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-Another Anxceit one.
Tw: crying, cursing.

Virgil grinned as he threw out his old jacket. It felt like a huge weight had lifted off his shoulders, finally being accepted as a main side. He tugged the hood of his new jacket up, making his way back to his room.

Janus groaned as he dragged a bag of trash to the trash bin. Remus needs to learn to throw away his deodorant containers after eating them. It was getting annoying, having to throw them away himself.

He froze as he noticed the oh-so familiar jacket laying in the bin. Janus grabbed it, looking around before he threw the trash away quickly, teleporting back to his room.

He sat on his bed, tears welling in his eyes at the thought of his old best friend really moving on. His Virgil, the one who hated the light sides and loved to help him torment them, the one who cared. He sighed shakily, taking off his cape and putting the jacket on. He curled up on his bed, his tears now falling freely.

“Why’d you have to leave us, Virge?” He sobbed, his voice cracking and weak. “God, you’re so fucking selfish.”

He really wanted to believe that, but he couldn’t. Virgil had been the most selfless person he had ever met.

Soon, his crying wore him down, him falling asleep quickly.

He woke up the next day, wiping at the dried tears on his face. He sighed as he took off the jacket, neatly folding it and setting it on his bed. He went to the bathroom, washing the tears from his face. He put his cape back on, walking out of his room, to the black door that no longer had a use. Janus pushed open the door, wiping the dust that had collected over the short week that he cleaned it last time. He made sure everything was still in it’s place, neat and organized. Just in case, Virgil decided to come back.


Janus looked over, seeing Remus in the doorway.

“Still think he’s coming back?” Remus whispered, looking at the floor. Janus looked at the plush spider he held in his hands, sighing. He shook his head, dropping the toy to the floor. He fell to his knees, crying softly. Remus walked over to him, kneeling down and wrapping an arm around him. “I know. It’s okay. Just let it out, Jan.”

“I fucking hate him! Why’d he have to leave us!?” Janus cried. This had actually been the first time Remus had seem him crying over this. He knew it happened, he just never saw it himself. Remus wiped at his eyes.

“I-I don’t know, Jan.” Remus said, his voice shaking.

Soon Janus had stopped crying, shaking as he stood up. Remus got up, following him. He watched as Janus dropping his cape, tugging the hoodie on.

“Where did you get it?”

“Found it in the trash.” Janus mumbled. Remus’s eyes darkened with sadness, both of them sharing the thought of how Virgil is quickly moving on. Janus sat on his bed, Remus joining him.

“He’s not coming back.” Remus whispered pitifully.

Janus could only nod.

-there will be no part 2. Sorry.
-I guess you could look at this as what happened before the last 3 chapters, but that isn't its intention.
-more angst to come.
-here's some art for this chapter. It's  poorly drawn Janus in a plain bedroom. Can't judge me, it's 4 AM.

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