The Psychotic Psychologist

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Barri's POV

The doctor told Michael he could leave the hospital today. Of course he had to visit the children ward. He even made the Michael Jackson burn ward. He didn't even Sue Pepsi, he just told them to donate the money. We immediately scheduled an appointment with a psychologist. Turns out that the appointment is later today. We went to the psychologist. "Hello. Barri is that you?" "Hi Braydon." I rolled my eyes. "You two know each other?" "Yes Mr. Jackson this is Barri the love of my life." "Actually Michael he started going to school in first grade. He kept asking me out. I told him no because I am not interested in him and because I still thought of you." I gave Michael a smile. He smiled back. Braydon on the other hand seemed to be fuming. "Anyways, tell me your trouble." We told him about our horrible nightmares. Then he handed us each a sheet of paper. "This represents your fears. Bald it up and throw it away." We did as told. I couldn't help but notice that Braydon was staring at me with lust. I shifted uncomfortably. So did Michael. Finally, the session was over. "That will be 30 dollars. You can pay at the front desk." Michael and I got up to leave. I hobbled out on my crutches. Suddenly I felt somebody grab me. I screamed, but they covered my mouth. I kicked with my one good leg. It didn't seem to bother this person. Michael turned around,but the person hid us out of sight. Finally he laid me on the couch in his office. I let out another scream. Then i saw Braydon. He covered my mouth again and slapped me. "You're going to get us caught!" He whispered yelled.

Michael's POV

I walked with Barri and we were talking about random things. Suddenly I heard crutches hit the ground. I turned around. Barri's crutches were on the floor, but Barri was not anywhere to be found. Then I heard a scream. I picked up the crutches and followed it. Then the screaming stopped. Then I heard screaming again. I ran towards the sound. Then I saw Barri kicking with one leg. I also notice that the jeans that had covered that leg no longer covered it. Barri was about to be rape. I grew very angry. I dropped the crutches and leaped toward Braydon. We both fell off the couch, but Braydon was the one who hit the floor. I punched him. " How dare you touch Barri." "Is that what you saw? Well, Barri was coming on to me. She asked me to do that. " He desperately tried to lie, but I could see right through that lie. I punched him some more. "The more you talk the worst you make it for yourself." I stood up and looked for a phone. I found one. I dialed 911. "Look out!" Braydon tried to attack me, but I pushed him down. I put my foot on his stomach. "Hello, yes, my girlfriend was about to be raped and I was attacked." I gave the operator my address. Braydon tried to sit up. I simply kicked him in his face. Then Braydon grabbed my foot. I fell hard. I winced in pain. Then he flipped me over and started punching me. I fought hard. Then Barri started punching him. The police finally arrived. They picked up Braydon and handcuffed him. They left. I quickly got up and handed Barri her pants. She put on her pants."Barri did he?" I grabbed her face very gently. She shook her head. ", But he was close." "Come on. Let's go home. We don't need a psychologist when we have each other." I smiled and kiss her cheek. She smiled back. When we went outside there were tons of fans and lots of paparazzi outside. I saw my security. "Okay Barri we got to duck." "How? I'm still on crutches." I gave the crutches to security. I picked Barri up bridal style and held her close to my chest. I made sure her face wasn't showing. I put her in the car. I got in the car and drove away. I heard Barri sobbing. "What's wrong baby?" " My shoulder hurts." Soon we were at my house. I carried her inside. My family welcome me home. My security laid down Barri's crutches. Then they left. "Let me take a look at your shoulder baby." She showed me her shoulder. It was blue, purple, and black. Yes it was bruised. I sat there trying to figure out how this happened. "Michael?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by this beautiful voice. "I hit it on the wall Michael, when Braydon grabbed me." " You poor thing. Let me grab you an Ice pack." I ran downstairs grabbed the ice pack. I ran upstairs. I kissed Barri's bruise. Then I put the ice pack on it. We made small talk about random things. We talked for hours. We went downstairs to dinner. We didn't mention the incident that happened to Barri until Janet noticed my face. " Michael why do you have a bruise on your face?" "What bruise?" I totally forgot about the events of earlier. Then Joe spoke. "You have a bruise on your face. Did you get in a fight?" Joe scares me. My voice shook as I gave him my answer. "I can explain." That's when he notice the ice pack on Barri's shoulder. "Don't tell me you got in a physical fight with Barri." " No dad not at all. See we have been having nightmares. Barri dreams of that car accident, and I dream of Ola trying to rape me again, and me catching on fire. Yes that is what happened when Ola kidnapped me. She tried to rape me, but Barri saved me. Anyways, we went to a psychologist today. He tried to rape Barri and so I got in a fight with him." I dreaded what would happen next. Thankfully Joe agreed with my course of action. "Oh,  that's perfectly understandable. I'm sorry you two had to go through all that." "It's alright Mr. Jackson." Was all Barri said. Dinner was over and Barri and I went upstairs. We chatted for a while longer. " Baby why don't you have a nickname for me. Like I call you Baby." " Well, I've never been in a relationship before. I can't believe I'm in one now. No one has ever been attracted to me. In fact everybody called me ugly." I gently grabbed her face and made her look at me. " I not attracted to you I'm madly in love with you. And you are not ugly. You are drop dead gorgeous. I'm the one who's ugly." "You are not ugly you are beautiful." "You don't understand." I went to the bathroom and wiped the make up off of my face and chest. I came out the bathroom with my shirt unbuttened. "See I'm ugly." Tears started pouring down my face. " If your talking about those white blotches they are beautiful. Ok?" " You don't think my vitiligo is ugly?" "No, of course not honey." She smiled at me. I smiled back " Michael, Honey, it's been a long day. I mean whoever heard of a Psychotic Psychologist?" We both started laughing really hard. "You know something Michael? We don't need a psychologist we have each other. You'll look after me and I'll look after you and must of all God will look after the both of us." "You know something Barri? your right." We smiled at each other. Then I kissed her. "Well Good night Barri." "Goodnight Michael." She fell asleep. She was so cute when she slept. I smiled to myself. I went downstairs. I laid down on the couch. I fell asleep. This time I dreamed of Barri's beautiful face and wonderful personality.

Barri's POV

Michael kissed me I laid down and instantly fell asleep. I dreamt of Michael's beautiful face and wonderful personality. I dreamt of his unmatched talent.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for more. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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