Lost and Found

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Barri's POV
It was another lovely day in March. So Michael and I decided to take a hike in nature. As we walked over a log I suddenly slipped off the log and fell down the 30 foot cliff. I bumped into rocks and sharp edges. Finally I hit the bottom. I tried to find a way back up. I walk so far that I no longer saw the log.

Michael's POV
I was making small talk with my girlfriend, when suddenly I heard a scream followed by several ouches. I looked around. I didn't see any signs of Barri. "BARRI!" I screamed her name over and over again. There was no reply. I instantly begin to panic. I looked around until the sun went down. As much as I didn't want to, I went home without her. I immediately told the police so there was a search team going to look for Barri. Needless to say I tossed and turned all night.

Barri's POV

The sun went down and I couldn't see. I manage to spot a cave and I went in. The night air was chilly. I had no idea how to start a fire with sticks. So I shivered for the entire night. At last, the warm sun came up. I was hungry,but at least I was smart enough to bring some water with me. I took a sip of my water. I sat back against the cave walls. There was nothing I could do, but hope to be found.
Michael's POV
Two weeks went by and no one has seen or heard anything from Barri. I've had to cry myself to sleep these past few nights. I spent all my time in my room, except when it was time to eat. Today my mother came in to check on me. "This time I think she's gone. She's really gone." I cried into my mother's shoulder. She rubbed my back to comfort me. "Michael, everything's going to be alright." Again I cried myself to sleep.
Barri's POV
I had no idea how much time went by. I just knew I was hungry. I was to weak to even walk. Suddenly these two people walked up to me. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" "Yes." "Come with us. We'll help you." They helped me up. Slowly I traveled with them to a cabin. They let me in. I saw non other than Ola Ray. "What is she doing here?" "Please Ola she needs help." "She is the girlfriend of the one I love. Do you really think I would help her." She bent down until her face was at my level. "You're weak and all alone. So I can do with you as I please." She punched me in the face. I never go down without a fight. I lifted my arm up to punch Ola, but I was too slow. She punched my face again. She slammed my body into the ground and kicked me repeatedly. I was too weak to fight back. Then she dragged me by my hair back to the woods. I laid their in the dirt and in pain.

Michael's POV

It was now April. Four weeks went by and I still hadn't seen or heard Barri. I decided to go back into the woods. I met up with the search team. "BARRI!" There was still no reply. I kept walking and calling her name.

Barri's POV
Even more time went by since Ola kicked me repeatedly. I ran out of water. Fortunately, I found a stream. I took a drink. Unfortunately, the water made me sick. I vomited whatever was left in my stomach. I had no more strength. I laid in the dirt. I knew that there was nothing I could do, but wait to die. Suddenly, I heard a voice. It was familiar, although I couldn't remember who it belonged to. It sounded so gentle. It called my name. I saw these people that I didn't know. I know longer trusted people. So when they tried to grab me, I kicked and punched and screamed. "Baby, It's alright." That's when I saw him. My heart swelled with Joy. My eyes filled with tears. "Michael, honey." I said just above a whisper. "I'm here baby." He picked me up and carried me bridal style, to an ambulance then he climbed inside with me. "Baby you have no idea how much I've missed you." Tears were filling his eyes as well. Before I knew it I was at the hospital.
Michael's POV
I almost gave up on finding Barri. That is until I heard the search team found something. I looked where everyone else was looking. That's when I saw her. Barri was so skinny. Her frail arms and legs flew through the air. I knew this was not her.  She must have been scared"It's alright Baby." Then  she looked at me. I saw tears come to her eyes. "Michael, honey." "I'm here baby." I picked her up bridal style and we got in the ambulance. I started feeling overwhelming Joy. Tears came to my eyes as I spoke. "You have no Idea how much I've missed you." I was going to offer her some food, but we arrived at the hospital before I could say that. Barri was pushed to an examining room. I went to find a waiting room.
Barri's POV
The doctors checked my vitals and they checked for injuries. Then I was taken to a hospital room and hooked to an I V bag. "Madam, you're going to have to stay here for a while. You are malnourished. You have to stay here until you get enough nutrition." "Okay." The doctor left. Nurses came in to clean the dirt off of me and then Michael came in.

Michael's POV
I waited in the waiting room. Then the doctor came to the waiting room. "Is there anyone here for Barri Williams?" "I am." "Well, she doesn't have any injuries besides Minor bruises and cuts. Her vitals are doing well. She is just Malnourished. So she'll have to stay here until she gets some nutrients. You can go in to see her. She's in room 829."
So I went to her room. In a little while, a nurse brought Barri some food. I  put the food in front Barri. She tried to raise her frail arm, but she couldn't. "Here let me help." I climbed into bed and fed her. "Shouldn't you tell your family that I was found?" "How about we call them after you finish your food baby?" "Okay." I finished feeding her. Then I picked up the telephone and dialed home. "Hello?" "Hi mom." "Hi Michael." "We found Barri!" "That's fantastic news!" "She has to stay in the hospital for a while though. If you want to see here the address to the hospital is." I gave her the address. "Bye Michael we'll see you in a little while." "See you mom." I hung up the phone. "They'll be here in a bit baby." "Okay."  I turned on the TV. The TV was on MTV. My music video for beat it came on. Janet was the first to arrive in the hospital room. "Barri!" "Janet!" "We've missed you so much." "I missed you guys too." Then the rest of the family came in. They said there hellos and left. Nighttime came. I kissed Barri's forehead. "Goodnight Baby." She fell asleep with her head on my chest. I smiled to myself. Barri was lost, but know she is found. One month later Barri got better. So we went home.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I love you all. I hope you all enjoyed. Stay tuned for more chapters. And as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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