Forest monster

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She was panting heavily. Her legs could not keep up much longer and soon she was going to be another victim. She could not keep running any longer and ended up being cornered in a stone cave. The creature was not small enough to get in, and she was safe for a while until it would released its 'minions'. Was this going to be the way she would die? Stuck in a cave with the ugliest beast in the world outside ready to slaughter her? Well, there was no doubt that she was upset about this. She slowly curled into a ball and laid on the ground and started to sob.

Who was going to safe her now?


It was an average day in the little village. Adults would be working, and kids would be selling their parents creations. Some kids were running around with no home, and some adults were on the streets being good for no one.

Laura was a woman who worked at jewelry store. At day, she would make the most loveable and adoring jewelry, and at night she would pitch new jewelry for tomorrow. She enjoyed what she lived and would not change a thing about it. She had loveable co-workers, who all appreciated her hard work, and happy buyers who admired her jewelry's beauty for each day. She was married with a man named Poma, who seemed to not really care about her or her happiness. But she felt the same way towards him. She did not even get to pick a husband she suddenly just woke up with him.

Luckily for her, Poma had a nice family who cared about her a lot. Her favorite was her mother-in-law and her step brother-in-law. They supported every jewelry and did their best to help with the ideas, designs or even in the making of them. Poma would not work with his family, he would travel the world with left over jewelry from last year, and come back on 29 December, only to leave the next day with the left-over jewelry. Though, Laura did not mind. She did not have to be with him for that sake, so she was all good there.

Anyhow, Laura was making her newest piece of art when her Step brother-in-law came running from the woods. He was sent out to get some water, but it seemed that something or someone had scared him. Not only scared him, but there were marks all over his body. Everything from teeth marks to claws was on his body. His clothes were torn to shreds and destroyed. He was panting heavily and shaking. He could not form a single sentence, except for; "Its coming, we need to hide.".

Laura looked into his eyes and tried to get him back to earth. They poured the last water they had onto him, they slapped him across the face, but he was all gone. Laura was frightened and did not know what to do or how to react. But she did know that whatever was lurking between the woods and had scared Cato this way, was definitively a threat.

Cato was in shock for the rest of the week, and sometimes he would stare into the ceiling with no motion or movement. He would not even blink. But when he came to himself, he was not the same supporting and adventurist man as he was before. He would not speak or have any type of conversation with the rest of his family. He could yes be working, but he would not do eye contact or even look at them. Laura was upset in a lot of ways. He used to always help her with the long nights and gave her countless of ideas, but now he would not even look at her.

The other villagers got curious and started thinking of ways to make him talk. They needed to know what had happened and what he had seen. What creature it was, and what scared him so much about it.

They first started with an exorcist, but that did not help.

They then tried bribing him, did not work either.

After that they tried doing torture methods to make him talk, but he would not say a word.

At last, they gave up and Cato could go back home from the torture chamber he was locked up in. These attempts did not help or showed any affection towards Cato, but they made him more silent and personal. As all hope seemed lost, a homeless man decided to volunteer to go out and come face to face with the creature and tell them about what it was.

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