Quick steps to a family (Goodnight story)

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SOOOOOOOOOOO My little sister [A lil girl who just started school] Wanted a goodnight story. So i made one up for her and i wont make it directly what we said in the story. Because she was disgusting, when we made it up.


Emmy (Me):

So you little demon. Wanna hear a bedtime story?

Melanie (Lil sister):



all righty then. Laura was walking her dog, named.... What was the name of the dog?




okay then. She was walking her dog, Hannah. When she met her friend Cato. And they had a long chat about???


About them wanting to be a couple. ~She'd giggle~


So they where talking about getting together?




Okay, so tey talked about this. And then they started dating each other.Cato then took the love of his life under his arm and they walked together. Talking about?


They we're talking about kissing. ~She'd say giggeling~


Okay , They talked about kissing now would cost their virginty. They then kissed at the conclusion that they didnt. Then they went home to Cato's house, where they sat down in the living room with some tea, and started talking about???

Melanie (Obsessed with cats, she needs help at this point):

They wanted to get a cat.


Okay they talked about getting another pet in the house. They then went over and brought a cat home. They named the cat Leo. But its actual name was???


~She started laughing~ S&%#, NO NO NO! Waffles!

Emmy (Dying inside because of this crazy bis living in the place i live):

OK, ok. They named the cat Leo even though it was originally called Waffles. They then went home and cuddled and watched some TV. What did they watch?

Melanie (A virus living in my home, at this point):

A TV Show about pi zz ing on each other :D ~Laughs super loud~

Emmy (Realising this was a mistake):

They turned off the TV In fear and went into their bed. They then cuddled and dreamed- with eachother- About?


Pi zz ing on each other, also pooping on their faces and farting in their mouths!






They woke up terrified.



Vickie (Mama of us stupid children):

Whats going on there?


Nothing! So then they decided to get a baby and then they got you. What would you like to be named?


Waffles. ~Giggles~

Emmy (Figured out this was a waste of time):

Ok they called you waffles. I'm not giving you any other choices from now on. Now close you're eyes and get in you're favourite sleeping position.




Laura holded you up in her arms, where you could feel her warm body. And rocked out all calmly and just looked at you tiredly.

later on Cato came in and layed his hand around his wife, and his other hand on you're cheek, and just rocked with you. slowly and carefully. to one side...... and to the other side......

then they layed you to bed Laura went up and kissed you're cheek.




ha ha, yea.

while you we're sleeping you remembered everything nice. when Cato threw you up in the air, a little too high and you hit the tree. Luckly he caught you and helped you. Even though it hurt it felt nice with the attention. You also remembered when you played dolls with Laura.

Right that was enough, I'll cya tommorov Mel. goodnight.

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