Chapter 2: Great News!!!(?)

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Well, guys, this is a way longer chapter than it was going to be originally, but let's see how it goes. 😋 I hope everyone is doing great and I know, for some, school may be starting up soon, I believe in you all!!! 🥰

Percy's Perspective
Jackson's butt was clearly outlined in his military pants. In a complete, hypnotic gaze I walked right into the mound of muscle. God dang it!
"Hey, Purce. You alright?" His voice showing genuine concern.
     "Y-yeah!!! Of course, why wouldn't I be!!!" I just wanted to curl up and die from embarrassment. I was swept off my feet like a feather and easily sat onto his shoulder.
I love the feeling of his muscles as well as the breeze from up here. Wow. I never really thought about how beautiful it is here.
From the elevated height, I noticed a familiar ball of stiff fur.

     From the elevated height, I noticed a familiar ball of stiff fur

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My hand waved vigorously in the light beaming down. "Tyler!" His attention was surely grabbed as he jogged up to us. My shoulder cramping a bit another workout today.
     Ears drooping and mellow voice told me lots of things. "Hey, guys."
     "Is there something wrong, Ty?" Jackson had known him longer than I have and immediately questioned. Though with the bass in his voice, I thought he may have commanded him to answer.
     I could see the internal strife as the white bundle hesitated and Jack let me down. "I'm going to see my new Hunter Instructor, but I just feel inadequate. I had a great, Continental-Class Instructor, and I'm probably getting a Covenant..."
"Oh, come on, Ty. Covenant-Class doesn't mean anything. First off, most people get one-"
It was the first time he'd cut me off like this, "Yeah, but I've trained everyday and have marks well above most of the students in SunRain!!! I should be at least getting a Country-Class..."
I made sure my tone was calm and voice smooth before responding, "Don't forget, you don't know who the new Hunter is, maybe it's for compatibility."
     "Y-yeah. You're right..."
     "Oh, hey, Jax."


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     Woah. It's Ryu! He paused once Tyler turned around. "Ah! I remember you! You were to be my Hunting Protégé." Tyler's normal, serious body language transformed into a skittish animal's. "Man, I really wanted to have you as my student, but I had things to do..." He sighed regretfully. "But I'm sure your new instructor is a lot better for your growth."
     The Continental-level Hunter gave his signature, soft smile. Ryu is one of the most popular of all the Hunters in America. Fan girls gawk at all hours on social media for his charming features, cool attitude, and great combat ability.
     Tyler, on the other hand, was anything but cool. He was shuddering like a leaf in winter wind. "Sorry, Ryu. He's just shy sometimes." Jackson tried being Ty's saving grace with his statement.
     "Don't worry." He smiled again before walking off. As he did so, he spoke aloud, "I'm sure you'll love your new instructor, I give him almost perfect marks!" He waved without turning, continuing as the crowd flowed around him like he had a barrier. This didn't stop people from taking pictures though..
     For Ryu to think so highly of this person, they must have done something incredible! "Hey! Tyler! You heard!?" He was still standing in a daze before awakening. "He said he wanted to be your teacher and that his replacement is awesome, so don't get down, okay!?"
     "Y-yeah! You're right!"

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