AU kidsbegon'

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Au kidsbegon' (dont blame me, i loved the joke)

Laura was walking to the Kitchen when she saw Poma sitting with his back turned at the dinner table.

"What are you doing here?! Get out!" She yells at him in a slightly irrritated and worried voice.

"Im eating dinner, relax." Poma says unaffected. "ill leave when im done, i promise."

Laura was silent for a moment before she finally saw the bloodied kitchen and what scarred her the most. Michael, Nick and Reedah. Stuffed in a bag like animals. Like fucking animals. She felt her stomach start doing gymnastics and her throat stopped functioning.  She could feel giant puddles of tears fall from her eyes. Her own creation. Her own master piece. Gone. Forever. She cried out Pomas named and turned to him. She ran over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him off the chair. Poma fell to the ground with a huge thud, and on the plate where he had been eating, Natasja was laying. She had been cut open and her organs were eaten. Something in Laura broke that day. Seeing that made everything freeze. She could feel her head slowly turning to the blood bag of where the rest of her kids were in and she felt dead inside. Like something inside of her just stopped. She felt weak. Defenseless. Dumb. And whatever not. She thought her kids were just playing loudly, but they were being slaughtered.

How stupid could she be.







"You... I..." Laura was at a loss for words. She felt like the light switch inside of her had been turned off. Her throat tightened and she could feel her eyes water even more. "You.... You... You..." She started loudly crying not being able to understand it. Poma would never have done this! He was not that crazy! And yet, here we are. She heard fast foot steps on the stairs, and in came Cato, who immediatly laying his eyes on the scene stopped dead. She turned to Poma who was throwing the blood bag over his shoulder and whistling 90's love songs. Before he could do anything else, She grabbed the butcher knife he had been using and sprinted towards him. Before understanding the unlucky situation, Pomas neck had been split open and he fell dead to the ground. She didnt feel like Laura anymore. It was like something else was controlling her. She sat down on Pomas stomach and split it open. She ripped and tore with her own hands every organ, every muscle, every blood vain in the way to his back. She used the knife to butcher his back up, and finally Cato snapped out of it and took his wife off his brothers stomach. The moment she felt herself being lifted from the corpse and into Catos chest she broke down crying. 

"THAT FUCKING PSYCHOPATH!" She cried and held him tightly. "HE JUST- HE JUST-" It was hopeless, no matter what she said or did, nothing could undo the damage that had been done. it was too late. They were gone.

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