Chapter 44 Joining

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*Evil Issei's Office*

Katase, Aika, Murayama, Motohama & Matsuda just stare at Evil Issei & Sabrina

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Katase, Aika, Murayama, Motohama & Matsuda just stare at Evil Issei & Sabrina.

"I bet you all have questions. AND! Before you speak, let me tell you what you all need to know. I was once a devil serving as a pawn for Rias. She and the ORC are devils. So is Sona and the rest of the student council. If you think that's bullshit or something. Then let Sabrina show her dragon wings." Evil Issei says.

Sabrina shows her dragon wings. The five look surprised.

"Not enough? Then look behind me at the window." Evil Issei says.

The five look hesitaten but does what Evil Issei ask and check out the window. They walk towards the window and widen their eyes. First of the Dragons was eating it's breakfast. It looks at the window and sees the five staring. They back away from the window.

"What you saw was a real dragon. They are part of the supernatural word. Humans don't know about it since their memories are either erased or tampered with to prevent the information being leaked. God is dead. There is a group known as the Khaos Brigade that has many supernatural beings and humans. They are a terrorist group. Recently, we lost someone named Maria was the 2nd leader of this alliance that was made with her mentor. I brought you five because I want you to join me under my wing. Sure we had problems and this is a lot to process. But trust me, it would be safe in your case. We declared war with the Khaos Bridge and the three fractions that consist of angels, fallen angels and devils." Evil Issei explains.

"But why?" Katase asks.

"Rias attacked the mermaid princess and her bestfriend when Maria didn't give an answer about Issei. That broke the agreement they had." Sabrina says.

"I chose you five for certain reason. One, Motohama and Matsuda are my friends. Two, you three had talent. It could be useful if trained properly. Three, I don't normally say this but I actually care about you five. Don't ask why. Just take the answer." Evil Issei says.


"And what about our families?" Murayama asks.

"They'll be protected. Of course, we'll have to alter their memory if they get involved." Sabrina says.

"So are you like.... the bad guys?" Aika asks.

"In a way. The leader has a grudge with Rias family. I want Rias dead. She said that she regret saving me. I happened to die by a fallen angel and Rias saved me by turning me into a devil." Evil Issei says.

"And what happens if we don't join?" Katase asks.

"Well, we'll have to erase your memory of any of this and what happens out there is beyond my hands. Most likely, you'll die in the war if the Khaos Brigade fights recklessly. They tend to see people as collateral damage." Evil Issei says.

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