We are nearing the end

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Reedah : "Ali? Slither?"

Ali : "Mhm?"

Slither : "Whatsup?"

Reedah : "I think, We are nearing the end?"

Slither : "What makes you say that?"

She starts crying as the black hole takes her in with the two others. This was the end.

"You cant end it like that! Its too depressing" >:/

Shut up its my story

"And im innit, so stop'

No >;P

"I dont wanna die like this"

Noone wants to die


Look, this is chapter 197, what do you expect me to do?

"new book???"

No :/

"why not"

Because i said so, and im the author


Who cares >:(

"Please, you still wanna make this dumb fuc jokes, let me live"


"So, please?" :3

No, i wont U-U


No, i say no to this >:/

"Why?!" >:(

Because i have other stuff to do >:(((((((


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