A Little Birthday Fun

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Barri's POV
Today was my 31st birthday and Violet's 1st birthday. I woke up excited to start the day. We all ate breakfast. Michael and I spent time with the kids. Soon the evening came. Violet and I opened presents. We blew out the candles and ate cake and Icecream. Soon the party was over. All the guest left and all the kids went to sleep. Everyone was asleep in the house. I walked in Michael and my room. Michael came in behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and continuously kissed my neck. "You look so good in that dress." He kissed my lips. We slowly walked to the bed while he kissed me. He laid me on the bed and laid on top of me. I pushed him off. "Michael stop." "What's the matter? The fun is just beginning. I'm about to give you the best birthday present ever." "I just don't want to. That's all." ",but do you see what you do to me?" He pointed to the giant bulge in his paints. It was tempting, but I stood my ground. "Not tonight Michael." "Why not? Are you mad at me?" "No. Listen. We have four kids and they're all still in diapers. I was thinking maybe we should wait awhile before we have another kid." "Is that all?" Michael went in a drawer and pulled out protection. "What if I use this?" "Then I guess it's alright." Michael smiled and kissed me passionately. He rubbed all over me. I was turned on. He slid my dress off and my underwear. He quickly got undressed. He put the protection on and went to work. Everything was going great. I was enjoying my little birthday gift until suddenly Michael paused. "What?" "It broke." "What?" I looked where Michael was pointing. The protection was torn and already covered in a white substance. "Really Michael?" "It was an accident." "Just shut up. Okay? I don't want to hear it." "I'm sorry." "Goodnight." I got up and put on some PJs. "You know what? You may be right about having more kids. For an entire two months you did absolutely nothing for Violet or Isabella. I might as well have been a single dad." "I couldn't move for two months." "Sounds like a personal problem." "I didn't get myself pregnant with your twin sons. I should have never had any children with you. You're starting to pay less attention to me anyways." "And I should have listened to Joe when he told me not to get too close to you." "If that's how you feel, than enjoy having the whole bed to yourself." "I will." I slammed the door. The twins started crying. I laid down in another room that was empty. I cried myself to sleep. Next thing I knew I was being rubbed in places that turned me on. "Baby please. I need you. I'll be careful." "Fine." We went back in our room. He put on protection and we did what we did until the sun came up. This time the protection didn't break. Michael got off from on top of me and laid next to me. We were both breathing pretty hard. "That was good baby. Wouldn't you agree?" " That was great, but I'm still mad at you." "I'm sorry." "Whatever." "You're impossible." "So are you." I put my clothes on and went to Breakfast. My mother brought out the kids. "Hi mommy." "Hey." Isabella climbed into a chair all by herself. "You're a big girl now." Michael put Violet in her highchair. I held one twin and Michael held the other. The twins started crying. So we fed them and burped them. We gave them to their nanny who held them for the rest of breakfast. We all ate. Then Isabella climbed down from her chair. I took Violet out of her highchair. We played with our kids and read them stories. We even went outside for a bit. All the while Michael and I didn't speak to each other. Soon it was nap time. The kids went to sleep. I sat in the living room. Michael came in. "Look are you going to keep giving me the silent treatment?" I didn't respond. "I still think you're beautiful." He came over to me and tried to kiss me. I turned my head. He started rubbing me, trying to turn me on. I slapped his hands down. "Is that what I am to you, a sex object?" "No baby, of course not." I got up from the couch. "Look is it wrong for me to love my wife?" "You won't have to worry about that anymore." "What are you saying?" I went in my room and packed some of my clothes. I slammed the suitcase closed. "You're not leaving are you?" "What does it look like?" I walked around him still holding my suitcase. "Please, I'm sorry." I walked out the room. Michael followed behind me. "Where are you going to go?" "Anywhere, but here." "What if you find out your pregnant from what we did on your birthday?" "I'll mail you the baby then. When I find somewhere to live, I'll come get the rest of my stuff." I walked towards the front door. Just then, my mom came out of the room. "I thought I heard arguing. What are you doing?" "Leaving." "You don't mean that." "No, let her go. I don't know why I married her in the first place." At that I put my hand on the doorknob. "Wait. If you don't have any love in your heart for Michael, if you won't go the rest of your life regretting your decision to leave Michael, then go, but if you have just the tiniest spot in your heart for him, then I want you to come into the living room and talk it over with him. I won't let you ruin your life. The choice is yours." I held my head down as a few tears escape my eyes. I twisted the door knob. The door opened. I walked outside. "Barri!" "Didn't you hear him mom? He wants me to go." I continued walking. My mom ran outside. "Barri!" "How come everyone saw that we shouldn't be married except for us." "Listen to me. When you're father left me I was so upset. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him. It's like there's a void in my heart that I can't fill. I won't let you do that to yourself. Please talk it over with him." "I'm leaving mom." "Let's make a deal. If you go in and find Michael carrying on as usual, not a care in the world, then you are free to go, but if you find him crying, you'll stay." "He's probably partying in there. He doesn't love me anymore." ",but do you love him." "That doesn't matter." I got to the gate. "You didn't even say goodbye to your kids." "You're right. Tell them that their mother loves them." "Barri if you are going to walk out of their lives at least have the decency to say goodbye." My mother was right. "Fine." I turned around and walked back to the house. I saw my mother breathe a sigh of relief. I knew that she thought she was going to try to get me and Michael back together. It wasn't going to work. I opened the front door. Michael was crying and pacing the floor. "I'm such an Idiot. I had the best woman in the whole world and I let her get away. I wish she would come back." He started to sing she's out of my life. His voice kept cracking because he was crying so much. A few silent tears fell down my face. I quietly closed the door. My mother went in front of me. She walked over to Michael and hugged him. "Mother-in-law." "Call me mom." "Mom I know she just left a few minutes ago, but I miss her already." "I know Michael and I tried my best to get her to come back." "She must hate me." "Oh I wouldn't say that. After all she's crying too." "She's probably partying." "That's funny. That's what she said you would be doing, right before I convinced her to come back in the house." "What?" My mother pointed at me. Michael looked at me with his tear stained face. I couldn't hold back my tears. "You came back." "I only came back to say goodbye to the kids." "Please don't go." "Michael." I found myself unable to form words. "Barri won't you at least talk to him?" I put the suitcase down by the door and walked to the couch. I saw Michael take a sigh of relief. "Okay Barri you sit here." I sat on the couch. "Michael you sit here." Michael sat on the couch. My mom sat in between us. "Now we are going to talk. Now Barri tell me everything that happened and how you feel." "Mom, yesterday was my birthday. So Michael wanted to give me a birthday gift, sex. I don't want to have another baby right now because we have four already and they're all still in diapers. That's already a huge responsibility. So Michael put on protection and I agreed to sleep with him, only the protection broke. How could you let something like that happen? I told you I didn't want another baby right now. Do you know how hard it is to carry babies?" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to break. It was an accident. I'm sorry. I would never make you do anything you didn't want to do." "Now that I think about it honey, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault. Honey I love you. I'd have all the kids you want me to have, if it meant spending time with you." "Hey, you called me honey. I love you too baby. When I told you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I really meant it." "Earlier you asked if it was wrong to love your wife. The answer is no." "Baby, if loving my wife is wrong, then I'll never be right again. Do you want to know why?" "Why?" "Because I just can't stop loving you." "Honey I was being stupid." "No. I understand where you're coming from. You're tired of carrying babies and just want to rest for a little while. I should have accepted that, but you're irresistible" "So are you." I got up from my spot and sat on Michael's lap. I kissed him. It quickly became passionate. His hands started to wander. "Hey I don't want to see that, but if you go in your room then it's your prerogative." I smiled at my mom. "Thanks mom." "Yeah thanks." "Hey baby, it might not be your birthday anymore, but could we have some more fun." "Absolutely." We heard the twins crying. Isabella and Violet walked out the room. "Mommy babies crying." "Okay Isabella." "Looks like our fun is going to have to wait." Michael did his best attempt to wink. I laughed.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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