''Let me sleep god dang it!''

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Around midnight had Cato gotten home, his boss was a stupid beach sometimes, and now he just wanted to sleep closely to Laura.

''You dont look too good Cato'' Laura asked worried ''You arent usually so late home...''Cato just sighed and answered ''Right now i just wanna sleep, ill tell tommorov''

Laura (that just had taken a shower) changed, while Cato fwoped into bed.

Then remembered his boss had told him and his Co-workers to write something nice about him. Cato went deep in his thoughts.

Whats one good thing about him.... he thought for himself. His thoughts got crashed when Laura layed right next to him, and give him her ''Bad day'' expression.

''you'd be surprised, but i cant go to bed yet, im suppossed to write somthing nice about him...'' he said exhaustet as he was. ''jesus Cato, thats a tuff one'' Laurasaid joking and worried.

The magical TIMESKIP

Cato had just finished his work, and looked at his deep sleeping wife,She is the most innocent thing, not just by her reactions, but she shows it aswell Cato said to himself while crawling into bed.

And just when he got in a comfortable position, the front door got opened.

''oh god dang it, not now''  he said to himself while dragging himself up from the bed.

Catos brother (Poma) had decided to come to his house, not only that but also drunk. Cato was swearing to himself, while he carried his brother into the basement, locking the door afterwards.

Poma wanted to sleep with Laura, becaue he wanted to spend his life knowing she loved him. Which was the reason he never got to sleep with her.

Then Poma realized Cato was mad, and let out an ice cold scream, waking Laura, Michael, Nick, Reedah and Natasja up. Natasja as more crying, because she thought Cato had been murdered, but Poma was just trying to pizz him even more off. Yes of corse was Cato pizzed, he didnt throw him down, but rather flung him in, locking the door behind.

Laura walked past cato as she was heading for Natasja, who was still screaming and crying in fear.

''Is papa d-dead?'' Natasja said while sobbing. ''Dont worry he is all fine, it was just uncle Poma, that wanted to make him mad'' Laura answered calmly. Cato walked in, trying to se how it was going, only to get some what jumpscared by his daughter. She was still crying, and it hurts to see you creation like that. So he decided to let her and her siblings sleep with them. Michael didnt wanna he slept fine in is room, but they dragged him into their bed anyways.

Another lovely timeskip pass as been used

A loud thud was heard, and Cato woke up even more tired, not wanting to open the doors for the humans, who where mostly going to die sooner or later. But they made a lot of noise, so he went over to lock the door, to the bedroom and the front door. Then Poma ran by him, like speed and took the Minireenas, from their night sleep.

Cato just simply tense leg for him. He tripped and landed straight on the ground. The children as calm as they could be just walked back into the room, except for Michael who started heading to his room.

''You will be back i know'' Cato said calmly.

Poma had just broken the lock to the basement, so now Cato flung him out of the house, non-caring about how much that must have hurted.

he is ruining his own body anyways Cato said annoyed, knowing that he took dugs yesterday, because he was hyper when he tried to marry Laura.

Finally he could go to bed. Laura rested her head on his chest, letting him know that she appreciated him a lot. Cato just kissed her goodnight giving a little smirk, knowing that Laura trusted him fully, and that she choosed him.

And about 2 hours later the Alarm clock rang, and Cato letted out a big groan, knowing he had to go to work again.

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