Let me get this off my chest.

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Before I began, I just want to say that I believe that Michael Jackson was innocent of all these child molestation claims. Michael Jackson could never bring himself to hurt a child. He said he would slit his own wrist before he hurt a child. Michael Jackson was not a pedophile. He was just smart enough to understand that if you would just love the children of the world they would grow up to be amazing people and make our world a better place. Michael Jackson wanted the children of the world to have the childhood he never got to have and to try to claim some of his own childhood. Michael Jackson was humanitarian. Michael Jackson is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most charitable donations. Every time Michael Jackson went on tour he visited children's hospitals and orphanages to bring children toys, albums, and posters. Why? It made him happy to see the kids happy and because he believed it is what God told him to do. Please don't let Michael Jackson's legacy be destroyed because of all the horrible lies made up about him throughout the years. Don't believe me? Look it up. Thanks for putting up with my rant.  And remember heal the world.

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