feel like Sana is still hers

Dahyun snapped back in reality after she changed her clothes when she heard the doorknob clicked open

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