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Happy Really Late Halloween

Ughhh I did not know how to start this.

Also made them married in this bc it'll hurt more LMAOO

Tw: Cursing, cheating, yelling, crying

"Hey, Lo?" Roman gently knocked on their bedroom door, where Logan was standing at his desk.

"Yes, Roman?" Logan hummed, putting some things into a bag.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out today? We haven't gone out in a while." Roman leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms.

"I can't today. I have to go in for work." Logan finished putting his things away, fixing his tie before grabbing the bag, walking over to Roman. "Maybe sometime next week, okay?"

Roman frowned, though nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, okay. Next week."

Logan gave a small smile, pressing a short kiss to his forehead before he left.

Roman chewed the inside of his lip, looking around before he sighed heavily, quickly getting ready.


"You've been in a good mood lately, Roman." Logan smiled as he watched Roman sing as he cooked dinner. "It's nice."

"Yeah, I've been feeling really good." Roman nodded, making two plates, setting one on his spot, handing the other to Logan.

"Thats good." Logan took the plate gratefully. "Would you like to go to the mall today?"

"I thought you hated the mall." Roman grinned, obviously wanting to go.

"I do. Would you like to go?"

Roman nodded excitedly, quickly finishing his food to go get ready. Logan smiled, finishing his food and going to their room, where Roman was putting his shoes on. Logan was already dressed, having just gotten home from work.

"Okay, I'm ready!"


The mall is how it always is; crowded, loud, unsanitary, and an all together not fun experience.

For Logan.

For Roman, the mall was one of the best places to be. There were shops, people, food, everything you need.

As the day went on, Roman dragged Logan through every shop, getting what he needed (and what he wanted).

While Logan hated the experience but he loved how happy Roman looked, so he kept his complaints silent.

Soon enough, Logan found himself wanting to go to a store as well. "I'll be back in a moment, Roman."

Roman nodded and continued shuffling through the clothes.

Logan walked into the electronic store, looking for... A-hah! The Epson ColorWorks printer!

Logan hauled up the box. It was a little pricey, but the office definitely needed a new one. Their current one was a crappy Canon Pixma TS3160, that one of the coworkers got at a yard sale.

Logan paid and went back to the other store, searching around for Roman.

"...would look great on you, by the way! You definitely should get it!"

"Oh, thanks! I guess I'll consider it." Romans voice said teasingly. Logan followed the voice, seeing Roman talking to a man.

"Well, I have to get going but it was great seeing you again, Roman. We should hang out soon!"

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