I Miss You

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Before we get into the story, I just want to ask you to please comment if you want Michael and Barri to have a boy or a girl. Also comment what you want the baby's name to be. Remember this is your chance to have a say in the story. The person who comments the name that I choose will get a shout-out. I will read and vote one of your stories. So please comment boy or girl and a name. Thank you.
Barri's POV
1 month past. Michael was packing some bags. "Where are you going honey?" "Well a month ago, I told you that our home Neverland is really far away from the city. So I bought a place that is closer to the city, in case I have to work in the city." "Yeah." "I have to practice for the tour. So I'm going to the other place. Don't worry. I'll be back in a month or two." "I want to go with you." "Baby, I know you do." He put his hand on my belly. ",But we have to think about the baby and you. The doctor said for you to relax. My staff at Neverland will take good care of you. I love you Baby." He gave me a peck on the lips. Then he looked at my belly. "Daddy loves you too." Then he quickly went out the door. I tried to follow him, but a seven month pregnant lady can only go so fast. Michael was gone. Tears fell down my face. A maid came over. "Mrs. Jackson what are you doing out of bed. Come on." She guided me back to bed. Then she saw my face. "Is everything alright?" "Michael's gone." I cried out. "Yes, he went to practice for his tour. He'll be back."

Michael's POV
I woke up and packed some bags. I explained to Barri where I was going and why. She wanted to come with me. I wanted her to come with me, but I had to obey the doctor's orders. So I left without her. As I got in the limo, tears fell down my face. I missed her already. I made it to my other place. It was empty. For the first time in 3 and a half years, I felt very lonely. Sure some security was there. I didn't have long to think about that because I had rehearsals to get to. A week passed by. I called Barri everyday to tell her how much I missed her. Everyone was asking if I was okay. One day I just snapped. I didn't mean to, but I missed Barri so much. I didn't know how I was going to stay away from Barri much longer. "I'm lonely! Okay?! I miss my wife! Now can we focus on this tour instead of my life!" Everyone stood in shock. "I'm sorry everyone." Then Tatiana, the model from The Way You Make me Feel, came over. I folded my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes. "I'm so sorry that you're lonely. Maybe I can hang out with you. We can go to a restaurant, or an amusement park, we can go to your house." She even winked. "No thank you." "You know you want me." I just walked away. I heard someone yell at Tatiana. "If he wanted you he would have you!" "Who asked you?" I couldn't help, but laugh. I continued with practice. I went home. I was lonely again. I sat down and stared out a window. I wished that Barri was here. Then the doorbell rang.

Barri's POV
I laid in the bed and looked at the empty place where Michael once laid. A week went by. I couldn't take this loneliness anymore. I packed some bags. Then I went to security. "What are you doing out of bed Mrs. Jackson?" "I want you to take me to my husband." "We can't do that. We would be disobeying direct orders from Mr. Jackson and the doctor." "Please. He says he misses me and I miss him. Please." Tears started to fall down my face. "Okay, just don't cry." After coming out the bathroom. I got in the limo and began the journey. As I got closer to the destination I began to wonder how Michael would react to seeing me. Soon I would know. "We're here." Security helped me out the car and carried my luggage. I made it to the door. I rang the doorbell. Some other security opened the door. I walked in. Michael turned around. His facial expression went from surprise to joy to confusion to upset. "What are you doing here? You know you should have stayed in bed. I mean what is not at Neverland that you can find here." "You." He carefully wrapped me in a hug. "Baby, I missed you so much." "I missed you too." "Come on. Let's get you in bed." "Wait I'm hungry." "What do you want to eat?" "Icecream. Any flavor will do." "Okay, I'll bring you some icecream as soon as you get in bed." "Okay." I get my PJs on and get in bed. Minutes later Michael came back with Icecream. I immediately stuffed my face. Michael laughed. "Baby I missed you so much." He leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head. "What?" "Can I go with you to rehearsals?" "No baby, you know what the doctor said." "Fine, you'll never get another kiss from me." I turned over. So my back was to Michael. ",But the baby." "The baby is going to be fine. I just want to sit there and watch." "Fine." I turned back over and kissed Michael. The next day we went to rehearsal. Tatiana rolled her eyes at me. I ignored her. "Baby, it's a good thing you're here. I wanted to ask you would it be alright if, maybe, I dance with a fan each night of the tour?" "Sure." "They might try to kiss me." "Okay." I didn't mind. I knew Michael loved me and only me. "When I do the duet , I just can't stop loving you, is it alright if I touch her thigh like this?" He demonstrated what he was talking about. "Sure honey. Thank you for asking." "Your the best Baby." I smiled and watched the rest of rehearsals.
------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone. I just wanted to remind you to please comment down below if you want Michael and Barri to have a boy or a girl and and please comment a name. Thank you. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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