Happy Valentine's Day

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Barri's POV

I awoke still in Michael's arms. "Good morning Baby." He kissed my forehead. "Good morning honey." I giggle. "Do you know what today is baby?" " What?" "It's Valentine's day." Michael giggled. "That's right it is. Hey remember the last time we saw each other on Valentine's day?" "Last year?" "No honey before that." "When were 5?" "No we were both 13 years old and you were performing with your brothers.
Barri's POV

"Mom the Jackson have a show here! Look!" I handed mom the poster. I'm so excited. I haven't seen Michael in forever and it will be Valentine's day when they perform. "Yep the posters says the Jackson will  be performing here." "Oh, mom can we go please?" "Now you know your dad wouldn't want  us to go. Besides I don't think we can afford it. Please, we don't have to tell dad. We can just say we went to the store or something. I know you want to see the Jacksons." "You know what I do. We'll go see them, but we probably won't have front row tickets." I started jumping up and down. My mother convinced my father to let us go. I'm so excited.

Michael's POV

I have another performance coming up. Valentine's day is coming up. Every year I wish to see Barri. I've never seen her. Why should this year be different. But I miss her so much. "Boy don't you know you have rehearsals!" "Yes Joseph. I'm sorry." "Get on over to your brothers then." He pushed me on the ground. "Get up!" He kicked me. I scrambled to my feet and ran. "Hey where have you been." "Nowhere Jermaine." "I know. He's been thinking about that girl, Barri." "Fine Tito, you're right." " I don't know why you're thinking about her. You're probably never going to see her again.""You're right again Tito.Quick Joseph's coming." We started rehearsing.

Barri's POV
Today's the day! Mom and I made it to the concert as fast as we could. Soon Michael was on the stage. There he is. Us fans are going wild. How does he sing and Dance like that? Now he's looking at me. He cracked a smile. I didn't know this was possible, but his performance improved.

Michael's POV
  I do the routine we rehearsed. I looked out into the crowed and I see these gorgeous eyes. Could it be? No. But it is. It's Barri! A real smile is on my face. I performed just for her. It's over to quickly. I want to talk to her, but that's impossible.

Barri's POV

That performance was incredible. I must speak to Michael. "Where are you going?" "Backstage mom." "We don't have backstage passes." "I know, but I got to see Michael." "Why?" "I just got to." There he is my heart is leaping with joy, but for some reason butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. "Michael!" "Barri!" We hugged."Hi, how have you been." "Okay I guess." "Your performance was fantastic!" "All thanks to you." "Me?" "Yeah, I was so happy to see you. Even if we were hundreds of meters away from each other. So how has your life been. Tell me all about school." "It's good. It's just that teachers are irritating. So I am ready to graduate from 8th grade. I just can't believe that after all these years I'm talking to you again." "Neither can I. I wish we could see each other all the time. I'm so lonely all the time." "Who knows, maybe someday we will." "Who knows." "Hey meantime I'm gonna miss you. I'll never forget you." "Same here." He just hugged me and he kissed my cheek! I can't believe it. "Happy Valentine's day Barri." "Happy Valentine's day." "Boy where are you!" A scary man turned the corner. "There you are. Who is this!?Tell me this is just a fan!" "Um yeah just a fan." What does he mean? I thought we were best friends! I frowned. "Let's go! You've got other fans to meet!" Did he just shove Michael into a wall? Now he's dragging him away! "Michael!" He turned to me with a tear stained face. "Excuse me, do you have a back stage pass?" "No, but." "Then you have to leave." "Bye Michael!" I hope he heard me.

End of Flashback

Barri's POV
"So now do you remember?" "Yeah." "The thing that hurt me the most was your tear stained face, but you saying I was just a fan is a close second." "I had to tell Joseph you were just a fan, otherwise he would have hurt you too. I was crying from the pain of my body slamming the wall, but also because I thought I would never see you again." "And look at us now." "Yeah you were right. We do get to see each other all the time. How did you know?" "We'll when two people belong together they will be together no matter what." "Oh and I heard you say bye." After a few moments of silence Michael spoke. "Oh I almost forgot, happy Valentine's day." He handed me some gifts. "A box of chocolates, how did you know. Oh, this teddy bear is bigger than me, but I love it. I'll take care of these roses." I immediately put the roses in a vase filled with dirt and then I put some water in that vase. "We'll I had a little bit of money left over from when I bought your birthday cake so, happy Valentine's day." "You got me some chocolates?" "It ain't much, but it's what I can afford. "  "No, I love these kind of chocolates." "I love you Michael." "I love you to Barri." We leaned in and our lips met. The kiss became for passionate until we were making out. Next our shirts came off. It was at this moment that Janet burst through the door. "Hey are you two hungry. Oh, never mind I can see your busy. Well I can't say get a room because you're already in a room. Don't worry I'll leave you two alone." "Good." Janet closed the door. "Now where were we?" I pulled Michael toward me. He sat back up. "Baby, I'm not sure we're ready for this." "For what?" " Aren't aware of what could have happened if Janet didn't burst through the door. I don't want to do it yet." "We don't have to, but I need your lips on mine." "Let's just go to breakfast." "Fine." We headed down stairs. Suddenly Michael turned to me and grabbed my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me passionately once more. After a few minutes he stopped kissing me. "Happy now?" "I don't know. I think you need to kiss me again so I can decide." Michael rolled his eyes and laughed a little bit as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We headed to breakfast. "What took you so long? Aren't you two hungry?" "Yeah mom. Hungry for each other." Janet mumbled under her breath. "What was that?" "I didn't hear anything. Did you hear something baby." "No honey I didn't hear anything." "You must be hearing things mom." "You know what Michael? I'm so hungry I don't even care." We said grace and dug in.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading I hoped you all enjoyed. Stay tuned for updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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