Spending Time With Family

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Barri's POV

The sun shone brightly through the window on this beautiful day in January. I looked beside me and found an empty spot, where Michael was suppose to be. I got of bed and started panicking. What if Michael left me? What if he was cheating on me? What if he didn't love me anymore? I started searching the whole house. I went in this studio room. Michael was writing something down. I walked up behind him. "Good morning honey." Michael jumped and dropped his pen. He picked it up. "Baby you scared me." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "It's alright. Good morning baby." He got up and hugged me and kiss my lips. "What are you doing?" " I'm writing a song. Inspiration just hit me and I can't let it slip away." "You mean, you're going to write more songs?" "Yes. Baby, since I was 5 all I knew was performing. It's part of who I am. It's my livelyhood." ",but you have a family now. What if you don't have time for us or you forget us." "I'm just providing for my family. Baby, I'll always have time for you and the kids. I promise. In fact, I just finished writing the song. So I'll just sing it into the recorder along with the parts that I want the instrumentalist to play and I'll spend the rest of the day with my family." "How are you going to do the instrument part?" "Watch." He beatboxed into the recorder and then he sang the song. "That was amazing." "Thanks. Okay, let's go wake up the kids." I smiled at Michael. We walked hand in hand to the kids' room. My mom was already there waking them up. "Daddy, mommy! " Isabella smiled at us. "Hey, good morning." "Good morning Isabella." Violet was speaking baby gibberish. "Good morning Violet." " Yeah good morning violet." "Mommy, we eat eat?" "Yeah we're about to eat right now Isabella. Come on." We sat at the table and ate. After my first plate, I filled my plate again. "Baby, um, your first plate was practically overflowing." "Yep." "and you still want more?" "Yeah, I'm still hungry." Michael was smiling at you. "What?" "Oh nothing. You're just so beautiful." "Thank you." We gave Jaylen and Jayden some milk and then we burped them. "Girls put your dishes in the sink." Isabella and Violet walked to the kitchen. Michael and I followed behind them. We all put our dishes in the sink. We made our way to the living room. Michael took out some baby wipes. "Violet, Isabella, come here." They came over to Michael. He wiped there face and hands. "You got syrup all over you." The girls walked away. They soon returned with a book. "Daddy, you read us story?" "Sure. Sit." They sat on the couch and Michael read to them. Suddenly, there was a bad smell. I started checking diapers. "Okay, it wasn't Isabella, and it wasn't violet." Then I checked the boys' diapers. "Oh, ew. Yuck." "I got it. Jayden and Jaylen did you make a stinky? Let's get you two cleaned." He changed his sons' diapers. Meanwhile, I put a puzzle together with my daughters. Don't worry the puzzle pieces were huge. "I'm back." He turned on some music. "Let's have a dance party." Violet and Isabella started dancing with Michael and I. An hour later we stopped dancing. The girls needed a diaper change. Michael changed them. When Michael came back the boys started crying. "Come here." Michael put Jaylen to sleep and I put Jayden to sleep. Michael and I played with our daughters some more. Soon it was time for lunch. All of our kids had something to eat. I was still overeating. Our daughters played with their toys. Pretty soon they started crying and complaining about everything. "Isabella and Violet come here." They went to Michael. "What's the problem. Why are you crying? Use your words." "I don't know." "You don't know." He checked their diapers. He let them go. They played with their toys. They started crying again. "I know what it is. Come here." They obeyed. Michael picked up Isabella. "It's nap time. You're sleepy. Let's go to sleep." "No. I not tired." "Did I ask you or did I tell you?" "You told me." "So what does that mean." "I do what you say." "Exactly." Michael rocked Isabella and she went to sleep. I put Violet to sleep. We put the twins back to sleep. We carried them to their rooms. "Why don't we go outside? It could be just like old times." "Yeah." We went to my mother. "We're going outside. Can you keep an eye on the kids?" "Sure. It's what you pay me for." We filled up waterballoons. We started a waterballon fight as usual I was soaked and Michael was dry. "Tag your it." "Hey." You ran as fast as you could, but you couldn't catch up to him. You found him behind a tree. "So we're playing hide and seek now?" "Only if you want to." "Well, start counting." We finished playing hide and seek. We climbed up a tree. "I will call this tree, the giving tree." Michael leaned against the tree trunk. I leaned against him. He had his arms around me. "As difficult as my life may have been, I'd go through all of it again if it landed me right her with you." "I feel the same way about you. I love you." "I love you too. I don't know anyone else who would have a water balloon fight or play tag or hide and seek. No one wants to put up with someone who refused to grow up." ",but that's why I fell in love with you because, we're so similar. I also refuse to grow up." Michael kissed my cheek. We continued to make small talk. "Hey we better check on our kids." We climbed down the tree and just as we were going inside, my mom was bringing the kids outside. The girls ran around. I saw Isabella playing with a bug. "Ow." Isabella started crying. "What's wrong? What happened?" "It hurt." "What hurts?" "My leg." I looked at Isabella's leg. "That's a bee sting." "Oh, you got stung by a bee. Oh no. Come here." Michael picked her up and carried her into the house. I brought in our other 3 children. I treated Isabella's bee sting. "Who wants to look at the animals at the zoo?" "Me!" "Okay let's go." So we went to the zoo and looked the animals. "Look." Isabella pointed at the deer. "You see the deer?" "Deer." "Yeah. Aren't they beautiful?" "Yes." "Why don't we all go see a movie?" So we headed over to the theater. We got snacks and drinks. "Okay. Sit down." We all sat and watched the movie. Of course, Michael had to pour hot sauce on his popcorn. When the movie ended the kids were asleep. So we carried them in the house. "Wake up. It's time for dinner." We all sat at the table and had dinner. I had 2 plates. Michael smiled at me again. "What?" "Is there something wrong with me smiling?" "Well, since your smile is so cute, keep smiling." We changed the kids diapers and put them to sleep. Michael and I climbed into bed. "Goodnight." "Goodnight baby." We kissed and I fell asleep. Soon I opened my eyes and ran into the bathroom. I threw up and Michael held my hair back. I went back to the bed and laid on it. "I wonder what made me sick? Maybe it was something I ate." I shrugged. "Baby, your not sick." "I'm sorry. Did you not just see me throw up?" "Do you pay attention to yourself?" "Yeah. Why?" "You're pregnant." "What are you talking about? I haven't taken a test recently." "Just hear me out. Today you ate twice as much and then you threw up." "That doesn't mean anything." "Remember when I was right about you being pregnant with violet." "Yeah." "Well I'm right again I just know it. In fact, let's go get a test right now." "Honey it's 1:00 am. Where are we going to get a test from?" "Well hospitals are always open." "Only the emergency rooms are open and this is not an emergency. So you're going to wait to find out. After all, we wouldn't be having this conversation if you would have listened to me on my birthday." "I'm sorry. It's not my fault you're irresistible." "Me or my body?" "Both." "In that case, you're irresistible, inside and out. I love you honey." "I love you too baby." "Why don't we get a test tomorrow and we can turn it into a date, like we could get something to eat?" "Sure. Goodnight." "Goodnight." Michael kissed me. "Ew your lips taste like throw up." I laughed. The next morning we woke up and told mother the plan. "So we're going to go out to eat and pickup some things. Can you watch the kids?" "Sure." "Okay you four be good for your grandmother." "We'll be back really soon okay." "Bye daddy. Bye Mommy." "See you later." We kissed our kids goodbye. We walked out the house. "Honey I'm worried about them." "I'm sure they'll be fine." "That's what you said about Isabella before Joe let her drown almost to death." "I'm sure your mother would never let that happen. Now just relax." We had a wonderful breakfast. We picked up a few pregnancy tests and headed home. "We're back." "Daddy, mommy!" Isabella ran to us and hugged us. Violet hugged us as well. "Did you behave." "Yes." "How were the kids mom?" " Oh, they were great. So, how was your breakfast?" "It was wonderful mother. Michael is so romantic." "Well excuse us." Michael pulled me to our room. "What are you doing?" "I can't wait any longer. Hurry up and take the tests." "I'm hungry. Can't we eat first?" "Please?" "Fine." I took the tests. We waited. Finally we looked at the test. Michael smiled a huge smile. "I told you we were going to have another little one. I told you." Michael hugged me. I hugged back. I smiled. "Yeah. Okay let's go tell everyone." We went out of the room to the dinning room. "Mom guess what?" "What?" "We are going to have another addition to the family." "You're pregnant again." "Yes. See." I showed her the tests. The next day Michael and I went to the doctor. Everything was fine and yeah, we're having another one.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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