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Barri's POV

I woke up to the phone ringing. "Hello?" "Hi Barri." "Hi Michael." "Well, are you coming over now?" Michael pleaded. "I promise I will come over right after work. Okay?" "Okay." Michael sighed. Then he hung up. Now I felt bad. Nevertheless I got ready for work   and packed a change of clothes and a swim suit. I got in my car and went to work. After what seemed like forever the day was over and I headed over to Michael's house. I hopped out my car and rang his doorbell. Half a second later he answered the door. "Barri!" "Hi Michael." He picked me up in his arms and twirled me around. "Tag you're it." I giggle and ran after him. He was so fast. Next he threw a water balloon at me. I threw one back. Some how at the end of the water balloon fight he was completely dry and I was soaked. Next, we ran inside to put on our swim suits. He showed me the bathroom and he went to his bedroom. When we came out there was Ola Ray. You know, the girl from thriller. "Hey Michael." "Hey Ola. Ola meet Barri, Barri this is Ola."  I reached out my hand. She shook it. She stared at me for a few seconds eyeing me up and down. "For a second I thought you were going to take Michael away from me, but honestly you ain't got nothing on me. I am so much more prettier than you." I just rolled my eyes. I knew Michael liked me. So what she said to me didn't bother me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" "I did." " Do you really think Michael likes you?" "I know he likes me." "Boyfriend stealer. I bet your Grandmother sleeps with every man in town! I bet you sleep with Every man in town!" Then she pushed me to the ground. Before Michael could stop the attach I punched her hard in her face. Suddenly I felt strong arms pull me off her. "Michael she said..." "Shh. I know, it's okay" I cried into his chest. How dare she bring my dead Grandmother into this. Michael let me go and shoved Ola, who was still trying to hit me. Michael took me inside. Then he went back outside to talk to Ola. It's a good thing he pulled me off her because she would have sustained serious injuries. He probably remembered back in kindergarten when I used to defend him against bullies.

Michael's POV

I couldn't believe Ola did that. She obviously didn't know who she was messing with. Barri would have seriously hurt her if I didn't step in. In kindergarten Barri defended me against Bullies who made fun of me because I was so shy. I confronted Ola. "Ola why would you say that. Why would you start a fight?" " She was trying to take my man. I was fighting for you!" "When did I ever say I was your man." "Well um." "Exactly. There is nothing between us. I don't even know why you came here." " So you like that..." Before she could get words out her mouth I slapped her and I don't normally hit women, but no one talks about my Barri. "Don't you dare call Barri any names." " You do like her don't you?" And with that she left, or so I thought.

Barri's POV

I couldn't believe it Michael slapped her. Michael usually isn't like this. Michael came in the house. "She's gone. If she ever touches you again I will..." "Michael get over here boy." It was papa Joe. They went in a room and I heard screaming, and what sounded like a belt hitting a butt, followed by papa Joe telling him to never put his hands on a woman. After what felt like forever Michael came out with tears streaming down his face and shallow scratches all over him . He probably got hit with the belt buckle as well as the strap. I opened my arms and he ran into them. I hugged him. This man was 25 and still getting whippings. Now that's sad " I slapped her because she was about to call you a name. She was being mean to you. " "Michael you didn't have  to. I mean it ended in you getting a whipping" "Barri I'd take a million more for you." Aww this guy. We set there in a comfortable silence. After a while Michael spoke up. "Well, we have on these swimsuits might as well use them." So we headed to the pool. We must have been in the pool for hours because it was now dark and I was hungry. "Michael I'm hungry." " Well, come inside then. I'm sure Mom won't mind making you a plate of food." So we went inside. I went to the bathroom. He went to his room. After a few minutes, we were changed into regular clothes and we came to the dining room. "Mom, can Barri stay for Dinner?" "I don't see why not, there is plenty of food." So I sat down. The food was delicious. After I finish eating I was practically dragged from the table by Michael's sisters. "So what happened with you and my brother." Latoya asked. "Yeah did you have a good time." Questioned Janet. " I had a great time." "Good because my brother really likes you." "I know Janet and I like him too." I replied. Michael walked over and we went outside and looked into the night sky. "Barri did you have a great time today." "Michael, I haven't had this much fun in a long time." I would have enjoy myself even more if Ola Ray didn't come over. "Barri I didn't know Ola was coming over I don't know why she was here." His voice sounded like he was pleading with me. Could this man read my thoughts or something? " I believe you Michael." "Can you come over tomorrow Barri?" "Sure Michael, anything for you." " I'll walk you to your car." "Okay" So we headed over to my car. As shy as Michael was he kissed me right on the lips. His lips were so soft. Then he turned his face from me. "No need to be embarrassed Michael. I liked the kiss. See you tomorrow." "See you Barri." I got in my car and pulled off. I could see him in my rearview mirror. I checked to make sure it was safe. Then I turned. Out of nowhere kaboom. Everything went dark.

Michael's POV

As I turned around I heard what sounded like a car crash. I did not want to believe that Barri was the one in the crash, but deep down inside I knew that it was her. I ran down the road and sure enough there was Barri's car. It was destroyed. I ran home and dialed 911. Soon the police and ambulance arrived. I saw them pull Barri out of her car and roll her into an ambulance. My family came outside. I silently prayed that God would not take Barri away from me. I ran to my car and drove to the hospital while wiping the tears from my face.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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