Making another Album

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Barri's POV
It was a normal day in April. I went into Michael's room and sat on his bed. He was sitting at a desk. "Honey, what are you doing?" "Writing a song." "Oh, really? What's it about?" "It's about how I fell in love with this wonderful lady." "Who's the Lady." "The Lady is you baby." "You didn't have to do that." "You inspire me just like I said you would. I'm writing another song about you. Do you want to know something?" "What?" "I just can't stop loving you." I was touch and almost moved to tears. "I feel the same way about you." Then Michael's eyes lit up. "That should be the name of the other song about you." He scribbled something down. Then went back to writing his songs. I looked over his shoulder and read the paper. It said:
Hey pretty baby with the high heels on. You give me fever like I've never ever known. You're just a product of loveliness. I like the groove of your walk, your talk, your dress. I feel your fever from miles around. I'll pick you up in my car and we'll paint the town. Kiss me baby and tell me twice, that you're the one me.
I kissed Michael on the lips. " I'm the one for you." "What?" "I'm the one for you." "Did you read my paper." "I did and I think it's beautiful." "I'm just writing about the way you make me feel. That should be the title for this song." "I'm sure it will be great. Well I'm going outside with Janet." I gave Michael one final kiss. I went outside with Janet. We decided to play hide and seek. I thought I had a great hiding spot, but Janet found me. She even noticed that I was staring at Michael's bedroom window. "Why are you staring at Michael's window?" "Michael's writing two songs for me." "Oh yeah. Michael wrote a song for his girlfriend last week." "What?!" Janet started laughing. "I'm kidding. Michael loves you. He would never cheat on you." "You're right." "Okay you count and I hide." "Okay." We continued our game of hide and seek.

Michael's POV
My fiancee Barri came in my room and saw me writing a song. She asked me about it and I explained that the song was about her. I told her about my plans to write another song about  her. I decided on some  titles for the songs. Barri said the lyrics of my song were beautiful. She gave me a kiss and went outside. I return my focus back the paper.
The way you me feel, you really turn me on. You knock me off of my feet. My lonely days are gone.
I finished the rest of the song and work on other songs as well. It was September. I woke Barri up. I was so excited. "Baby we have to go to Disneyland so we can see the first screening of Captain EO." "Okay I'm coming." We finally make it to the first screening of Captain EO. Even though I'm the actor, this was my first time seeing the scenes in order and with all the editing.  Finally it was over. "That was incredible honey!"  I shrugged my shoulders"It could have gone better." "What are you talking about? It was fantastic." "It's just me being a perfectionist and anyways everyone critique themselves harder then other people critique them." "I guess that's true. I still think that it was amazing." We went home and I continued to work on more songs for my upcoming album.

Barri's POV
Michael woke me up with a kiss. "Baby we have to go to Disneyland so we can see the first screening of Captain EO." He sounded so excited. I was excited too. "Okay I'm coming." I put on some clothes and we left for the screening. Even though I was there when it was filmed, this was my first time seeing all the scenes in order with all the editing. The movie ended. "That was incredible honey." Michael shrugged his shoulders. "It could have gone better." I didn't understand. To me the movie was great. "What are you talking about? It was fantastic." "It's just me being a perfectionist and anyways everyone always critique themselves harder than other people critique them." "I guess that's true." We left. Michael was still working on songs. I saw Michael working on another song. I read the lyrics. I was horrified. "What type of song is this?!" "Baby calm down." "There's a girl who told you that you could whatever you want to her! Who is this song about?!" "No one baby." "Michael Joseph Jackson if you don't tell me right now we won't get married." "Okay. When I was younger I went on these tours with my brothers. There were these things called groupies. My brothers slept with them, my dad cheated on my mom with them. The even tried to get me to sleep with them. I refuse." "Oh I'm sorry." We decided on a date  to get married  Time was flying. So while Michael worked on his album I got fitted for my wedding gown. I decided to go with Michael's sister Janet. "You look beautiful." "Thank you." I went home and I decided that Michael was going to spend time with me. "Hi honey." I kissed Michael and he kissed back. "Hi Baby. Can to believe we're getting married really soon." "Yeah about that, I decided we haven't been spending time together. So we're going to spend sometime together." "Sure I'm mean I haven't been having inspiration lately." So we did all sorts of things together. We played water balloon fight and other games. "Hey I think the album should be called bad." "Bad?" "Yeah I'm going to write a song and a short film." "I'm sure it will be great." "For now I'm going to spend time with my future wife." "I love you honey. " "I love you too baby. I can't wait to marry you."
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD

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