Pregnant Yet again

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Barri's POV
It had been a month and a half since I gave birth to Violet. My mom had put the babies to sleep. She was also asleep. I climbed into Bed. "I love you so much Barri." "I love you too Michael." Michael kissed my lips. He deepened the kiss. He started kissing me all over. One thing led to another. We were at it all night. We stopped when the sun came up. "It's morning already." "That's to bad. I didn't want the night to end." We put on our PJs and headed to the kitchen. My mom came out with the babies. "Da da!" Michael picked up Isabella. "Hey Isabella. Good morning." "Mama." I looked at Isabella. "Good morning." My mother gave me Violet. "Good morning Violet." We all had breakfast. Michael and I spent time with our two daughters. A month passed. I didn't have morning sickness and I wasn't eating twice as much. I still loved my favorite food. I couldn't believe it. Everytime I had sex I got pregnant. Why was this time different?

Michael's POV
About a month and a half passed since the birth of my second daughter. I longed to sleep with my wife. I hadn't slept with her in what seemed like forever. So when everyone went to sleep I made my move. I kissed Barri. It quickly became passionate. One thing led to another. I experienced a whole night of ecstasy. Soon the sun came. I didn't want the sun to come up. I was enjoying myself. Nevertheless, we got out of bed and got dressed. We said good morning to everyone. We had breakfast and spent time together. A month passed. Barri didn't show signs of being pregnant. So I walked over to her. "Barri are you feeling pregnant?" "Nope." "Are you sure? I mean we didn't use protection." "I'm not having any symptoms."

Barri's POV
Three months passed since that whole night of ecstasy. I still didn't get any symptoms of being pregnant, but my stomach got bigger. I shrugged it off. It had to be belly fat. I started eating healthier. Another month passed. I couldn't move as much as I used to. My stomach was getting bigger. "Barri are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "I mean you look six months pregnant, but you just had a baby five months ago. So that's impossible. You're having trouble moving. Maybe we better get you to a doctor." "Fine. We'll be back mom!" We headed out to the hospital. Finally, it was our turned to go in the hospital room. The nurse checked me out and then we waited for the doctor. The doctor came in. "Okay. What seems to be the problem?" "Well I'm having trouble moving and my stomach is getting bigger." "Ma'am have you ever given birth before?" "Yes, twice. Two beautiful girls." "Show me your stomach." I lifted up my shirt to reveal my stomach." "Now this is going to feel cold." The doctor stuck the gel on my stomach. The doctor looked at the screen. "It's just what I thought." Michael stared at the screen. The doctor continued to speak. "You are approximately 4 months pregnant." "Doctor, why does the baby have four arms, four legs, two heads, and two torsos." "You see Mr. Jackson, that's because there's two of them. They're identical twins." "I'm carrying two babies?" Carrying one child was hard enough. How would I carry two? "Yes. Would you like to know the gender?" "No I want the gender to be a surprise." We headed back to Neverland and Invited Michael's family over to tell them the news. We waited an hour for them to arrive. We had the place cleaned. Michael's family started to arrive. "Hey Michael. Hey Barri." "Hey Jackie." We both said. We all hugged."Say Mike, this is a nice place." "I know that's why I bought it." Michael started laughing. ",but thanks Jackie." "Hey Brandi, Hey Siggy." "Hey apple head. Hey auntie Barri." Just then, Isabella came over. "Are you going to say hi to your uncle and your cousins." "Hi." Isabella smiled and waved. "She is so cute. How old is she?" "She'll be two in two months." I was holding Violet. "And this is the other one." "Yeah. She's already five months." "Wow. It's been that long?" Soon Tito came over with his kids. We all said hello to each other. Marlon came over with his kids and his wife. We all said hello to each other. Jermaine came over with his children. Randy came over. We said hello to him. Rebbie came over with her husband and kids. We said Hello to them. Latoya came over. We said hello to her. Janet came over and we said Hello to her. Mrs. Katherine Jackson came over. Michael went to hug her. She hugged back. "Hi Mom. Hi Michael." "Hi Mom." "Hi Barri." I gave her a hug. "Hi grandma." "Hi. Look at all my grandbabies." "Hi." "Hi Isabella." "So Joseph's not coming, huh?" "He refused. He so stubborn." "Okay, now that you're all here, it's time for us to make an announcement." "Are you going to announce that you're pregnant?" "How did you know?" "Look at you. Everytime I see you you're pregnant. Slow down." "When you were my age how many kids did you have? 7 right?" "Something like that." We both laughed. "How many months are you?" "Four." ", but you're huge. You look 6 months pregnant." "Well I look big because I'm having twins." "Twins?" "Yeah." I saw tears fall down her face. "I didn't expect you to be this happy." "Barri Marlon was supposed to be a twin. His twin died." "I am so sorry Mrs. Jackson." She wiped her eyes. "It's fine I have enough kids and grandkids." Just then bubbles came out. All the kids were talking about how cool the ape was. Everyone was saying hi to bubbles. Michael picked up bubbles. "Hey who wants to see some more animals?" "Ooh me!" "Okay let's go." We all went outside. We looked at Michael's zoo. Then they got on the rides, those that were tall enough. I stay with the ones that weren't tall enough. Then we had a water balloon fight. As usual, Michael was completely dry. "I'm hungry." All the kids started complaining. "Okay then. Let's go inside and get something to eat." "Eat eat." "Yeah Isabella." Everyone went inside and had lunch. Soon everyone left and it was nap time for Isabella.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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