Trying to Carry Twins

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Barri's POV

Time was passing. The more time that passed, the harder it became to move. Two months had passed. So I was six months pregnant. My stomach was huge. One day the doorbell rang. "That's strange. I'm not expecting anyone. Are you expecting someone honey?" "Baby of course you're expecting someone, two someones." Michael laughed and rubbed my stomach. "I meant at the door." "Well they're going to come through that door someday." Michael continued laughing to himself. I laughed too. "Sir, it's someone named Ryan White." "Yes. Bring him in." A teenage boy walked in the door. "Hey Ryan." "Hi Michael." "Barri this is Ryan." "Hello." "You see Ryan's kind of sick, so I told him he could come here and have fun." "He's sick and you told him to come here around my babies!" "Um can I talk to you in private?" Michael gently grabbed my arm. "Excuse us." So we walked in our room. "Listen, Ryan is a hemophiliac. So he had to get a blood transfusion. The blood that he got was contaminated with AIDs." "Oh." "Yeah people are so ignorant that he got kicked out of school. They though he would spread aids to the other kids." "Oh no." We walked out the room. "Hello Ryan. I'm so sorry for my behavior earlier." "It's okay. I'm used to it." So Ryan spent the whole day at Neverland. Time continued to pass. It was August 29th 1989. Michael turned 31 and Isabella turned two. I opened my eyes and struggled to sit up. "Here. Let me help you." Michael came over and help me sit up. "Thanks." "Anything for you." I gave Michael a kiss. "Happy birthday honey." "Thanks." "Can you help me standup?" I reached out my hands. "Sure." Michael helped me to the dinning room. I sat down. My mom came out of her room. "You will never believe what Violet just did." Mom put violet on the floor. Violet started to crawl around. "That is incredible. She is getting so big." Isabella ran over to me. She smiled at me. "Mommy!" "Hey." "Eat eat." "Are you ready to eat?" "Yes." "Okay." Michael picked up Isabella. "Daddy." "Hey." Michael placed her in her chair. Violet started crying. Michael put her in her highchair. He fed her some food. We all ate some breakfast. "Hey it's our birthday. What are we going to do today?" Michael gave both our daughters baths. He dressed them and did their hair because I'm practically immobile. I managed to walk to the living room and sat on the couch. Michael sat next to me. The kids sat on the floor playing with their toys. My belly was still feeling quite heavy. I was thinking about how I would carry twins for three more months. I was broken from my thoughts by screaming. My two daughters were fighting over a stuffed animal. "Mine!" Michael immediately jumped in. "Hey. You have to play nice and share. See you play with it for a little while and then you play with it for a little while. If you can't share, then neither one of you gets the toy." "Michael they're just babies." "They have to learned to share." They continued to play on the floor. It seems the twins were playing as well because there was a lot of movement in my stomach. The day went on. Soon Isabella's cousins and friends came over for her birthday. A few of Michael's friends came for his birthday as well. They all played games. I stayed seated because my stomach was heavy. Soon it was time for the birthday cake. We all sang Happy Birthday. We ate some cake and Icecream. Michael and Isabella opened their presents. Soon everyone left. Michael put Isabella and Violet to bed. Then he helped me to our bed. I laid down. The twins continued to move in my stomach. Time passed by. "Can't you stop moving for two seconds, so I can get some sleep!" Michael opened his eyes. "I'm sorry Baby." "Not you, the twins." "Well, don't talk to them like that. Be nice." Michael started rubbing my stomach. "Hey you two. Mommy and Daddy love you very much. Mommy is tired. So let her get some rest." Then Michael softly sang a lullaby. Soon I was asleep. Time continued to pass. When I was seven months pregnant I had a wedding to attend. "Baby I don't like the guy. I just feel that he is no good." "Honey if that's who Latoya wants to marry then that's who she should marry. Besides you shouldn't be complaining. I'm the one who has to find something remotely good enough for a wedding that will fit over my belly." "I guess you're right." So I finally found something to wear. We walked to the door. "Mom why aren't you dressed." "Well I figured, that since I'm not part of the family that I would stay here." "Nonsense. Come on." So my mom got dressed and we headed to the wedding. The wedding was nice. By the time I was eight months pregnant, I was unable to walk. I couldn't even turn over on my own. My stomach was absolutely huge. "Honey I don't want to be a burden to you." "Baby, you're no burden. I love you and I'll do anything for you. Besides you're carrying two of my kids." He kissed my stomach. So for another month I was unable to move myself. One day I felt that familiar painful feeling.

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