Asylum (Oneshot)

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"We should make him a keeter, sir! Everybody else we keep in here are afraid of him!" said the female voice with a worried tune.

"Lolita..." Said another voice, just male. "He is a safe class"

"One, stop calling me Lolita. Two, he might be dangerous!" She said again.

"The spirit talker is a safe class! He hasn't done anything horrible against them. He probably just freaked them out!" The male voice snapped back.

They started arguing, while he looked over at Michio. Michio was his 'spiritual' friend. He had many of them, they were all 'dead'.

But if they didn't exist, why could he then see them? He looked out of the one window he had. This asylum was tuff, and nobody had escaped. Or no one with a body at least... His spiritual friends would leave and talk about what happened outside.

Puppet went to sleep even though it was noon. His friends told him that something was going to happened soon and that he needed as much sanity as he could.

He woke up by somebody having a whip and swung it right next to his head.

"Get up! We need to have a test with you." He said. It was just Yetis. The guy that makes sure every test is going smoothly.

"Oh, Michio said that something special was going to happened. I hope its worth wasting my time" said 'The Spirit Talker'.

Yetis brought him to a place with strong walls. It was just all white. There was one window, like in his cell. But Blake was only using it to see how the tests went. Next to was, his secretary. Her name wasn't really Lolita, but he would just call her that because he liked her reactions. His friends had spied that out of him. He probably liked her.

"Run the test" He said through a microphone.

He got tied up and then Yetis started swinging the whip around him. He found it annoying and calmly told him to stop it, though he didn't.

Then he started hitting him. After some time, 'The Spirit Talker' got mad and started to try to break out of the chains. Yetis just continued, not knowing that he was poking a stick at the lion.

When he finally broke out, he quickly grabbed the whip and ripped it out of his hands.

Yetis was about to pull out his weapon, when 'The Spirit Talker' hit him right behind his head, making him scream in pain. 'The Spirit Talker' continued no matter how much he screamed.

A lot of guards got into action to stop this maniac. It took them around an hour putting him down and fifteen men, while Yetis lost too much blood and was put to his death bed.

'Lolita' had freaked out at the start to end. She had Begged Blake to "Stop it" and "Quit it" because its pure torture.

After that experience 'The Spirit Talker' never trusted anyone, but Lolita. Why? She had tried to stop the pain he was in, while the others would just watch and take notes.

Nobody should get near him. Nobody should give him his food. Only 'Lolita' had the rights to.

|-|Five months later|-|

'Lolita' was about to send 'The Spirits Talker's food down when the fire alarm went on.

She started doing what she was supposed to do. Let everybody out of the cage so the security could do the rest.

When she had reached the last door, she got a headache. She had inhaled too much smoke and was on the edge of dying.

Everything around her became smoke and warm. She just opened 'The Spirit Talker's cell, when she blacked out.

She could feel the fire burning around her. It was hard to breathe, and it was like if life was trying to tell her to get up from her body.

Suddenly, she felt somebody carrying her. It holds her tightly and covers her mouth and nose to stop the smoke.

All the sudden she couldn't feel anything. Then she could hear.

Beep... Beep... Beep... "She survived with luck" Somebody said. "If she had inhaled more smoke she would've died on the spot."

She tried opening her eyes, but it was kind of hard to do. Finally, she saw a little light. Then she saw more colours. Then she saw her friend Darry. Darry was the most innocent bean in the world. So, she would sometimes --Just for fun-- call him Darry the Teddy.

"Look! She is awake!" His little brother said and pulled his little sister's arm.

Both Darry and Signe looked over. They seemed relieved and told her everything that Darry had seen.

"Well, 'The Spirit Talker' had carried you out. He had held his hand on your face so that you wouldn't breathe more smoke" He said with a smile. "As soon as he got out, he handed you to the doctors and just stood there, waiting to get taken down by the guards"

"Doesn't it just sound romantic Laura?!" Signe said.

"Kind of I guess" Laura said and took herself to the head. "What happened to him afterwards?"

"Well," Darry said. "We took him down; he was surprisingly calm of a keeter to be honest. Our Keeter and Safe classes are at another asylum until ours is fixed. That means we also work there."

"Oh, well thanks for telling me about it all" Laura said and sat up. "I own an apology to him, don't i?"

"Yea" Signe said. Then her brother went. "We also found out the others call him 'Rabbi' and 'Lucifer'. Didn't even know if that's a name, honestly"

"Shut up Shiron!" Signe went.

The next week when Laura was back, she went over to where 'Lucifer's cell was.

"Hi Lucifer, if I should call you that" She went.

'Lucifer' turned his head with an 80-degree angle.

"Uhm... I came here to thank you for saving my life"

"No worries. Come here Laura, I want you to see something."

"Oh? Okay? How do you know my name?" Laura said and walked closer to him.

"Radcliff told me what your name is" He said and took his hand out to show welcomes. Laura realized that he wasn't really going to hurt her. The only time he hurt somebody it was because they literally tortured him.

She sat right next to him and 'Lucifer' took his arm around her. Suddenly he pulled her close to him and then she saw things.

"W-Who are they?" Laura stuttered as she pointed on Gabriel, Michaela, Grace, Michio and Radcliff.

"They are my friends" He said. He started telling her about them and what they did.

"Gabriel is deaf so you can't communicate using your voice. He is quite nice. Michaela is Japanese, luckily, she can speak fluent English. Grace is from Romania, she can't speak English, but she can speak Arabic. Michio is just a normal French man that travels a lot, while Radcliff finds information about people"

Laura was so confused. She was seeing real dead people float around. It was quite fascinating. She spends the rest of the day talking with the dead people.

Maybe it wasn't so bad being with 'Lucifer' after all...

"Oh and, me Cato" Cato said and smiled to Laura.

Laura nods in response and continues her day. But a bit happier, knowing that Cato never lied about what he saw. He wasn't even crazy.

I hope they would talk again soon. Maybe when she got another break?

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