Surprise Gone Wrong

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Barri's POV
It was a normal day in March. There was a knock on the door. It was my brother! "Hey Justin." I hugged him. "What's up Barri?" "Nothing much." "Hey, Michael." "Hey." They shook hands. "Have I got a surprise for you Barri. Just grab a coat because it might get cold." I grabbed my coat. We went out the door and we arrived at an airport. "Justin where are we going?" "It's a surprise." "But I didn't pack a change of clothes." "Don't worry about it." We boarded the plane. When it landed we were in Indiana. Justin rented a car and he parked. "Here we are." "My parent's house?" "Yeah they kept on asking me about you, so I brought you to them." "I must have forgotten to tell you, but I am not on good terms with my parents." "Are you sure you don't want to see them?" "Positive." "I guess we're going to a hotel for a week. What happened between you and your parents?" I explained to Justin that my parents wanted me to breakup with Michael. We arrived at the hotel and booked a room. As we settled in, I heard a gunshot. Then I heard glass shattering. I looked at the hotel window. It was shattered. I slowly turned to face my brother. He was laying on the floor. "Justin!" Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. My hand trembled as I picked up the phone. "Hello?" "911 what's the emergency?" "I need an ambulance." "Okay, what happened?" "My brother got shot." "Okay, and what's your address?" I didn't know the address. So I searched frantically for anything that would have the address of this hotel. I found something. I gave the operator the address and my room number. The ambulance arrived within minutes. I sat down on the bed and wept bitterly. I didn't want my brother to die. I picked up the phone again and dial Michael's phone number. "Hello?" "Michael I'm scared." I was scared that My brother was going to die or maybe another bullet would fly through the window and hit me. However, those words wouldn't come. "What's going on? Baby where are you?" "I'm scared."

Michael's POV

I hoped that Barri was having a fantastic time with her brother's surprise. Suddenly the phone rang. "Hello?" "Michael I'm scared." It was Barri and she was sobbing. "What's going on? Baby where are you?" "I'm scared." I hoped that Justin hadn't done anything to her. He didn't seem like that type of guy, besides that's her brother. So what was going on?" "Michael can you sing to me?" "Okay." I sang I'll be there . Within minutes there was a light snoring on the other end. "I love you baby sleep well." I hung up the phone. I tried to get some sleep, but horrible thoughts about what could have happened came into my head. When the sun came up the next morning I had one thought In my head. I must find Barri. I sent out my security.
Barri's POV
I woke up with the phone receiver on my stomach. I put it on the hook. I headed out the room door. As I walked downstairs I saw breakfast. I ate. I walked to the hospital that was the closest to the hotel. I went to the desk. "Hello, I'm looking for Justin Williams." "Okay." The nurse looked through the papers on her desk."He is in room 1230." I followed the nurses directions. I found him. Justin looked so peaceful. Just then the doctor walked in. "Oh, hello there." "Hi." "Who is Justin to you." "He's my brother. Please don't let him die." "We'll do our best Ma'am. Anyways, the bullet hit him in the head." "Is he going to be alright?" "The chances of him living are slim to none." I ran to Justin's bedside. The tears made my vision blurry. "Please wake up. Please!" Nothing happened. I sat next to him crying all day. The doctor returned. "You're still here?" "Yep." "Visitation time ended an hour ago." "I know."  I got up and walk pass the doctor right to the hotel room. I took a shower and washed my clothes in the sink. I went to sleep.
Michael's POV
Another day passed and Barri still had not returned. I paced the floor. "Calm down Michael." "Mom I'll calm down when I hold Barri in my arms again." I continued to pace the floor. I was panicking so much. I didn't know what I would do if Barri didn't come home soon.
Barri's POV
The next day was the same except that the conversation went very differently. "Hey, I noticed you walking yesterday." "Yeah, I don't have a car or money. So I walk from the hotel to the hospital and from the hospital back to the hotel." "You live in a hotel?" "No. I lived in LA.  My brother brought me out here to see my parents, but I didn't want to see them, so we went to a hotel." "I see. Can I offer you a ride?" "I don't even know you." "I'm Dr. Jones." He held out his hand. "I'm Barri." "Can I take you home? I won't do anything. I promise." I got in his car and we made small talk. "What are you eating tonight?" "Nothing. Turn right at the light." "Can I take you to dinner." "No, thank you." Just then my stomach growled. "Your stomach said yes." "Well I'm saying no thanks." "Fine." I went to my hotel room. I picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Hello?" "Hi honey." "Hi Baby. How are you?" "Okay I guess." "Where are you?" "You are not going to believe this." I explained the whole situation. The tears fell from my eyes again. "He's going to be alright." "Look, I'm just going to go to bed. Goodnight." I didn't mean to sound that rude. I was just very upset about this whole ordeal. If only I would have gone to my parents house this would not have happened. I cried myself to sleep. I went through my normal routine. After breakfast I went outside. I saw the doctor. "Hello." "Hi." "Well get in." I climbed in. Over the next few days I grew close to the doctor. My brother made no improvement. My round trip ticket said my plane was leaving tomorrow. On the way to the hotel Dr. Jones said something shocking. "Barri I think I'm falling in love with you." "I'm flattered, but I have a boyfriend. Besides I'm leaving tomorrow." "Oh, you want me to take you to the airport." "That would be nice." So I got to the hotel room and dialed Michael. "Hello." "Hi honey, can you pick me up from the airport tomorrow at 3 pm." "Sure." "Honey, I'm sorry I was so rude to you. It's just that..." "No need to explain." "I love you honey." "I love you more baby." "I miss you." "I miss you too." "I'll see you tomorrow." "See ya." I went to sleep. The next day I ate some breakfast. I saw my ride sitting outside. "Hi." "Hi." "Listen, I just want to thank you for everything." "No problem." "Please help my brother." "I told you I would do my best." " I guess this is goodbye." "Yeah goodbye." I'm pretty sure that I saw a tear slip down his face. I sat at the airport until it was boarding time. I got on the plane. It landed. I practically ran outside. "Miss Williams." I turned my head there was guy standing by a limo. I climbed in. "Hi honey." "Hey baby." We kissed each other until my stomach growled. "I brought you some food." I took the food from him and ate it. We arrived at his house. I was immediately met by Janet. "I'm so glad you're back. I missed you." She gave me a hug. "Besides my brother was going crazy without you." Mrs. Katherine came over to me. "Welcome home Barri." I went upstairs with Michael. I thought of my brother again and cried uncontrollably. This time Michael was here to hug me. I hugged back. "The doctor said that there is a slim to none chance for him to survive." "Listen, the doctor told me you had a 95% chance of dying and look at you now. They told you to prepare for your parents funeral and they're still alive." "I wish they weren't." "That was not a nice thing to say and that's besides the point. Justin is apart of the same family. So there is no doubt that he will survive." "It's all my fault. If I would have just went to my parents house, this wouldn't have happened." "Baby it's not your fault. You had no idea that he would get shot. Besides if your parents weren't the way they were you would have went to their house." Michael was there for me through my rudeness and moods.
Michael's POV
The phone rang. "Hello?" "Oh, hi Michael." "Hi Justin." "I'm coming over today, but don't tell Barri. It's a surprise and It won't it go wrong this time." I laughed. "Okay."
Barri's POV

Michael returned to the room. "Who was that?" "No one important Baby." The day went by and there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Michael sprang up. I sat on the bed and hugged my knees. "Barri come down here!" Tears fell down my face. I could still her my brothers voice. "Barri come down!" I still heard his voice. "Barri come down!" This time it was Michael. I dried my tears and went downstairs. I went to the door. I didn't believe my eyes. "Honey pinch me. I must be dreaming a wonderful dream. Do you see him too?" "Yeah I see Justin." "I ran to him and Hugged him. "How did you get here? You missed your flight." " I have a Job. Speaking of which, I have to go." "No, please." "Bye Barri." "Goodbye." Joy filled my heart. My Brother was alive.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hoped you enjoyed. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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