Dragon Princess

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This is an old oneshot, and i will probably re-write it since it was decent, but i wont change the names here so sorry.


"Hey Puppet" Ballora said and pulled his shirt.

"What's up?" Puppet said as he placed down the sword, he was polishing for Ennard.

"Are you going to be there at the wedding?" She said and sat next to him.

"Sorry Bal, I am not royal, I am not allowed to come with" Puppet said and gave her a sad look.

"But you're my left-hand man!" Ballora said and hugged him. "If i am going to get married to such a guy, can they at least give me my best friend"

"Sorry" He said. "But i promise you, if Ennard hurts you I will quit"

"Don't do that! I want you to stay here!" Ballora said.

"I will not work for someone who is hurting my friend" Puppet said.

"But then you will leave meeeeeee" She said.

"I'll take you with me then! That way, we both get away from him!" He said and took her hands. "And then we will fly away"

Ballora giggles. "Fly? Only birds can do that"

"I feel like im flying with you, Bal! Up in the skies, looking down at a beautiful landscape!" Puppet said and spread his arms as he stood up.

Ballora started laughing and then joined him.

Though, her joy was short as someone grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"My daughter having fun with one of our own slaves?!" Justin said.

"Sorry dad..." Ballora said as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"What does sorry mean!?" He said and looked into her eyes.

"That you won't do it again..." Ballora said.

"Why is this then the fiftieth time im doing this?" Her father said.

"Because he is my best friend" Ballora said.

"FEMALES AND MALES CAN'T BE BEST FRIENDS!" Her father screamed at her.

"BUT WHY?!" She yelled back, not realizing her mistake.

But it was too late. She got a hard punch in the stomach and fell on the floor.

"Never, EVER talk back to me!" He yelled at her. She took herself to the stomach in pure pain and agony.

Her father left her there in pain. Some other female slaves ran over and got her up. They helped her get back on her feet. Ballora hated him and no wonder why.

She was put in a room with a billion white dresses. They needed to see which one would fit the best for the wedding that she did not even want to go to. But it was her wedding, so she had to do it. Whether it was forced or not...

They found a pretty white dress that went more and more blue the longer it went down. There was painted white and pastel blue flowers on. The flowers were white roses, the hair had been set up in a ponytail and had been curled. It was beautiful to say the least.

When the day finally arrived and she was walking down the aisle, she felt more and more chained by every step she took. She knew that marrying this man meant that she could not have opinions, or choices for that matter! She just wanted to be like Puppet. Free and able to run around. Yes, he was not rich and could not do as much, but freedom!

She looked at her right side. There stood her brothers and sisters. They looked at her in a proud but depressing way. They knew that Ballora was going away. Just a matter of time. On her left, Ennard's family stood. They looked formal and honestly, did not care about the fact that she was getting married.

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