Our First Argument

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Barri's POV
It was time to go to the bad tour. So Michael and I started packing. My mother came over to us. "I'm going to miss you two so much, especially my granddaughter." "What are you talking about? You're coming with us." "Really Michael?" "Yes." So my mother went to pack. I looked at Michael he was filling a suitcase with little clothes. They were male clothes, so I knew it wasn't for Isabella. Also I was packing Isabella's clothes. " Honey what are you doing?" "I'm packing bubble's clothes." "Why?" "Because I don't want him to go naked." "I understand that, but surely they could have stayed where they were. I mean he's not going anywhere, is he?" "He's going on the tour of course." "Why?" "Because I want him with me. He's a friend." "I'm your wife. I thought I was all you needed." "Yeah, but he's a family pet. People travel with there pets." "Yes cats and dogs, not chimps!" "He's my pet and I love him!" "What about me?!" "I love you, you're going on tour too." He tried to hug me, but I backed away with a frown on my face. "Oh baby," "Don't oh baby me!" "Listen if I want to travel with a pet what's wrong with that?" "You prefer a chimp to me!" "I never said that." "You didn't have to." "Baby what's going on with you. We've never argued before." "What's going on is that I hate you and I never should have married you!" "You don't mean that." "I do, which is what you should have said to your chimp since you love him so much!" "Baby,!" "Don't call me baby! I hate you!" I ran into my room and slam the door. I laid down on the pillow and cried my eyes out. Soon my mother came in. "What is going on? I heard yelling and the door slamming." "I had an argument with Michael. I told him I hate him, but I could never hate him. I love him so much." "All couples argue all the time. It's not the end of the world. I think what's best is that you two talk it out calmly." "I think you're right mom." Then she went out of the room.
Michael's POV
Barri was packing Isabella's things and her things. I was packing my things and bubble's things. This sparked an argument between us. She told me that she hated me. She ran away and slammed the bedroom door. I sank into the couch and cried. Bubbles came over with some tissue. "Gee thanks bubble's." He made chimp noises almost like a response. A smile almost came across my face until I remembered that he was the center of the argument. I cried even more. My mother in law came over and sat on  the couch next to me. "You know you're daughter better than anyone, so tell it to me straight, I messed up with her didn't I. She'll never love me again." The tears flowed like a waterfall. "Oh, Michael I can't control you or force you to do anything, but I can tell you that you have a wife in that bedroom crying her eyes out." "Really?" "Yes, what are you going to do about it?" I dried my face and went to the door. I knocked on it. There was no response. So I went in. "Baby it's me." Tears fell down my face. "I love you so much and if you want bubbles to stay here then he'll stay here." Tears ran down her face. "I was thinking, I love you and if you want to bring bubbles, then go for it." "No we'll do what you want." "No I already decided that we'll do what you want." "No." "What do you mean no? You're the one who  really wanted to bring your pet chimp!" "You're the one who didn't want to bring it! Now you're the one who's complaining when I change my mind to do what you asked!" "Are you saying that I'm a complainer?" "If the shoe fits wear it!" I turned around and went back out the bedroom door. I started to slam it, but I stopped. I turned around and ran to Barri. I fell to my knees right by the bed. "I'm sorry. I love you. You're not a complainer. I'm an idiot. Please forgive me." "You're not an idiot. You just prefer a chimp to a woman." "I really don't." Barri sat up to look at me. "Really? Because to me it seems like you're saying the chimp fills some type of void in your heart that I can't fill. That's what hurts. I thought I filled your empty heart." I grabbed her hands. "Baby, before I met you I was so lonely, but that's changed. You are the only thing that fills my empty heart. The chimp is just like a friend. See I do this to you." I kissed Barri's soft sweet lips. "But I won't do that to the chimp." "I'm sorry I got jealous of a chimp, which sounds ridiculous coming out my mouth. I'm just so tired because raising  a baby is hard." "I know." "Could you ever forgive me?" "Maybe there's a song that could answer that question." I started singing.
"Each time the wind blows I hear your voice so I call your name. Whispers at morning our love is dawning heaven's glad you came. You know how I feel. This thing can't go wrong. I'm so proud to say I love you. You're Love's got me high. I long to get by. This time is forever. love is the answer." I smiled at Barri and she started singing. She doesn't sound that good. "I hear your voice now. You are my choice now, the love you bring. Heaven's in my heart. At your call, I hear harps and angels sing. You know how I feel. This thing can't go wrong. I can't live my life without you." "I just can't hold on." "I feel we belong. My life ain't worth living, if I can't be with you." "I just can't stop loving you. I just can't stop loving you and if I stop, then tell me just what will I do, cause I just can't stop loving you. At night when the stars shine, I pray in you I'll find a love so true." "When morning awakes me will you come and take me? I'll wait for you." "You know how I feel. I won't stop until I hear your voice saying I do." "I do. I feel we belong." "This feeling so strong." "My life ain't worth living if I can't be with you. I just can't stop loving you. I just can't loving and if I stop then tell me just what will I do. I just can't stop loving you. Sorry I can't sing." "I know. That's why you don't sing the duet with me." We laughed. "Baby, I mean every word." "Me too." I kissed her. The kiss became passionate. I climbed on top of her. Clothes scattered everywhere. That's when my mother-in-law came in. Fortunately, we were under the blankets. "I just thought maybe we should hurry up so we can get on the plane." "Do you knock?" "Sorry." "It's fine." "I'll leave now." "Good now where were we." I kissed her some more. "Honey, she's right. We got finish packing. " "Please can we finish?" I gave her puppy dog eyes. "Oh we'll finish alright. Later, okay?" I sighed "Fine." We finished packing. We got on the airplane. Bubbles got on another airplane and the equipment on another plane. We got to our hotel suite. I rehearsed the tour and went back to the hotel. Thousands of fans crowded outside screaming. They stayed for hours. It was 10:00 pm. Isabella was crying. "Honey she wants to go to sleep. She can't sleep with those fans yelling." "I know. I know. They'll leave soon. They got to leave sometime." They did leave. At 12:00 midnight. The baby went to sleep. So did I and Barri."
Barri's POV
Michael did his first concert of the tour and he nailed it. The best part is the fifteen minutes he gets in the middle of the show. He spends some of it with me. Today Tatiana walked passed me. "I'll get Michael to be mine. You'll see." "You keep dreaming Tatiana." I ignored her. Michael was all mine forever. I was loving this tour. What could possibly go wrong?
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I  hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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