Michael's Birthday

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Barri's POV

It was August 1st, which means that I had 28 days to make enough money to buy a cake and a gift for Michael. Although I don't like to even think about being anything but a doctor, but I had to for Michael. I could just borrow Michael's debit card, but then it would be like he was buying himself a birthday gift. So I got myself a job as a waitress. Of course I didn't tell Michael. It's a surprise. Everytime we went to a different city I got a different waitress job.

Michael's POV

The tour was going great and Barri and I were falling deeper and deeper in love. Or so I thought. All of a sudden she just started leaving without saying a word. We didn't even have time to look at each other. I wanted to trust Barri, but it was hard. One night when she came in I just had to talk to her. "Barri what's going on?"

Barri's POV

I walked in the hotel room from work one night. Michael was right at the door. He didn't look too happy. "Barri what's going on?" "What are you talking about?" "You know what I'm talking about. I never see you anymore. Where do you go." "You'll find out in due time." I put my hand on his cheek and smiled. "You think this is a joke?" "I don't understand honey." "Don't honey me!" I never heard this tone of voice from Michael before. He sounded angry and hurt. "Look, I want to trust you." "Then trust me." I tried to grab his hand he pulled it away. "Then tell me what you do all day." "I will in due time." "Well if you won't talk to me then I guess we're over." The tears ran down his face. It was a sad sight to behold. However, I knew that soon enough his face would express joy. "Michael." "You ready to tell me what's up?" "No, not yet." "Then don't even call my name."

Michael's POV

Barri was cheating on me and she wouldn't even admit it. If she loved someone else I'd understand. We weren't in the same state as last week, or the week before that. So was she seeing multiple men? No, not my...eh... Not Barri. Then what was going on? Either way, if she won't talk then we couldn't be a couple. I started singing she's out of my life to myself. I'm pretty sure I cried myself to sleep that night in the other bed that Barri wasn't in.

Barri's POV

I missed talking with Michael. He is one good performer though. If I hadn't heard Michael cry himself to sleep I would have thought he was happy. I explained the whole situation to Michael's family so they wouldn't get any bad ideas about me. Today was August 29th. I went in the Bathroom to count my money so Michael wouldn't have clue about what I was doing for him. Then I left again. This time I came back with a cake and Michael's birthday present. "Happy Birthday Honey." I wrapped my arms around him. He removed my arms and headed for the door. "I told my people that I would rehearse since you obviously don't care about me anymore." "Michael I do care. Besides, it's time for me to explain where I have been going." He turned around. I gave him my best smile I could. "I'm listening." Well I got you a cake and this. I handed him his present. He took it and opened it. " How did you know I wanted a ( Readers please insert random gift.). " "Because I know you." "So how do you even buy this cake and this gift." "I have been getting different jobs as waitresses. I saved my tips." "So, that's where you have been going. Baby I am so sorry that I didn't trust you. Honestly, I kinda thought you were cheating on me with different men." "I would never. No one could treat me better than you treat me." "I know. I'm really sorry." I grabbed his face and put my lips on to his lips. I missed kissing him. It's been less than a month, but it felt like an eternity. The kiss became more and more passionate. I would have never let go if the phone didn't ring. Michael answered the phone. He had this big cute goofy grin on his face. I think he enjoyed the kiss as much as I did.

Michael's POV

I couldn't believe that I even considered  breaking up with Barri. She worked a job just to get me some cake and a present. And that kiss was just...wow. Too bad the phone rang. "Hello?" "Michael where are you?!" I couldn't help but think of that kissed I shared with Barri. I must have been smiling like a crazy person. "Michael!" A voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Oh yeah, Barri got me a cake and the present I always wanted. I had to apologize for the way I treated her." "Yeah well you said you'd be at practice thirty minutes ago." "Well can you cancel it?" "You want me to tell these people that they wasted there time showing up?" "Fine, I'll be there in a bit. See ya." "See you later Michael." I hung up. I looked back at Barri. "Honey, that kiss was me saying I forgive you. Hey remember that time when those boys were calling me ugly in kindergarten? You told them to knock it off. They pushed you and the fight started. You didn't even have a scratch." "Yeah, my dad tore me up that day, but like I said, I would take a million whippings for you. Do you remember the time those boys were bullying me? When you were done they were unrecognizable." "Yeah, remember they use to tease us and say we were a couple?" " Yeah and look at us now. I love you Baby." "I love you honey." I have her quick peck on the lips. "Well I've got to go to rehearsal. Do you want to come with me." "Ok." We walked out the hotel room hand in hand.

Joe's POV

Of course I went on tour with my sons. Now Michael still hasn't shown up to rehearsals and I'll bet it's because of Barri. I have got to get them to break up. I decided to go outside to see if Michael was coming. "Hey Mr. Jackson." I saw this man I had never seen before. "Do I know you?" "Well let's just say your son took my girl." "Which one?" "Michael." "You know maybe you can get your girl back." "How?" "See Michael thinks that Barri is cheating on him. So all you have to do is convince Michael that Barri cheated on him with you." "I see." "If you don't get the girl no one does. You do whatever it takes to make sure no one has her." His face broke out in a sinister smile. "What's your name son?" "Braydon." "Well you come tell me the results. Got it?" "Got it." With that I went back inside.

Barri's POV

Michael opened my door and I hopped out. He gently grabbed my hand. Security went inside. Then I saw a face I didn't want to see. Braydon. "What do you want?" "I think it's time we tell Michael the truth." "What's he talking about Baby." I turned to Michael and shrugged my shoulders. "Sure you do. Tell Michael that you love me. You have been cheating on him with me." "You're crazy." "No I'm not the girl I mine." "She's mine mine mine. The girl is mine. The dogon girl is mine." Michael sang. We were walking around him when he grabbed me and ran to this dark alley. He threw me down. I hit the pavement hard. I cried out in pain. Braydon kicked me. Shut your stupid mouth. I tried to get up, but he kicked me again. The he knelt down and punched me. "HEY!" A voice echoed. It was a beautiful voice. It was Michael.

Michael's POV

Braydon, I think that's his name, was talking complete nonsense about Barri cheating on me. Suddenly he took off with Barri. I followed after. I heard Barri cry out. Then I found them. Braydon was punching Barri. "HEY!" Braydon paid no attention to me. I went up to him and pulled him off of Barri. He lifted his arm to hit me, but I hit him first. I was going to give him a beating, but the police showed up. They left him away. How he got out of prison I don't know. I ran over to Barri. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine thanks to you." "It was nothing." "You're my Hero Michael." I started smiling. "What?" " I like being called a hero. Now come on let's clean your face." I helped her up and we walked inside. There was security. "Are you alright. We were worried when you didn't come in. So we called the cops. For some reason your father didn't want us to call." So Joe was behind all this. Anyways we walked until I found a towel and some water. I wet the towel and cleaned Barri's face. "Happy Birthday my hero. Sorry Braydon had to go ruin it." "He didn't ruin it. Okay" I walked in and saw Joe. "You set all of this up didn't you?" "My son, how do you expect to be great if you keep letting Barri distract you?" "I have been coming to practice this whole month! What type of person would put someone else life in danger over one practice?" " One who cares about his son." " Don't tell me you care about me if you won't accept Barri!" "I don't have to do that.!" "Well at least don't put her life in danger!" "Don't you see I'm doing this for you." "Hey Michael let's practice." It was Marlon. I quickly took Barri to watch us practice. I kept glaring at Joe who was glaring at me. After practice my brothers came to me. "Michael why do you keep looking at Joe like that?" Marlon questioned. "Well he figured out I was late because I was with Barri, yes we are a couple again, so he got Braydon to try to separate us." "He stooped  down too low." "I know right." "Well we should get some rest we got a show tomorrow." Jermaine said so we went to the hotel. Barri and I went into our room. What a Birthday this has been! She called me a hero. "Goodnight Honey." "Good night Babe. I kissed her I soon fall asleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. As always HEAL THE WORLD

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