The Final Straw

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Barri's POV
I was at the concert holding Isabella. It was already march of 1988 Tatiana came over to me. "So Michael and I are together now." I laughed at her. "Yeah, right." "Do you want proof" "Tough luck proving that you have something that doesn't exist." "You'll see." She went up on stage to do The way you make me feel. It was going as it always went until she kissed Michael and he didn't try to fight it. In fact, it seemed like he enjoyed it. I became furious. Soon the song was over and the next song started. I temporarily forgot everything. The concert was over. I remembered that I was upset. As I headed to Michael's dressing room Tatiana stopped me. "I told you that we were a couple." "Shut up!" "What? Are you jealous cause Michael wants me and not you?" I walked away still wanting to believe that it was a lie. It was hard. I fought back tears. "You are mad. Sorry, but Michael came to his senses." "I still think you're lying." "Did the kiss not prove anything to you? Michael loves me now. So get over him." "You just had to go and ruin a perfectly good relationship huh?!" "That's right. Hey what's the problem I bet you cheat on him all the time." "I do not!" "Admit it! You didn't love him. You were just in it for the money and the traveling!" "You're being absolutely ridiculous as always!" "I'm never ridiculous!" "Obviously, you never listen to yourself! Everything you do is ridiculous!" "Oh yeah like stealing your husband from you!" She laughed an evil laugh. I completely lost it. "I'm going to beat your..." "What's going on here?" "What's going on here is Tatiana kissed my husband and you didn't try to stop her." "I can't argue on stage. Would you watch a concert completely interrupted by an argument?" "No." "Now you're being ridiculous. Is this the example you want to set for Isabella? Do you want to teach her violence is the answer?" "Me what about her she's being a..." "Watch your language in front of my daughter." "Sorry my dear husband. She is over here kissing somebody else's husband." "Yes Tatiana you behaved terribly. Baby, I'll always be with you not her. Just ignore her." "He is lying to you. You just have to accept that he was cheating on you." "I'm sick of you. Your nothing, but a..." "Not in front of the baby." "You know what take your baby. I hope you two enjoy each other. Goodbye." I gave the baby to Michael. "Good Riddance!" I knew Tatiana yelled that. I ran as fast as I could. I don't no where I ran to.
Michael's POV
I held my seven month daughter as I watched Barri run away. "Don't worry she'll be back." I told my daughter this, but I was really trying to reassure myself. "Why did you have to go and kiss me?! See what you've done?! You've done a lot of crazy stuff and this is the last straw! You're fired." "What?" "You heard me. Now get out of my face." " am I riding back to California with you guys?" "Absolutely not. Besides we still got 10 months left of this tour that you're no longer on." "How will I get home?" "You figure it out." With that I walked away. I went in my dressing room and sat down. "Now Isabella never call people names. Never use violence,but always love and never kiss someone else husband. Okay?" Isabella just stared at me with those big brown eyes. They reminded me of her mother. I started crying. "Would you like me to watch my granddaughter?" "Yes, thank you." I gave my mother-in-law the baby. "Where's Barri?" The tears starting falling harder. "I don't know." "Listen she loves you. That means that she'll come back to you, even if you have to go out there and find her." I couldn't respond. I was overwhelmed with sadness. A couple of hours passed and I headed to the hotel suite. Tears continue to fall down my face. I went to one of my security. "Listen to me. You go out there and you find Barri." "Yes sir." I got another security. "You go to the store. Get me some lasagna noodle, tomato sauce, cheddar and cottage cheese and some candles and a pan to cook the lasagna in." The second security came back. I made some lasagna and put it on the table. I put on a white button up shirt and black slacks and shoes. I let my curly hair down. I sprayed on my finest cologne. I lit some candles and turned off the lights. I hoped and waited for Barri to walk through the door.
Barri's POV
I sat down on a bench. I thought over my life. Michael loved me and I ran away. I didn't even know where I was. I would probably never see him again or anyone for that matter. I would probably rot here forever. I cried my eyes out. Time passed by with no hope in sight. Soon I saw the limo me and Michael rented. It pulled over right next to me. Michael's security hopped out the car. "Mrs. Jackson Michael wants to see you. He's broken without you. He misses you so much." I got in the limo. I made my way up to our suite. I walked in and saw that it was lit by candle. "Baby!" Michael ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged back. "You smell so good honey. What's all this for?" "I know you're upset about Tatiana kissing me. Now come on have a seat and let's eat." He pulled out the chair and I sat down. He pushed the chair back under the table. We ate the lasagna. "This taste so good as always." "Thanks." "I'm not mad at you honey." "You're not?" "No, I ran away so I didn't fight Tatiana, cause you told me not to. Where is Isabella?" "With her nanny. Probably asleep by now. Baby, I thought I would never see you again." "And I thought I would never see you again." "Then tell me just what would I do." I smiled. "I just can't stop loving you. I love you so much." "I love you too." He leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed back. The kiss became passionate. Michael picked me up bridal style ,still kissing me. We passed the baby's room. We peaked in and she was fast asleep and so was her grandma. We smiled and headed to our room. Michael laid me on the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing my lips again. Clothes scattered across the room and I'll let you use your own imagination. 😉
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hoped you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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