The Nightmares

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Michael's POV

I was being kidnapped again. I kicked and screamed. Nothing worked. I was dragged away. Then Ola raped me. I'll spare you the details. Then someone tapped me. It was Janet. "Michael are you alright? I heard you screaming and kicking." "Yeah, must have been a nightmare." " Okay big brother. Sleep well." She walked away. I ran upstairs. Barri sounded like she was trying to scream. She was shaking.

Barri's POV

I was driving again. I left Michael's house. I turned out the driveway. I saw Ola's car drive towards me at a crazy speed. I starting crying. I didn't want to die. I starting yelling. "Please!  don't hit me! Please! Then I felt tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes. " Baby it's okay." I saw Michael. I sat up and rested my head on his chest and started crying. He rubbed my back. "It's alright." " I was so scared. I don't want to die. I want to live so I can spend time with you because I love you so much." "I love you too. You are not going to die. Let me guess. You dreamt that you were in that car accident again." "Yes." He felt sweaty. I'm sure I was sweaty too. "Did you dream you were raped." "Yes." Then Mrs. Jackson appeared in the door way. " What is going on? I heard kicking and screaming." "We had nightmares Mrs. Jackson." " Oh come here you two." She wrapped us both in a hug. " Remember, God will always take care of you." Then she left. Long story short, we kept having Nightmares all night. Finally the sun came up. Michael came upstairs. He yawned. It was kind of cute. Then I yawned. "Good morning Baby." "Good morning Michael." He kissed my lips. I kissed back. I wanted this moment to last forever, but it didn't. "Rough Night huh." " We both had a rough night Michael." " Yeah about that, I think we should seek professional help." " No." "Yes. As long as we are afraid of Ola she wins. Besides don't you want to get sleep at night." " Alright we'll go get professional help." " Great." I hugged Michael. "Michael we've got a Pepsi commercial to shoot." Jermaine said as he popped his head in the room. "That's right I forgot. Baby looks like we have to get professional help later." " Okay." " Bye baby" " Bye" He kissed my lips. He left. I was tired I fell asleep. Then I was back at the same spot about to get hit by Ola. I screamed and cried. Then Ola hit me. I sat straight up. I was shaking badly. I wished Michael was here so he could hug me and tell me everything was alright. Then Janet came in and wrapped me up in a giant hug. " Everything is alright. Here I'll keep you company until Michael comes back. That night and for several other nights Michael and I kept having nightmares. One day on December 30th I was having nightmares as usual. Then I awoke to Michael tapping my shoulder. My eyes flew open. There was Michael with that beautiful smile. He did look tired. Who wouldn't be tired after 5 nights of little to no sleep? "Happy Birthday Baby." "Thanks Michael." I smiled back. "How did  you know it was my Birthday?" " When we were in kindergarten it was all you talked about for the whole December, and November , and possibly October." "Okay I get it I do talk about my Birthday a lot." " I remember going to the bathroom to cry because I never had a birthday celebration before. I didn't understand the big deal." Michael stared at his feet. "Oh Michael I didn't mean to make you feel bad. If it makes you feel better I've only had one Birthday party. That's when I was one. The only reason I know about that party is because I saw the pictures." I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back.  "Well Happy Birthday." He handed me a present. I opened it. It was a beautiful dress and a makeup pallet and some flats. It was my favorite color purple. "Oh I also made breakfast for us." We dug in. We talked for hours. "So you're not going to practice for your commercial today?" "Come on. This is your special day and I want to spend it with you. Oh look at the time. I have to go. Just put on that dress and that makeup and those shoes and go with my security. I love you." He kissed my lips and went out the door before I could process what was happening. Then Janet and Latoya and Rebbie came in. "We're going to help you get ready." Janet said with a big smile. I put on my dress and paired it with the purple flats.  Then I came out and sat down. Michael's sisters did my makeup and hair. Then we were out the door. We arrived I went up the stairs to this house. I ranged the bell. Diana Ross opened the door. She looked around at Michael's sisters then at me. "You must be Barri." "Yes ma'am." "Come on in." I looked around and their was Michael. I practically had to pick my jaw up off the floor. He looked great. I hobbled in my crutches over to Michael. When he saw me his jaw dropped. "Baby you look gorgeous." "You look handsome." I kissed him on the lips. I heard giggles. We pulled away. There was Janet giggling and talking about how cute we were. I had a great birthday party. Even then I still had nightmares and so did Michael. Then January 20th came.

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