Parenting is Tough

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Barri's POV
I finally got to leave the hospital. Michael carried Isabella. We went to our second place and started packing so we could go to Neverland. We were in the limo. I sat on one side of the baby and Michael sat on the other. Finally we made it to Neverland.
Michael's POV
We finally got to go to Neverland.  At last we arrived. I was so excited. "We're here!" We walked into the house. "Alright see you." I gave Barri the baby and quickly turned around to go back out the door. "Hey, where are you going." "I want to go on my rides and look at my zoo and if there is time, watch a movie in theater." "Wouldn't it be romantic if we did that stuff together. Who knows when the next time we'll be together alone." "Baby, who's going to watch Isabella?" That's when security came over. "Don't worry sir and ma'am, we'll watch her." Barri was a little hesitant, but she handed over Isabella. "Have fun. Don't you worry about a thing." We waved goodbye and went outside. The rides were fun. I loved the animals. Then we watch a movie. Barri and I shared popcorn and candy. We were cuddling against each other. We started kissing. Then the movie was over. We headed over to the house. It was now dark.

Security Officer POV
We all watched the baby everything was going fine. Then the baby started crying. We couldn't figure out why. We tried to feed the baby, but the baby didn't want it. We tried to the put the baby to sleep. That didn't work either. We didn't know how much we could take. Time passed. "Hey what's that smell?" "Who knows?" We all struggled our shoulders. The baby was still crying. We heard foot steps and then they sped up.
Barri's POV
After Michael and I had a great time we headed to the house. We were holding hands and laughing. Then I heard a baby crying. Michael and I  looked at each other and ran towards the sound. We entered a room filled with security guards desperately trying to cover there ears. "Don't you hear Isabella crying?" "Oh yes Mrs. Jackson, but we tried everything." " Did you try to feed her?" "Oh, yes." "Did you try to put her to sleep?" "Yes ma'am." "Did you check her diaper?" "We were suppose to do that?" "Don't you know anything about a baby?" "We aren't babysitters." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Michael picked up Isabella and looked in her diaper. He looked away in discuss. It was kind of funny. "Oh yeah she needs a diaper change." He got the diaper bag and left. He came back after a few minutes. I decided to check after him. He did a good job. "I'm impress." "I guess it just came naturally." We laughed. "Let's have some dinner." The chef cooked some food. It was delicious. The baby started crying again. I fed the baby and burped her. Then it was time to go to bed. We walked to the baby's room which was right next to our gigantic one. Michael put the baby to sleep. Then we went to sleep.
Michael's POV
I laid down next to my lovely wife. I kissed her on the lips. "Good night baby." "Good night honey." I closed my eyes and slept. All of a sudden I heard a baby crying. I immediately jumped out of bed. Barri started moving. I wanted her to rest. "It's alright baby, I got it." She laid back down. I went and changed Isabella's diaper. I put her back to sleep. I went back to bed. The baby started crying again. I went over to the baby and fed her. "Isabella you have to be quiet so you don't disturbed mommy. Okay?" I put her back to sleep. I went back to sleep myself. The baby started crying again. I screamed into my pillow. "Honey, I got it this time."
Barri's POV
We finally went to sleep. Suddenly the baby cried. I was going to take care of it, but Michael said he would handle it. This happened again. The third time Michael became frustrated. I decided to go check on the baby.  I did whatever she needed me to do. I laid back down.  This happened all night. When the sun came up I was exhausted. I looked  at Michael who yawned. "Good morning baby." He kissed my lips. I kissed him back. "Good morning honey." Then the doorbell rang. Seconds later security called asking if they could let my brother in. "Sure." They led him to us. "Hi you two." "Hey." We both responded at the same time. "You two sound exhausted." Justin frowned in confusion. "Perks of being new parents." "Wait what are you talking about?" "I'm a mother and Michael is a father." "You had a baby?" "Did I forget to tell you?" "Yeah you did." Michael was feeding Isabella. He burped her. "Do you want to meet your niece?" "Sure." Michael gave the baby to Justin. "Meet Isabella Alina Katherine Jackson." "What brings you here?" "Well, Mrs. Jackson, that is Katherine, told me you moved. She gave me the address. I thought I'd come by and check on you and say hello." "Oh." ", But I can see you're tired so I'll go." He handed the baby back and left. Then we had even more visitors. "Hi Mom. Hi Janet." "Hey, we miss you guys. It's so boring without you." Michael and I hugged Janet and Mrs. Jackson. "You two look exhausted. Did the baby keep you up all night?" Michael put his head on Mrs. Jackson's shoulder and wrapped his arms around her. "Parenting is so hard." "I know, I raised 9 kids. Well my five boys were always gone with Joe, so I didn't see much of them." "Mom, I'm sorry." "It's not your fault, besides you got us out of Indiana and into California." Michael smiled a tired smile. "It's worth raising kids because I love each and everyone of them." "I know what you mean I love Isabella so much." "Me too." I added in. Janet and Mrs. Katherine stayed awhile before they left.
------------------------------------------------------Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tune for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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