Two criminals, one lover.

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"It was may the fourth at 23PM that the murder struck, they say" The news reporter said. "The woman, Mary, was an old cult member of the mysterious cult who calls themselves UNB. She was married with a male called Jacob, who was also a part of the cult. He explains that he was also thinking of leaving the cult when his wife had."

The reporter obviously didnt care, you could see it in his eyes and the way he spoke. Laura sighed and hugged the large pillow. When her boyfriend heard that Jacob had thoughts about leaving, he needed to go 'talk' with him.

Laura knew that William was going to torture the poor guy until he finally died.

Poor Jacob.. Laura tells herself. She didnt actually like William, but if she didnt wanna be with him, she was going to be the next sacrifice.

She sighedout of hope, and looked outside. If she was being honest, she thought that their assasin was more attractive and nicer than William, but who knows what William would do to him if he found out..

Feeling hopeless, she laid herself into bed and silently cried herself to sleep. The next ritual was tomorrow, and if Jacob survived William, he would be the sacrifice.

Laura knew Jacob and Mary well. The three people were best friends, and told eachother everything. Thats why her friends joined the cult. They wanted to make her happier, because her boyfriend didnt want strangers talking or spending time with her. And now look what it brought, Mary and Jacobs life.

Laura got up from the bed, still in tears, and looked outside. It was raining and cold. The moon was shining brighter than ever. She lived in an apartment with a beautiful street view. Next to her livingroom window was a staircase in case of emergencies. William would use it when going to the others, it was eaiser and noone saw him.

She was looking out of the bedroom window, which as i said, had a nice view to the world outside. She dried her tears, while staring at the empty streets. She got over to her bedroom drawer and pulled out a cigarette. She went over to the window again. She opened the window, and took a smoke.

She knew smoking was bad for her, but, it somehow calmed her down when she was upset and needed help... she hated that she liked it. A lot.

Laura stares at the empty street with her mouth full of smoke, before exhailing it out again. And like that, the pain slowly stopped.

"Sharing is caring" She heard someone say from behind. She turned around and saw, Cato, the assasin.

"How did you get in?" She asks in surprise.

"The door was unlocked" He answers her and gives an awkward smile.

He wore a black suit, and a black fedora. It was Williams choice, so he didnt chose it himself. Cato was also Black, meaning that you could only see him if you looked at his hands from the front, under his feet and the gloves, which where white. Cato wore contact lenses so it looked like his eyes where white, while whta is usually white for others was black.

Laura chuckled in a joking manner and took out a cigarette for him. He took the life killer and lit it on, beforw standing next to her, so that the apartment wouldnt smell like smoke.

"How did it feel to kill Mary?.." Laura silently asks and exhales.

"Horrible, honestly. She was so scared when i arrived, and killing her was tuff." Cato answers in an ashamed voice. "She was such a cheerleader, honestly. I am sad that the world had to lose such a human"

Laura nodded to what Cato said. Mary was always happy and helpfull, but in life you had to be tuff, and Mary wasnt tuff enough to stay...

Laura felt like crying remembering sverythig Mary snd her had went through, but stopped when Cato put his arm around her arm for comfort. He exhails and looks at her in a comforting way.

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