Side Note

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This is unrelated to the story. I just wanted to talk. So tell me why every time this person at my school says Michael is a child molester and I ask him to explain his reasoning, He doesn't have anything to say. Maybe that's because Michael Jackson is not a child molester. I do not understand how people could believe someone whose story keeps on changing. That reminds me someone else said it's 2020 we have to believe what they said no matter what. So I said so we're going to regress back to the time people could be burned at the stake. Just because some one said that they were a witch, does that make it true. I'm at a school where it seems like a majority of the people believe Michael was a pedophile. What ever happened to Innocent until proven guilty. People failed to realize that Michael was rarely at Neverland because it was so far from the city, Michael also had a girls and grown people such as parents and Elizabeth Taylor at Neverland, the Arvizos story didn't make since and it was contradictory, the police raided Neverland when he was not there and the found absolutely nothing, Robson and Safechuck are also inconstant, neither does it make since that a 20 something year old man wouldn't know that sexual relations between an adult and a child is illegal. In conclusion Michael is an innocent man. He suffered so much and he didn't even deserve it. He is dead for more than 10 years now. Let him Rest In Peace. Thanks for putting up with my rant.   

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