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[Marie and Ionet arent dead yet so like yay]

[Also if your confused, Marieand Ionet have recently been hit by a car and are in, what they didnt know at that time, their death bed]

"Daddy?.." Marie says with a weak voice "Are you there?.."

"I am always here sweetie" Cato smiled at her as he rubbed her cheek.

"Promise me?.." Marie said and hugged Cato's hand.

"I will promise you that" He says calmly.

"Thanks... Can you promise me something else too?..." Marie asks her father.

"Yeah sure" Cato responds.

He can feel Marie start to shake and slowly cry. She was obviously really upset, and he himself feeling weak and powerless that moment.

"I wont die here, right?.." Marie asks as her voice gets all wobbly and weak with every word.

Cato looks at his first born, his daughter, his little sunshine and his blob. He wish he could say yes, luckily he couldnt say no either. It was a 50/50 chance, an dhe hated that.

He tried to form some words but his mouth and tongue didnt work. He could feel himself getting more... blue?.. Anyhow, he didnt like that feeling and tried his best all the time to say a word, but what words could work to her?

He sighed in sadness and looked at his seven year old daughter.

"Yes sweetie, this is your mini vacation. We know you and Ionet wont die! You guys are too strong for that." He says and smiles while feeling his daughter getting better.

But, even her happy little noise, made the white empty room filled with get well wishes fromf riends and family, feel more painfull than ever.

"You are right Daddy" She happily says "We are the strongest family, and this is just a little bump in the road for our amazing ride in life!"

Cato got an empty feeling as her heard her say that. He really didnt want her to die. Noone did. Not even his father. But that wa sprobabky because he wanted to sell her as a slave, but whatever-

Marie yawns and snuggles his hand a little. "Goodnight papa"

Cato smiles at her "Goodnight blobbie"

Cato got his hand back and was halfway through the door, when he heards Maries little weak voice.

"I love you daddy" She said.

Cato almost in tears answers "I love you too Marie. Even if you wont be what you will be again. Even if you wont like me in the future" He goes out of the door and closes it.

"Even if you die" he whispers to himself and leaves the hospital.

Marie quietly yawns and gets comfortable. She suddenly hears her fathers voice again, but different.

"Marie. You arent sick anymore. You arent chained tot his bed. Your family's ride will contiue, but yours is over." Someone said.

Marie looks up, and sees a large room. It looks like her room, but, better! She is laying in her own bed! She is home! But, why was she home now?

"Where am I? Who are you?" She asks.

"This is your afterlife. And, i am your guardian angel. And now, i ask you. Dont you wanna stay?" Her Guardian angels answers and asks.

"I wanna stay here, but, i dont wanna leave my family..." Marie answers.

The guardian angel smiles and pats her head and says something that makes Marie realize something.

"I wish i could take you back, but i cant."

[Im sorry for the cringe i got damn bored]

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