Chapter 9.5: High School Regret?

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This chapter won't have any pictures, sorry. 😅 I couldn't find any pics that depict younger versions of the characters. Also, after this chapter, I can drop Sid for a while. Holy crap, he's just a giant bundle of trauma and deceit... Luckily, I'm dumping most of that here.

Obsidian's Perspective
"RINNGGG!!" I rang a doorbell with my feet shuffling on the mat that read, 'Sluts are Welcome in the Back'. Well, bad taste stays as that I guess. 😅
     I particularly disliked how I couldn't hear anything beyond the walls. Is it soundproof? I felt like I ran around the planet - small pants of anticipation accompanied with doubts of me being here began crawling up like a swarm of spiders.
     I felt hanging regret in the back of my mind. Why did I even come here?

     Being in high school was tough, but my very first impression was amazing. Josiah was quite a bit smaller then, but I don't recall ever smiling much anyway - but boy - did I fall in love with him immediately.
I particularly liked how he was significantly larger than most people at the school, even as a junior at the time. It was like he could easily curl up over me from everything that came my way... though, I quickly realized that while he was way nicer than what his face lets on, he's not really the romantic-type. 😓
He also had family drama and we vented with each other the two years we were both there.

I still feel like shooting myself when I think back on the first time he ask for my name. I saw him from afar after I got off the bus - then looking away when I started feeling weird. Woah, woah, woah!! Am I gay?
I was just dumbstruck when I realized he was coming towards me. "My name is Josiah Parlisan. I'm here to escort you around. What's your name?"
     "ob... Sidi-an." I wanted to die just to get out of this embarrassing moment that I knew should haunt me for my life.
     "Sidcy?" He questioned. I tried correcting him, but he cut in with, "Well, come on then."
     While showing me around, I could tell he was using as few words as possible, but I was hooked on every syllable he uttered, not a sound went to waste with his deep, milky tone. 🤤 Back on track...
     I saw a familiar person pop up. Ryu was leaning on lockers with a phone in his hand. "Hey, Josiah. How's it going- oh!! Haven't seen you in a while Obsidian."
     "You know Sidcy?"
     The instant face of mockery appeared on his grey, sly face. "Sidcy!!?" His cackling seemed never ending with me trying not to hide behind my backpack. "Anyway, Josiah, why is the number one of the school on escort duty, and why the heck don't you know his name as his guide?"
     A large sigh escaped his esophagus like he was getting ready to make a live speech. "They said it'd be good for me as a 'gifted' student to help new students, especially since I don't do many extracurricular activities. They only gave me a picture since they wanted me to get to know him better on my own."
     At that point, I could tell there was something wrong. Most likely, a counselor is involved and this was a way to spread his wings socially. His automated speaking pattern gave that away.
     All I knew, was that idiot had gone out to tell all his friends about my nickname as Sidcy. But my relationship with Josiah stayed stable, though I stopped crushing on him as hard. And that's when Noah stepped into my life.

     We hit it off since we had some venting to get off our chests and my sister's and Josiah's friends were connected to him. Allie told me that I should stay away from since he was manipulative, so I tried not getting attached.
     I thought that could work - but the more I spent time with him, the more I fell in love. Great jokes and he even let me cry into him. I was still young, so he decided to wait a couple years til I was 16 my junior year. But all up til that time was amazing.
     He would protect me from those he said were bad news I had started hanging with since I really liked them. There were some nasty rumors with them so I made sure to just stick with Noah. I didn't want to be with bad influences like those degenerates...
     My sister kept insisting that he preyed on weaker guys all through high school, but not only was he hot, he let me cry, and protected me from bullies.

Once I was 16 he showed me a whole new world. 😏 Let me tell you, what he was, and is, packing down there is a lot larger than mine. I was kinda terrified at first. He was very careful as it was my first time, and with a guy no less, and god, was it amazing. Fireworks don't begin to describe the innate pleasure I felt. And he cared enough to let me squeeze his hand during the entire process so I could relax. ☺️

It wasn't until years later, when we lived together, I started to notice some... odd things. He started bringing some of his old friends over, and while I was reluctant, I gave into his pushed for me to experiment sexually. And, not going to lie, it was amazing, but I felt dirty after as well.
I told him about how the experience made me feel but he just said I'd get over it... I never did. Still great in the moment, but after was a type of guilt that I couldn't overcome. Disgust formed and it was deadly weapon aimed right at myself. I'm horrible for liking it and I'm horrible for what I did after...
About the same time he brought his friends over, he began to come home incredibly drunk. I didn't like how he was acting but still said 'yes' when he asked about sex. I don't know, I didn't really want to do it with someone I barely recognized... I guess I just didn't have the heart to say 'no' like it was my responsibility to care for him.
But I had to draw the line after he would grab the base of my tail when I finally had the guts to refuse his drunken advances. It felt like electricity running through my spine and brought back some unwanted memories. If it was once, twice - who am I kidding - I let him do it many times when I told him I didn't want to.
     I had to call the police on him, in which a lot of stuff had went down to get him under control. I'm just so freaking pathetic. One of the strongest people on the planet and can't even defend myself, I'm so useless!!

     I never got over him though. I still feel bad for not dealing with the problem myself. But I miss his hugs and when he tried to sing. 😂 It felt really wholesome, but I'm in love with Adriya now - and I need to fix things, I shouldn't have just left to live with my dad. Guess I am just a baby, sis...

Oh my god, finally - the 'Obsidian Arc' is now OFFICIALLY over and I can rest my freakin head and do more relatable topics or other characters. ☺️ If you guys made it through this chapter, you must be god. 😅 Hope you guys keep reading. 😉

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