Chapter 15.5: The Løv&l#y Times

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Jackson's Perspective

     It was great, light from the sun raining in from the unobstructed windows

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It was great, light from the sun raining in from the unobstructed windows. The refracting light all around with the love of my life sleeping against me on the eggshell couch. Blue hair wafting in the calm indoor breeze.
It felt like my soul was calm, something I can always go back to. Even if I loose my cool or in a pit of despair - I feel like I can always return to this moment.

It was almost as if everything began to shift as children began to run around. Their features were kinda fuzzy, but that didn't stop me from nuzzling them.
I'm not 100% sure on why, but my tail swayed back and forth like a jet engine. Rapid flicks within the air as I couldn't contain my pure joy.

 Rapid flicks within the air as I couldn't contain my pure joy

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Another weird shift as it was just Percy and I again. We were able to just cuddle. No distractions, no work or worries. Just the moment.
Tropical trees and air complimenting the sunset. I just laid back to bask with the feeling like nothing could come between us, nothing could harm us.
Then there was this pit inside me. It felt cold as the light dimmer into a vast darkness.

 It felt cold as the light dimmer into a vast darkness

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"Percy!!" No response. "Percy!!!" With only silence and darkness constricting. I couldn't hold in my utter terror. It felt like something trying to grasp my throat. The pressure was unbearable. No matter my efforts, there was nothing there. I tried swinging but it's almost as if they all missed.
My legs flailed as I could hear my heart pounding in my head. Senses dulling until the presence of someone else appeared.
The darkness that surrounded and strangled me was pulled into a single point. I fell to the floor wheezing, struggling to look up.
There was my older brother with his innocent smile. He strolled over and tapped my nose with his finger, the smile still plastered to his face. I knew he would never, but it felt like he was mocking me.
My uncontrolled fist went right through the large bundle of black as he turned into a puff of smoke.
The pink mist surrounded me as the environment changed again. The it was back to morning with Percy snuggling up to me.
The talk we had last night was touching. I see Percy as my rock, but I'm sure he relies on me as much as I do him. While I kind of feel a bit jealous, I understand that his friends Levi was very dear to him. If I have to hug him for eternity to make him feel just a tad bit better, I will.

I couldn't tell exactly how long we just stayed in silence - watching the outside with cars speeding dow roads down below. The people looking like ants that couldn't bother with our time together.
Birds singing their tunes and dancing within the sky. Black wings soaring smoothly along the horizon until I noticed a single, large black feather had materialized on top of a box.

 Black wings soaring smoothly along the horizon until I noticed a single, large black feather had materialized on top of a box

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Opening it revealed the crystal my mother gave me.

     I remember it looking great with decent luster and not too many broken pieces

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I remember it looking great with decent luster and not too many broken pieces. But now? It was completely shattered. The only worse would probably be if the tiny fragments were ground into dust and splayed all over the floor.
A terrible 'caw' came from right outside the window with a large crow flying, staring straight down my soul.

Caleb's Perspective
Walking down these streets is horribly ineffective. Why don't these mortals just use their Magic? That's how it works in the Demon Realm, just use your powers to go along. No real traffic or anything. And carrying these groceries is annoying. 🙄
I saw someone me interesting walking down the opposing side. I'm sure it was one of the Hunters I was told to be wary of, though his clothing made it hard to tell for sure. I believe his name was.. Noah?


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