Meeting an Old Friend.

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Barri's POV

It was December 20 1983, my parents were irritating me. They called me over the phone with their list of rules they wanted me to follow. I didn't even live in their house anymore. I told them I could take care of myself. One argument later I hung up. I decided to go for a walk to calm down. As I walked down the dark street there was a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around preparing my mind to punch whoever was trying to kidnap me. All my frustrations went away as I looked into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. They look familiar.

Michael's POV

I had been wandering the streets for so many nights just looking for someone who would be my friend. I had no luck. Every time was exactly the same. I tapped on someone's shoulder. They start screaming my name. That is not the type of friend I was looking for. Here was another person she would probably have the same reaction as everyone else, but it was worth a try. So I tapped on her shoulder. She slowly turned around and I saw her pretty brown eyes. Why did they seem so familiar?

Barri's POV

Michael Jackson had just tapped my shoulder.
"Hi" he said. He sounded kind of nervous.
"Hi Michael" I gave him a reassuring smile.
"Will you be my friend?" He asked with pleading eyes.
"Don't you remember me Michael"
"Well you do look familiar"
"It's me Barri. (A/N it's pronounced berry)"
Suddenly I was wrapped in a tight hug. I hugged him back. We were close back in the day. We were in the same kindergarten class. At lunch I sat at the same table as him on the first day of school. We became inseparable. Michael started missing more days of school. Each time he came back he apologized to his teacher sincerely. He graduated from kindergarten. Then he never came back. I turned on the TV once and saw him dancing  and singing with his brothers. It all made sense. He had been singing all along.

" What have you been up to? What are you doing here in LA?" He asked excitedly.

" Well I came here and did my bachelors, masters, and my PhD at the same time."

"Dang, you are impressive girl."
"Nah, you're the one who is impressive. I mean you are the first African American on MTV and your album was the most sold album in history. Now that's impressive." "Oh it's no big deal really." I looked at him like he was crazy. " Do you realize how lucky you are Michael? Do you know how many people would love to be as famous as you?" I tried to say as sweetly as possible ,but I still looked at him with a confused expression. "They wouldn't if they knew what I had to do to get  here and what I still go through." Tears fell from his eyes. I gave him a great big hug. I still didn't understand. He didn't have to go to school yet he is Rich and famous. As if he could read my thoughts he spoke. "You must think I'm lucky since I didn't have to go to school, but I have never been to a birthday party, or slumber party or had a Christmas or anything." Now he was full on sobbing. I felt really bad for telling him how lucky he was. "When I was younger my father..." I felt him shiver as he mentioned his father."... He beat me Everytime I missed a single step." " Oh Michael, I'm so sorry. I didn't really know how hard you had it." He pulled away from my hug. He wiped his eyes. "It's alright at least I got it off my chest. What have you been up to?" "Well I am the doctor that celebrities bring their kids to." "Well I think that's wonderful. Someone should help the kids feel better. Anyways, will you be my friend again?" "Oh, of course Michael." He hugged me once again. "Come on, let me show my family." Before I could protest I was in Michael's car on the way to meet his family.

Michael's POV

I can't believe it. I made a new friend, well reunited with an old friend. After what seemed like forever, I arrived at my house. I hopped out the car and opened the door for my friend. I practically dragged her in the house. "Hey guys get over here!" My family came over. "This is my friend Barri." I pointed to Barri and she gave my family a smile and a wave. "Wait a second, the Barri you used to tell us about all time when you were five?" Jackie said. "Yeah and when you were six you told us how much you missed her." Tito added in. "Yeah you said you hope to see her again." Jermaine said "In fact, the other day," Marlon started. "Boys that's enough. Can't you see your brother is embarrassed?" Mom scolded my older brothers.

Barri's POV

There Michael was, back toward me head in his hand. He was embarrassed alright. "Let me introduce you to everybody. This is my sister Rebbie, My other sister Latoya. My brother Jackie, my other brother Tito, My other brother Jermaine, my other brother Marlon, my other brother Randy, and my baby sister Janet, my mother Katherine and my father Joseph."  I wave at all of them and smiled. They all smiled and waved back except for Joe, who kept a serious face and just nodded. "Well it was nice to meet you all." "It was nice to meet you too" They all said at the same time. "Well Barri let's go outside and play tag, and then water balloon fight, and then climb a tree and then go swimming and..." "Michael as fun as all that stuff sounds it's late and I think I should go home to get some rest." "Oh I see you think I'm childish or maybe it's because my  brothers told you that I've had a crush on you since forever. It's okay I understand." I froze for second I couldn't believe what I just heard. He is kind of childish, but it's cute. I can't believe he has a crush on me. "No no. It's not that I'm just tired is all. I promise I'll come tomorrow." "Okay Barri. Well I guess I'll take you home" So I was in Michael's car again. We exchanged phone numbers. I stared out the window and wondered if he knew he just confessed his feelings to me. We pull up to my house. As I was trying to get out of the car Michael grabbed my hand. "What are you thinking about Barri?" "Nothing." "Oh come on, you can tell me." " Well Michael I was wondering if you realised you basically confessed your feelings for me." "I do realise that and I'm glad it happened that way other wise I would have never told you. Now don't feel better after getting that off your chest?" "Yes Michael, I feel better. Well see you tomorrow." I gave Michael a smile. "Barri wait a minute." "Michael I'm tired." I whined "I know Barri, it's just, do you like me." "Michael I had a crush on you since I was five. That hasn't changed." He gave me a kiss on my cheek and let go of my hand. "See you tomorrow Barri." I went in my house and laid down on my bed. All I could think of was Michael's beautiful face and sweet personality. I fell asleep.

Michael's POV

I couldn't believe it! She liked me back. As shy as I am I believed that  that lovely lady Barri would be my girl. I walked in the house singing the girl is mine. I laid down on my bed and smiled to myself. All I could think of was Barri's beautiful face and wonderful personality.

------------------------------------------------------ I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Please provide feedback if you want. And remember heal the world.

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