We are the World

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Barri's POV

It was January 1985. I was sitting next to Michael when the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Mrs. Jackson yelled. "It's for you Michael!" "I'll be right back baby." He ran off. Minutes later he came running in. "Guess what Baby." "What?" I giggled. "I'm gonna write a song." "Really? Well I know it's going to be great." "Yeah and Lionel is gonna write it with me. It's for charity. The money we raise is going to help  kids in Africa." Michael seemed very excited until he got to this part. "Although, I do wish it could help more kids. There are kids all over the world who are starving not just in Africa." Michael started to tear up. I quickly wiped his eyes. "Michael don't cry. Who knows maybe someday you will be able to help all the kids." "I'm sure gonna try." Time passed and eventually Lionel Richie came over to this hayvenhurst home. I watched Michael and Lionel work on this song. Latoya also watched. A few hours passed and my stomach growled. "Why don't you guys take a break and have some dinner?" I suggested to Michael and Lionel. "Baby, if you don't mind, I'm trying to write a song here." "Fine." I was sure hungry. I walked downstairs and was greeted by Mrs. Katherine. "I sure hope you're hungry because I cooked some food" "Well, I'm hungry, but that son of yours is much too busy writing some song to eat." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Oh Barri, don't be so upset. Songs can't get written by themselves. And when the song is finished he'll spend all the time you want with you." "You know something Mrs. Katherine? You are so right." I gave her a smile, but deep down inside I wanted revenge. I marched straight upstairs right into Michael's room and kissed Michael on the lips. After a few minutes of passionate kissing I pulled back. I started walking away. Michael reached for my arm, but I quickly moved away. "Baby where are you going?" "To sleep." I was soon out the room and Michael was following. I smiled to myself. I got what I wanted. Michael wanted me to spend some more time with him, but I won't. Now we were even. I locked the bedroom door. I heard Michael trying to open the door. "Oh, baby come one." I didn't respond. "Please." I layed down on the bed still remaining quiet. "At least let me kiss you goodnight." "Michael can you be quiet? I'm trying to go to sleep."

Michael's POV

Barri called me Michael and not honey. I really messed up this time. I just had to have her lips on mine. The morning came. I sang who's loving you and I want you back with no response. Finally I sang She's out of my life. At last the bedroom door open. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Says who?" "What?" "You said she's out of my life. Says who?" "So you mean your not mad." "No. Songs don't write themselves. Besides it's for charity and I can't be mad at that." "Well I still want to make up for what I said." I grabbed her hand and we walked down the stairs. When we reached the table Barri's hand covered her mouth. "I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you honey." We ate our large breakfast. About a week later Barri was in her room and I went in. "Hey honey. I thought you had a song to write." "It's almost finished we just have to put it together. Lionel isn't coming over, but I want to put it together to surprise him and Quincy." "That's great. I'm so proud of you honey. I know it will be an amazing song." So that night I put the song together. The next day I showed the song to Quincy and Lionel. Soon it was time to record the song. "Baby I got to go to the recording studio." "Could I come with you?" "I don't know how long it will take. So you might want to stay here." "I want to go with you honey." "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." I got to the recording studio first.

Barri's POV

I got to the recording studio. After a while I started seeing the biggest stars in Motown. So many people wanted to be apart of the song, but many had to be turned away.  Just then Prince came. "Alright I want my own room." "We are recording in here. Besides didn't you read the sign it says ' check your ego at the door ' " ". First off Michael I don't know who you think you talking to. Second if I don't get my own room I'm not helping you with this song." "Well then goodbye." Quincy said. Prince left. "Honey what's his problem?" "I don't know baby."  They started recording. All the artist agreed that the lyric we're taking our own lives sounded like suicide so it got changed to saving our lives. Then someone got the brilliant idea to add stuff and a heated argument began. They all settle down and starting recording again. My eyes grew heavy. Then I was out like a light.

Michael's POV

I looked at Barri who was sleeping. It was kind of cute. I focused on recording this song. All of a sudden I heard a loud noise. All eyes turned to Barri. "Ouch." Then she fell asleep right there on the floor. I picked her up and put her back in the chair. It was 8 o'clock in the morning. At last the song was completed. I put Barri in my car and the driver drove us to hayvenhurst. I laid Barri down her bed. Her eyes opened. "What happened?" "Baby, we pulled an all nighter and we finished the song, but you fell asleep." A yawn came out my mouth. "Well I'm sure it's a fantastic song and I'm sure it will help lots of kids. What's it called anyways?" " It's called we are the world."I yawned again. "Honey, go get some sleep." "Okay" I did as Barri told me and went to sleep.

Barri's POV

Long story short it was a very successful song. It sort of became like an anthem.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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