Welcoming A New Baby

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Barri's POV
Time was flying by. I was already 8 months pregnant. Michael and I decided to go back to Neverland to prepare for the baby. We would go to Neverland in two days, August 29th, 1987. I think he wanted to be at Neverland so he could get on all the rides on his birthday, but of course Michael wouldn't admit that. So I went to bed. At 1 in the morning I woke up in a puddle. I shook Michael until he woke up. "What is it?" "I think my water just broke." "What does that mean?" "I'm about to give birth. Now come on honey let's go." "You still have a month before the baby is supposed to be born." "Then why is the bed wet?" "Maybe you peed on yourself. Pregnant women have to pee more than anyone else." He helped me out of the bed and into a nearby chair. "You sit here. I'll change the bed sheets." "Okay." Michael quickly left and came back. He changed the sheets. He helped me into bed. Then he left with the dirty sheets. He came back and climbed into bed. He kissed my forehead. "Now get some sleep. The baby will come when the baby is ready." I closed my eyes. Then I screamed out in pain. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?" "I just felt the worst pain I have ever felt!" "Okay calm down." "Calm down?! I can't calm down! I really think I'm going into labor!" "Okay, Okay. I'll call an ambulance." Michael went to the phone and picked it up. He had one hand stroking his long curly hair. "Hello? My wife is going into labor." He gave the operator the address. He packed me a bag and the ambulance came. "How are you feeling ma'am?" "Okay." Michael and I arrived at the hospital. I made it in a room. After the doctor checked me out. She looked at me. "How many months pregnant are you?" "8 months. Why?" "You haven't dilated at all. Ma'am it's really common for pregnant women to go into false labor. I'm going to send you home and you just relax for the next month." I was relieved and sad at the same time. I was so excited to meet the baby. They wheeled me out the room to my husband. "Well?" "Doctor said it was a false alarm honey." I could see the disappointment in his face. I reached out and grabbed his face. "Hey, the baby will be here soon." "Of course Baby. Let's go home." We went back home and climbed into bed.

Michael's POV
I couldn't wait to get back to Neverland. It was going to be my birthday soon. Not that it means anything. My mother always told me not to celebrate it. Anyways, when my Birthday came, I would be at Neverland and I could get on all my rides, but that was the day after tomorrow. I feel bad for Barri because, she can't get on the rides because she's pregnant. I went to sleep. Next thing I know, Barri shook me awake. I do not like to be awaken. I looked at a clock. It was 1 in the morning. I tried to hide my frustration. "What is it?" She told me about how her water broke. I couldn't believe her. She had another month to go. After she complained about pain, I call the ambulance. I started to get excited. I would finally meet my child. When Barri told me it was a false alarm, I was very disappointed. Eventually, we made it back home and went back to sleep. About 5 hours later Barri screamed. I decided not to get my hopes up. "Honey I" "You heard the doctor. It's a false alarm. Now get some sleep." I slept for a little while longer. It was about 8:30 am when Barri shook me." "The contractions are getting closer!" I didn't know what to do. She hadn't complained for a while. So I went to the refrigerator. Just then Barri had another contraction. "Honey the last contraction was an hour ago! They're getting closer! I'm going to have the baby!" I told security the situation and we headed to the hospital. I didn't want to call the ambulance again because I knew they would think something strange was happening if I called twice for the same reason. I would end up having to explain myself. So I thought it was quicker to go in my limo. We got to the hospital. I picked Barri up bridal style and went as fast as I could. "She is going into labor!" I didn't want to cause a scene. Especially since my fans would mob me. I love the fans, but now was not the time. Immediately, Barri was placed in a wheelchair. I followed them to a room. "Hey you're the same doctor from before." "Yeah, hello again ma'am." Then the doctor looked at me. "OMG I LOVE YOU AND YOUR MUSIC AND YOU'RE THE BEST AND CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!" "Some other time." I pointed at Barri. "Oh, right." She checked Barri out. "When was your last contraction?" "Like 10 minutes ago." "Okay." "We have to wait until you dilate a little bit more." "Dilate?" I was so confused. Did her eyes have to get bigger or something? "Honey, I need enough space for the baby to come out my body." "Oh." While we were waiting I decided to call my mom. "Hello?" "Hi Mom." "Hi Michael. How are you?" "Barri is going into labor." "Already? Has it been 9 months?" "No, she's 8 months pregnant, but she is going into labor." I told my mother the address of the hospital. She assured me that she would tell everyone for me. I thanked her. A while later Barri had another contraction. "Do you want to be in the delivery room with her?" "Yes." "Then put these on. It won't be long now." I put on the stuff the doctor gave me. 20 minutes later Barri had another contraction. "Deep breaths ma'am." Barri listened to the doctor. 10 minutes later Barri had another contraction. "It's time to move her to the delivery room."

Barri's POV
The doctor said it was a false alarm, but the contractions kept coming. So Michael took me back to the hospital. We waited until I dilated enough. "It's time to move her to the delivery room." All I know is that the contractions were getting more painful. I took deep breaths. 5 minutes later I had another contraction. "Push!" I pushed with all my might. I stopped to take a break, but there was another contraction. So I pushed some more. 20 hours went by. I could feel that the baby was being born, but the doctors didn't see anything. I pushed some more. I was very tired. 3 more hours passed. At last a doctor spoke up. "I see the head!" I started to get really excited, but I was extremely tired. I pushed some more. 50 minutes passed and the baby still wasn't born. I couldn't continue. Sure I was in a lot of pain, but I just stopped. "Come on ma'am just 1 more push!" The doctors kept repeating. Then Michael came over to me. "Honey I'm tired. I can't." "I know baby. Listen, just one more push, for the baby, for me." He grabbed my hand. I gave one last push. Then I heard a baby crying. It was music to my ears. "It's a girl!" They cut the umbilical cord and removed the placenta. They pushed me into a room in the ward. I turned to my husband. "Baby, you did it!" I smiled at him. "What are we going to name her?" "Honey, how about Isabella?" "That's beautiful." "Oh and the middle name should be Alina, after the little girl we saved." "What about Katherine, after my mother?" "She can have both middle names." Then a nurse came in holding a beautiful baby girl. "You have a very healthy 7 pound baby girl. Have you thought of a name? You know, so we can put it on the birth certificate." I looked at Michael and he looked at me. We smile at each other. "Isabella Alina Katherine Jackson." We both said. "Alright, I'll let you hold the baby for a little bit." The nurse gave the baby to me.

Michael's POV
Barri went through a long labor. When Barri thought she couldn't push anymore, I told her to push on more time. Then I heard a baby crying. It sounded like music to my ears. "It's a girl!" The doctor cried out. They moved Barri to another room. Barri and I came up with a name. Then the nurse came and told us that we had a healthy 7 pound baby girl. We gave the doctor the name. She gave Barri the baby. I smiled at the baby. "Hello Isabella." Barri looked up at me. "Do you want to hold her?" "Yeah." She gave me the baby. "Hey, it's me daddy. I promise I will never do the things to you that Joseph did to me. Welcome to the world." Just then my family came in. "Hi Mom." "Hi Michael. Oh she is beautiful." "Meet Isabella Alina Katherine Jackson. Do you want to hold her?" "Yes. Oh come to grandma." The baby went to the different family members. "We are going to let Barri get some rest." The family left. Then my security came. " We just got through decorating the baby room at Neverland. It's a good thing that it is a girl because we got pink things including, this stroller and car seat for when you get out of here. " "Thank you so much." "Don't thank us we used you're money." Security left and the nurse came back. "Okay time for Mrs. Jackson to get some rest." Barri kissed Isabella. "I'll see you later. Mommy is just tired. Okay?" Then she gave me the baby. I kissed Isabella. "We're going to let Mommy rest. Okay?" As soon as the nurse left, Barri smiled at me. " Happy birthday honey. " I smiled at her. "Thank you. This was the best birthday ever." Barri fell asleep. I climbed into bed with her and fell asleep.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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