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Barri's POV

I awoke to my fiancé kissing my lips. "Good morning Baby." "Good Morning honey." I stretched. That's when I saw my hand and remember that I was engaged. I hopped out the bed and ran to a telephone. I dialed a number. "Hello?" "Hi Justin." "Oh hey sis." "Guess what." "What?" "Michael proposed to me last night!" "Really? You said yes right?" "I sure did. I'm getting married!" "Congratulations. Do you know when the wedding is?" "We haven't worked that out yet." "Well when you figure out the date tell me." "I will." "Okay, bye." "Bye Justin." I hung the phone up. Then I was grabbed from behind. "Baby I can't wait to marry you." I turned around to face him. "And I can't wait to marry you." We started kissing. Then there was a bloodcurdling scream. " Honey, what was that?" "I don't know."

Michael's POV
I woke Barri up with a kiss. Then she went out the room and made a phone call. When she said the name Justin, I knew she was talking to her brother. As she finished her phone call I hugged her from behind. I told her I couldn't wait to marry her. She told me that she couldn't wait to marry me. This led to a make out session. That is until we heard a bloodcurdling scream. "Honey what was that?" "I don't know." I saw my family members come out their rooms. "What was that? They all asked. We still heard screaming. I looked out the window. "Oh, no. I got to help her." Barri looked out the window too. "Oh, my goodness." I ran outside without a second thought. Barri was close behind me. "Hey!" The guy kept on beating up the little girl as if he didn't hear me. I had enough of this. I grabbed the dude. He tried to attack me, but Barri and I made quite the team. So the guy was on the ground. Finally the police came and took him away. "Hey, I'm Michael. What's your name?" She looked up at me with her face that was covered in blood and tears. "Alina." "That's beautiful." "Thanks." "Come on let's get you home." "I don't have a home. I used to live in an orphanage. Please don't make me go back there." "Fine. We have to go inside before someone notices me." Barri grabbed her hand and we went in the house. "Make yourself comfortable." She sat down. "Who was that guy?" "He came to the orphanage and said he wanted to adopt me. We were walking. I didn't have a reason to talk so I was silent. Then all of a sudden he started screaming at me. He said, 'Are you dumb or something!' I don't what I did to make him upset, but he...he" "It's alright you don't have to talk about it anymore." Mom came back with a towel and wiped the blood off of Alina. "Why don't you want to go back to the orphanage?" She folded her arms and pouted. "They make you clean everything. If you don't clean they beat you and they only give you one meal a day." "How old are you?" "I'm 7. My parents gave me up the minute I was born. I figured out it was because I was born without my lower left arm." I looked and sure enough her arm was missing. I had to leave right then and there.

Barri's POV
A little girl was being beat up. Michael and I saved her and brought her inside. We didn't want the paparazzi to see Michael. Michael questioned her to find out who she was and where she came from. When she showed him her missing arm. He got up and left. She turned to me.   "Did I scare him away? Everyone is scared of me." She started to cry. I wrapped her up in a hug. "No you didn't scare him away. Listen, you sit her and talk to Michael's sister, Janet. I'll go look for Michael. Okay?" "What's your name?" "Barri." "Okay Barri." I went upstairs. I looked in Michael's room. He was crying. "Hey." I walked over to him and hugged him. "It's not fair. She's just a little girl. Why does she have to go through all that? It's not fair!" "Sometimes God gives us tests. They say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." He dried his face. "Come on." We went downstairs. Alina was smiling. "Michael, your sister is hilarious. Did I scare you with my missing arm?" "No Alina." "Then why did you run away?" "I was crying." "Why?" "I felt your pain." "How?" "When I was younger my father used to beat me too. I'll help you find a family who loves you. I promise." "Why can't I stay with you, Michael?" "I don't think my father would like it very much if I took care of a child." I suddenly got a great idea. "Why don't I ask my brother to adopt you?" "Okay." So I ran to the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Justin. Are you thinking about adopting?" "No, not really." "There's this wonderful girl that wants to be adopted." "Barri, I travel for my Job. I can't take care of a child." "But." "I'm sorry sis. I'll talk to you later." "Bye." I hung up the phone and turned around. "Well Baby, what did he say?" "He said he travels for his Job and that's why he can't adopt her." "Well I've got some people I can call." So Michael was on the phone. He made several  phone calls. Finally Michael wore a smile on his face. "I found someone who would adopt you. And Alina, you are going to love them." Then he started to frown. "Only, they said that they can't come over today to get you or the adoption papers. They'll be here as soon as they can." "That means I get to stay here right?" "Sure Alina. Come on, let's go outside so I can show you my llama." "You have animals!" "I sure do." So I went outside with Michael and Alina. She looked so happy. "Hey do you want to play tag?" "How do you play Michael." "Well I'll tag you. Then you tag either Barri or me. Whoever gets tag has to chase the other people." "Oh, I get it." "Tag your it." Michael and I ran. Alina tagged me. I went after Michael. "Let's play hide and seek. It's kind of like tag, but the person who's it has to find the other people. I'll close my eyes and count to ten. You hide." "Okay." So we played hide and seek. Then we had a water balloon fight. "It's time for dinner!" "Who's that Michael?" "That's my mother." So we went inside. "Whoa! I've never seen so much food!" She sat at the table. "Well let's eat!" "Wait we have to say grace." "Grace?" "We have to thank God for the food." "Oh." "Do you believe in God?" "There must be a God. He allowed me be saved by you." I smiled. We all smiled. We said grace. Then she stuffed her face. We had some dessert. "Icecream! I've always heard that it was delicious. I've never got to try it though." "Well you must." She tasted the icecream. "So good!" We all laughed. A little while later it was time to go to bed. "Alright Alina it's time to go to bed." "But Michael." "No buts. Come on." So he led her to a room. " Good night Alina." "Good night Michael."  Then Michael came over to me.  "Goodnight Baby." "Goodnight honey." He kissed my lips. I kissed back. The kissed became very passionate. He pinned me against the wall. Then I heard laughter. "You two are so adorable." "Hey I thought I told you to go to bed." "Okay, okay."  She walked away. "Goodnight." "Good night honey." He gave me one final kiss. I went to sleep. I awoke to Michael kissing me. "Come on let's go wake up Alina." So Alina stayed for the rest of the week. At last a couple came to pick up Alina. "Alina look, we got your adoption papers. That means we're your new parents." "I don't want to leave." "Alina, I'm going to miss you so much, but one day I'm going to get Barri and me our own house. Then you can come over all the time." "Thank you Michael. Thanks for everything and thank you Barri. Thanks everybody." " Bye Alina." Michael gave her a hug. "Buy Alina." I hugged her. "Okay come on. We got to go." "Goodbye Michael. You're my hero." She left. I turned to Michael. "You're going to be a great father some day." "Yeah, and I can't wait." "Oh, yes you can. You better wait until you get married." "Yes Mom." We both said.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. And as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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