I was bored, hElp-

9 0 6

She sighed once more. She really was in love, eh? Weird feeling. And for such a weirdo too! Like, he doesn't have any friends or anyone! Why would she like him?!


Maybe it was his calm and relaxed vibes...


Or maybe his cute way of talking about people...


Or was it that he made her feel really nice?...

Who knows.

She knows one thing though, she really does love him. No matter how much of a lonely dork he was, she lived him. I guess there was no way out now. Poor girl doesn't even know her own feelings anymore. He twisted her mind. His cute dorky face...

"I wish he could love a girl like me..."  She says In a distressed and sad tone. She understood that she really does like that man. "I wonder why and how he did this to me..."

As she starts a little crying period for herself, the man behind it comes up. "Hey, I know its late, but would you like to see something?"

"Yes, I'd love to!..." She swears in her head. She really embarrassed herself, didnt she?

Anyhow, Cato takes her to a place where they can look over the city. There is a little carpet they can sit on, and talk.

"Maybe even cuddle..." Laura thought to herself.

The cliff they were on was hidden behind a few bushes. There was a tree that hung above the carpet, and its branches hung over the carpet in a romantic way. There was plants and Flowers everywhere, It was so pretty! And also very romantic in a way.... What if he would tell her that he loved her here?! It would be so romantic! And- oh gosh, she was starting to fantasize stuff about him now ! This was not good! He probably only saw her as a Friend! She had to snap out of it! Now!

Luckily for Laura, Cato did not notice and was taking out of the bushes. He was way too busy to look at what Laura was doing. "Phew, that was too close.." She thought and sat on the small carpet.

Cato turned around with a bag that looked very stuffed. He sat down next to her, and put the bag between them. He opened it and it revealed that it was some food and a soda that they could eat. Turns out, Cato took her on a cliff to watch the sun go down and watch the stars. He even had a blanket in the bag too. It was very sweet of him. Out from the bag, he ended up taking out a soda, a beer, three bag of chips, a box of chocolate, a bag of popcorn, small paper plates and a blanket. It was... Impressive-

But, they spent the evening from there laying up against each other in the warm summer breeze. It was them and the food. Cato was curled up in a blanket and had sat Laura on his lap, also curled up. Laura also held something in her lap. The food.

Obviously, she got a little tired and asked Cato nicely if she was allowed to sleep on him. Cato gave her green light, and she closed her eyes, deep in her own thoughts.

Suddenly, a ton of criminals came out and tried to take Laura away! Cato could not let her be taken away and fought them off for a few hours. When he had finished, he could hear Laura whimper. She didn't have any heat source other than him and the blanket, so she was getting cold. Quickly, Cato jumped back into position and snuggled her tightly and-


Brad : "Mother says there is dinner now!"

Laura : "I am in the middle of something!!!"

Brad : "Too bad, mother doesn't like waiting!"

Laura : -Groans and leaves for dinner-

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