First Injury

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Michael's POV
It was a wonderful day in June. I woke up next to my wonderful wife. I kissed her. "Good morning baby." "Good morning honey." We climbed out of bed and woke up the kids. We all sat at the table to have breakfast. Grace was said over the food. We ate our waffles. The kids had sticky fingers. So I washed them. Barri and I spent time with our kids. I gave the twins their toys. They were in their play pin. They played with their toys. We buildt a pillow fort and had fun knocking it down. "Okay, let's put the pillows away." We put the pillows away. "Let's dance to some music." "Okay." So I put on some music. We danced around. I turned the music off. I took the girls outside. Barri came with me. "Where are the twins?" "There inside with their grandma." At that moment I heard crying. I looked around. Isabella was on the ground. I walked over to her. She slowly began to get up. "You have to be careful. Okay." Isabella nodded. I ran around with Violet and Isabella. Barri just watched. Soon Violet and Isabella yawned. I took them inside. Barri put Violet to sleep. I tried everything to put Isabella to sleep. Nothing worked. She looked uncomfortable. After crying, she finally fell asleep. At last it was time for lunch. We ate our sandwiches. I noticed that Isabella wasn't moving her left arm at all. "Honey, can I speak to you in private please?" "Of course Baby." I stood up from the table and helped (f/n) up. We went into another room. "Honey, Isabella arm doesn't look right, it's swollen and she isn't moving it."

Barri's POV
It was a beautiful day in June. My husband kissed me and woke me up. We woke up the kids and had breakfast. We played with the kids. I gave the twins to my mom and went outside with Michael and our girls. Michael asked me where the twins were. I gave him an answer. Isabella started crying. Michael went over to her. Isabella got up. Michael told her to be careful. The day dragged on. The kids took a nap. Then it was lunch time. It was then that I knew something was wrong. I asked Michael if I could speak to him in private. Michael helped me stand up. We went to a different room. "Honey, Isabella's arm doesn't look right, it swollen and she's not moving it." "I couldn't agree more." "We need to get her to the ER." Michael grabbed a disguise. We gathered all the kids and put them in the limo. Michael helped me into the limo. Then my mom got in the limo and last but not least Michael climbed into the limo. "Take us to the hospital please." "Right away Mr. Jackson." The limo started on the road. We hit a bump. Tears started to fall from Isabella's eyes. "Mommy, Daddy my arm hurts. It's been hurting since I fell." "I know. We're taking you to get it fix. Just wait a little longer okay." "Okay Daddy. Daddy I fell down a lot of stairs outside and I landed on my arm." "Why didn't you say anything before?." Isabella shrugged one shoulder. We arrived at the hospital. "Hi. What seems to be the problem?" "My daughter's arm is hurting her and it looks a little funny." "Okay, fill out this paper work for me and turn it in." We all sat down in the waiting room. I filled out the papers. I started to get up. "No. I got it." Michael turned the paper in to the nurse at the front desk. He sat back down. "Dada." "Are you just talking to be talking?" Michael asked. "Dada." Michael kissed Violet on the cheek. She smiled. "Dada." Soon a nurse came out from the back. "Isabella Jackson?" We stood up and walked over to the nurse. We went to the back. She measured and weighed Isabella. 3 feet tall and 28 pounds. Okay follow me. We went into the hospital room. The nurse checked Isabella's vitals. "Perfect. Okay the doctor should be here soon." The nurse left. Shortly thereafter the doctor came in. "Hi. How are you?" "Good." The doctor asked a lot of questions. We answered them. Finally, he asked about Isabella's arm. "So, what happened?" "We went outside and she fell. Now her arm doesn't look right." The doctor looked at Isabella's arm. "Okay, can you wiggle your fingers?" Isabella wiggled her fingers. "Good Job. Can you wiggle your wrist?" Isabella wiggled her wrist. "Wonderful." The doctor touch Isabella's wrist. "So far it doesn't seem like there are any damaged nerves or arteries. Okay. We're going to have to have an x-ray." "I'm tired can I stay here." "Sure." "I'll go." Michael went with Isabella.

Michael's POV
I went with Isabella to the x-ray machine. I stood off to the side. "Daddy?" "I'm right here." The doctor took the x-ray. "Okay. It's done." We went back to the hospital room. The doctor looked at the x-rays. He showed them to me. "If you look right here, her elbow is dislocated. So I'm going to pop it back in. First, I'm going to give her some laughing gas." The doctor left and returned with a nurse. She put something in Isabella's mouth. "Breath in through your mouth sweetheart." The nurse said. Soon Isabella caught a fit of the giggles. The doctor rotated, pull and twisted Isabella's arm." She cried and screamed. I felt so bad for her. A tear fell down my face. I quickly wiped it away. "That's a good girl." Isabella's arm looked normal again. "Okay we're going to take another x-ray just to make sure." Isabella ran to me. The tears were still falling down her face. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "I know it hurts. That's my brave girl." I carried her back to the x-ray room." Another x-ray was taken. We went back to the hospital room. The doctor looked at the x-rays. "Okay it's fixed. Now I'm going to put what's called a splint on her arm. That's going to keep the arm in place." The doctor put the splint on Isabella and a sling. "Okay I'm going to set an appointment for you with the orthopedist, that's a bone specialist, three days from now." "Okay." "Keep that arm nice and still." "Okay." "Now Isabella you were so brave I have a sticker for you. Pick out a sticker." Isabella picked a sticker. The doctor put it on Isabella. We went home. It was dinner time. So we ate some food. Then it was time for dessert. I went to the kitchen. "Can you give Isabella an extra scoop of ice cream for her bravery." "Yes sir." I went back to the table and had dessert. Barri and I put the kids to sleep. Then we went to our room. A few tears fell down my cheeks. "What's wrong honey." "I failed her." "What are you talking about?" "It's because of me that Isabella got injured. Maybe if I was paying more attention to her..." "Michael it's not your fault. You're a wonderful father. Kids are going to injury themselves. That's practically apart of growing up. Now let's get some sleep." Barri kissed me and we fell asleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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