Not a dumb fucc joke:

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This is not a dumb fucc joke '^'


Poma / Poppet (First name was Poppy but now Poppet because yes) was created in 2017, and had one single purpose. Terrorise his brothers family.

As the years have gone by, he has got himself a good and interesting character for some. First description of him was;

-Everything horrible.

And it still kinda counts (?)

When i include Poma or Poppet in my book, he is a very easy to spot person. With his rude and dumb personality, he makes a good main bad guy. The guy who is the big boss. And i enjoy giving him that spotlight, cause he is quite lame compared to the big bad boss. His father. And i dont have a name for him, so ill call him Steve in this.

Poma had a pretty one headed backstory;

His father grapes Cato's mother. Boom boom, alive. Grew up with criminals and shit like that and now he doesnt know how to live a normal life.

Poma is not everything bad, he is the scary reality of what Cato, scientifically speaking, would have turned out to be.

A child under constant abuse, will not live a good life. They will hurt others the same way they were hurt, even worse probably. And thats why Poma is here. He is what Cato would have been if we are talking about real life. So Poma is not everything bad. He thinks he is. Poma is a guy who has lived a childhood in pain, anger, fright, and sadness. He doesnt know what is bad and what isnt, he just does it. And that is Poma for ya.

Poma is a guy built up on pain and agony. And thats how he will stay.

But, this doesnt mean he cant feel stuff for others. A story i am planning on writing explains how Poma feels about certain stuff. About how he gets a choice between the people who care about him or the one he loves. And how he reacts to it. Because, no matter how many shells of pain and agony there is on him, he is still, deep inside, just a kid in need of help, but never got it.

And its too late to change that.

That was about the insides of Poma, now let me talk about how he looks.

Poppet, le robot, is like Puppet, A marionette. The difference being, Poppet is so striped, he looks like a Zebra on crack.

In my AU, a marionette gets a stripe each time they did a fuck up in their live. So, as Poppet is the guy with reality hopped onto his back, he is very striped.

Or, actually in his early production, he was striped for the only reason to not be seen as Le Puppetos. But now he has a reason to be striped, so haha--

Anyhow, because of the fact that Puppets human body is african black, Poppet gets a latino like skin colour. Because I cant give someone striped skin. So, in human form. Poma is latino because his parents had their own skin colour each. One black, one white. Just like his body as Robot.

While there isnt much to how Poma looks, i want you to imagine a latino skinned guy with dark brown hair, which looks fucked up, contact lenses in black and white, a very Mafia like outfit worn and a normal glock as weapon. Thats how i want you to see him as. Mafia guy with a fucked up hair style :3

I do not have more to add to him, so you can ask questions and ill gladly answer them if i havent included the answer here. Thank you.


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