Dreams do come true

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Barri's POV
So my honeymoon with my husband was fantastic. We made it home. Everyone welcomed us back. "Did you have a good time?"" Yeah Janet.I'm so hungry!" I had a strange craving for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. I washed my hands and went into the refrigerator to get the ingredients for my sandwich. Everyone stared at me as I ate my food. "What?" "It's just that I've never heard of anyone eating pickles with peanut butter." "You think I'm weird?" I started crying. "Janet thinks I'm weird." "No baby you're not weird." "Get off of me. I don't need you to comfort me!" Michael backed up with his hands in surrender. I started crying again. "You don't love me anymore. You won't even touch me." Everyone was still staring at me. "What are you looking at?!" "Um, nothing. Listen there is some lasagna in the fridge. I'll heat some up." The very thought of lasagna made me nauseous. Then Janet open the lid. "That smells horrible Janet. Please put that way." ", But you love lasagna." I lost it. I ran to the sink and vomited. Janet put the lasagna away. Everyone was still staring. "I said stop looking at me!" I went upstairs and decided to go to sleep. I laid down on Michael's bed. Then Michael came in the room. "Hey. Are you okay?" Tears fell down my face. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm having all these emotions and I can't control it. I'm eating weird foods and the foods I used love I hate." "Everything is going to be alright." He came and laid next to me. I fell asleep and morning came.
Michael's POV
So my honeymoon was fantastic. My wife and I made it home. We were welcomed home. Barri exclaimed that she was hungry. We all stared at her as she made a weird sandwich. She was very upset. When I hugged her that made her upset. When I stopped hugging her that also made her upset. I was so confused. I went to my mother. "Mom I don't understand her. She wasn't acting like this before. We lived together for 3 years. What happened?" "Michael I'm sure she has a good reason for behaving this way. You just have to stay by her side." "You're right mother. Thank you." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then Barri threw up at the smell of lasagna, but she loves lasagna. I was still very confused. After crying and yelling she went upstairs. I went after her. She told me how she couldn't control her emotions and she didn't know why this was happening. Eventually we fell asleep until morning. I kissed Barri like I do every morning. "Good morning Baby." She smiled at me. "Good morning honey." "Are you feeling better since you got some rest." "Yeah, I'm feeling good. I'm just feeling really hungry." "Well let's go to breakfast." We went downstairs. We sat down and said grace Barri piled her plate. She instantly began stuffing her face. "Slow down. You're eating like a pig." "Do you think I'm fat?" Barri started crying again. "He thinks I'm fat." "Well your face is a little swollen." She got up and left the table. I went after her. She was still crying. "My face is bigger than what it was!" "No one can tell." "Then how come Joe notice." "He's mean you just have to ignore him."
Barri's POV
I started putting the clues together. I think I knew why this stuff was happening to me. I didn't want to listen to my brain though. I tried to ignore everything. It wouldn't go away. Michael went back to making that album. So I was hanging out with Janet. "Are you okay? You haven't been acting like yourself lately." "I know, but I'm sure I'll be fine. It must be just a phase or something." I yawned. "I'm tired. I think I'll go to sleep." I awoke to Michael coming in. "Baby, I'm home. Are you okay?" "I was okay, until you woke me up!" "I just thought you'd be happy to see me. That's all." "What made you feel so entitled? Now just leave me alone." "Okay."
Michael's POV
I decided to continued to work on my album. Surprisingly, Barri didn't want to come. It might have been for the best. I don't think I would have gotten any work done with Barri being this upset. I was worried about her when I was working, but I knew Janet would take care of her. Finally I arrived back at home. I went straight to my room to check on Barri. She was upset. She asked to be left alone. I respected her wishes. I felt the bed shift. Then I heard someone vomiting. I went to the bathroom and held back Barri's hair. Then we went back to sleep.
Barri's POV
Three weeks passed since my honeymoon ended. I hadn't been doing any better. I decided that I could no longer deny my situation. One day when Michael came home I decided it was time to tell him. "Honey can we go to some corner store or something?" "Why?" "I just need to buy something." "What?" "I'll explain to you later!" "Keep it down!" Everyone said. "Sorry." "Fine." Michael put on a disguise. Then we headed out the door. I picked up two Pregnancy test. They were purchased and we headed home. "Baby you think you're pregnant?" "What else could explain my behaviour?" We went in the house. I went into the bathroom. I took both test. I came out the bathroom and waited. Michael was bubbling over with excitement. "You know I really want to be a dad." At last it was time to look at the test. They both read the same thing. The test said that I was pregnant. "I can't believe this." "I know I'm going to be a daddy." "Honey I think we should abort it." "Are you crazy? We're not going to kill a baby." "Then we'll put up for adoption." "Why would we do that. We're married and I'm financially more than stable." Tears fell down my face. "If Joe found out about this." Michael wiped them away. "Joe is not going to find out. I'll move us out as soon as possible." "Okay." "We need to see a doctor just to make sure that you're pregnant and everything is okay." He gave me a kiss. "Get some sleep." He looked down at my stomach. "You too." I laughed. "Goodnight." The next day Michael and I went to the doctor. We saw the doctor. After performing some test on me she smiled. "Congratulations you two. Mrs. Jackson you're 1 month pregnant." Michael was smiling from ear to ear. "I remember 1 month ago. We got married. Then we went on our honeymoon and then what we did is very private." I nodded my head. Michael went from excited to embarrassed. "Now you'll need to have regular check ups." "Okay." We went home. My mother-in-law met us at the door. "Alright, I'm not stupid. Barri you're pregnant aren't you?" "Yes Mom, 1 month." "That better have been after the wedding." "Yes mom. I'm going to be a dad. Only, we can't tell Joe. He lose his mind." "I know. I won't tell him." "Thanks Mom." "You're back." "Hi Janet." "You went to the doctor and found out you were pregnant didn't you?" "How'd you know?" "I'm not an idiot." "Okay Janet, just don't tell Joe." "I won't. I promise." I smiled at Michael. "You're going to be a dad and I'm going to be mom. Looks like dreams do come true." So the rest of the day went by.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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