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The loud music bursts out inside the club full of people who are already drunk and wild

Kim Dahyun is sitting on the corner with her friend Son Chaeyoung

Dahyun don't really have the energy to join the sea of people dancing on the dance floor

She's contented looking at them getting crazy

"Come on, dubs. We're not here to drink and watch. We're here to forget the pain" Chaeyoung said in irritation who is also currently looking at the crowd

Dahyun sighed

Right, she's here to forget the pain she feels. 

To forget Sana

"I'm sorry. You're right but.." Dahyun looked at Chaeyoung with hesitation

"We're here to enjoy, not to commit another toxic relationship with a girl that would end up leaving you" Chaeyoung firmly said

Dahyun looked down

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that" Chaeyoung said as she pats Dahyun's shoulder

Dahyun exhaled deeply

"The last time we went to a club, Sana was there and you know what happened right?" Dahyun said in frustration

Chaeyoung sighed

"Yeah. I remember how she dragged you away from that girl named Momo. Sana is still acting like your girlfriend and you know it's not right, Dahyun. She's not letting you move on" Chaeyoung firmly said

Don't get Chaeyoung wrong, she was a friend of Sana too, but Sana changed. A lot and she's starting to be toxic and frustrating

Dahyun nodded and shut her eyes for a second

"You're right. Let's enjoy this night" Dahyun flashed a small smile and stood up

Chaeyoung finally grin in victory

"That's the spirit! Let's enjoy this night!" Chaeyoung cheered and giggled as they went to the dance floor

They start to join the sea of people dancing wildly

And right, It made Dahyun forget the pain

It made her forget Sana

At least for now..

Someone suddenly bumped Dahyun, intentionally

Dahyun turned to look at the person

Dahyun was stunned

The girl is beautifully smiling at her as she dances with the rhythm

Dahyun smiled as she got the message

I guess this is the start to enjoy the night, Dahyun thought

Dahyun got the girl's name, it's Kyulkyung..

They start to dance closer than before as the tension between them builds up

Kyulkyung suddenly wrapped her arms around Dahyun's neck and it made Dahyun shiver in excitement

She saw Chaeyoung winking at her as if she wants Dahyun to go for it

Dahyun smirked as she placed her hands on Kyulkyung's waist like how she always does it with Sana


Dahyun stopped for a second but then shook her head

No, you need to forget her, Dahyun thought

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