And The Award For The Worst Father Goes To...

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Michael's POV

The sun rose. It was the start of another day. I opened my eyes. My wife was not in bed. I looked all over for her. I couldn't find her. I went to look for my mother-in-law. "Goodmorning everybody." I smiled at my children and Mother-in-law. "Hi daddy." Violet made baby noises. "Where's mommy?" I struggled to keep my composure. I was not going to let my kids see me have a breakdown. "Well mommy is, well you see she..." I lost it. The tears ran down my face. "Don't cry daddy. It's okay." I sat on the floor and sobbed. Isabella tried to dry my face. "Mommy will be back." "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'm crying for no reason. She loves me. She'll be back." I dried my face. "Did Barri say anything to you about leaving?" "No, Michael." "Well did you hear anything." "No Michael, I'm sorry." I went back to my room to put on some clothes. I headed to the door. I was stopped by the cook. "Hey aren't you going to eat breakfast?" "No thanks I'm not hungry. Now kids behave yourself. I'll be right back." I went outside. I got in one of my golf carts and drove around. I couldn't find Barri anywhere. I went back to the house. I went in my room. All of Barri's things were just where she left them. Suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?" "Michael?" I heard the most beautiful voice. "Baby, where are you?" "I'm home." "What?" "Yep, at my house in Indiana." "What are you doing there?" "I'm not sure. One minute I fell asleep next to you, and the next thing I know I woke up in my old room." I heard yelling. "I have to go now. I'll probably call you later." "I love you." "I love you too." "I'll come get you as soon as I can. Bye." "Bye." I got up and started packing a suitcase for me and a suitcase for Barri. I packed our coats. I grabbed the suitcases and hurried to the door. "Here, I insist that you take this food with you." "Thanks." "Where are you going daddy?" "I'm going to pick up mommy." "When will you be back?" "Really soon, okay?" "Okay daddy." I gave Isabella a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Now you behave. Okay?" "Okay daddy." I gave violet a hug. "You behave yourself too." I gave my sons a kiss on the cheek. "Be good everyone. Daddy loves you all. Goodbye mother-in-law." "Bye Michael. I'm going to take good care of my grandkids. Be safe. Bring my daughter back." "I will." I headed out the door.

Barri's POV

I woke up in my old bedroom. I had no idea how I got here. I called Michael. Just then, my dad walked into my room. "Who are you talking to?!." "My best friend. You always said that I don't talk to her enough." "Well hurry up. I need to talk to you." He walked out the room I finished my phone call. I hung up. I went to find him. I found my dad and walked over to him. "So you married Michael even though I didn't give you permission to do that." "Yes." "Why?" "Because I love him." "I'm telling you that you are being stupid. That man does not love you. He is trying to use you." "He does love me, very much dad." "You are going to divorce him as soon as you can." "I will not." "You dare disobey me?" "I'm a grown woman! You have to let me make my own decisions now!" My father slapped me and punched me several times. Lucky, he did not punch my stomach. "How dare you raise your voice at me! You are a stubborn fool. You will be punished for this. Let's go." He grabbed my arm. He took me outside into the cold February air. "Shovel this snow!" He pushed me and fortunately, I landed in the snow. "I thought you moved away." "I did. I came to apologize to your mother, but she was already gone. So I moved back in here. Now shovel the snow!" I stood up and grabbed the shovel. I shivered as I shoveled the snow. Time seemed to go slow. I was slowly losing consciousness. A stranger walked over to me. "Ma'am it's only 10 degrees today. Don't you have any winter clothes and a coat." "Sure. I'm not able to get to them right now." "Ma'am I wish there was something I could do for you." "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." The stranger started to leave. "Wait a minute. Are you singled." "Yes sir." "How old are you?" "25 sir." "You are so kind and respectful. Why don't you take my daughter on a date?" "This is your daughter, and you have her out here in 10 degree weather without a coat?" "Yes. Now would you like to go on a date with her?" "Sir, we don't even know each other." "It doesn't have to be that way." "Sir ignore him. I'm married." "Have a nice day." The stranger walked away with a confused look on his face. My father continued to slap me and hit me. I tried to fight back, but he is stronger than me. "Now why would you tell him you were married?!" "Because it was the right thing to do!" "You're crazy." "No, you're crazy. You kidnapped me, now you over here trying to hook me up with a complete stranger. Who knows what type of murderer or psychopath you might accidentally hook me up with." "You just continue shoveling." I finally finished shoveling. "I'm cold." "Oh you're cold. Okay." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room. He plugged up a curling iron, that I assumed was my mothers. He was still holding onto me as he put the curling iron to my skin. "Ouch! Please?!" "Are you cold now?" "No." My stomach growled. "I'm hungry. Can I get something to eat?" "What would like to eat?" " Can I have a peanut butter and pickle sandwich, or icecream with pickles." "I am not making that. That sounds disgusting. Sweep and mop every room." I finished sweeping and mopping. The doorbell ranged. "Who is it?" "It's me Michael." My heart leaped for joy. "Just a sec." My father went into the kitchen and came back with a knife.

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