Miss. Bougie

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Barri's POV

It was October. I heard the baby crying. I got out of the bed. I went to my baby and fed her. I rocked her back to sleep. I put her in her crip. I walked back to Michael's and my room. I laid down and went back to sleep. I woke up a little later to the baby crying again. I changed her diaper. I washed my hands. The other kids started to wake up. I took the kids to the breakfast table. Michael came over to me. He kissed me. "Good Morning baby." "Good Morning honey. How's the album going?" "I think it's going okay." "That's good." We sat at the table. Breakfast was brought to us. We ate. Then Michael and I went to play with the kids. A little while later, the doorbell rang. Security answered it. It was a woman. "Hello Mr. Jackson. I'm Victoria. We spoke over the phone about you being in an advertisement for my company." "Oh yes. Hello. It's nice to meet you." Michael reached out his hand to shake hers. "I don't shake hands." "Oh. Why don't you make yourself comfortable." Victoria took her handkerchief and started wiping the couch. "When is the last time someone dusted this thing?" "My maids dust this couch everyday." "We'll if I were you I would fire them. They did such a lousy job." Victoria turned directly to me. Victoria held her hand out towards me, trying to give me her handkerchief. "Maid throw this in the trash and while you're at it, bring me some coffee with cream and sugar." I stood there dumbfounded. "Well, hello." "Are you talking to me?" I asked. "Well,I'm certainly not talking to the babies. Is that why you're a maid because you're too stupid to do anything else?" I frowned. Before I could open my mouth Michael responded to her. "She's not a maid. She's my wife." Michael said. "Well excuse me. What else was I supposed to think? I mean look at her. She's dressed in rags." "These are my pajamas." "Where did you find them, in the dumpster?" I wanted to be a good example for my kids so, I took a deep breath. "You are entitled to your opinion." "Honey, why don't you take the kids to their room and they can play with their toys in there, okay?" "Fine." I got the kids and we went to their room. I went back to where Michael was. "That was uncalled for. You weren't like this on the phone." I smiled knowing that my husband was sticking up for me. I went back to the kids. Michael came in the room. "I was on my way to throw away this handkerchief. Honestly, I don't know why she won't just wash it. Anyways, I just came by to tell you that I'm really sorry for her behavior." "Michael you don't have to apologize for her." "I know. I just feel bad." "That's one of the reasons why I love you. You're such an empath." Michael smiled at me. "I love you too." Michael left out of the room. I saw Isabella walk past the room with her grandma. I assumed it was time for her to have lunch. A few minutes later, I heard screaming. I rushed towards the dinning room. Victoria was shaking Isabella. "You little brat!" Victoria shouted. I folded my arms and frowned. "I'm going to allow you to live for five more seconds so that you can explain why your hands are on my daughter!" Victoria let go of Isabella, but Victoria didn't say a word. "Go on. This better be real good." "She spilled her juice all over my expensive outfit!" Michael ran to where we were. "What's going on? What's all this yelling about?" "I came out here and Victoria was vigorously shaking Isabella and she called her a brat. She claims that it is because Isabella spilled juice on her clothes. Her clothes looks completely dry and there is not a cup in sight." I answered. "What's really going on Victoria?" "Your wife is lying on me. I never touched you. Right Isabella?" Isabella started crying. "I want my daddy." "I'm right here." Michael opened his arms and she jumped into them. "Now what happen Isabella?" "My grandma brought me out here to eat lunch. She gave me my sandwich and then she said she will be back with snacks and juice. When grandma left, this lady came over and told me that if I ever tell you what she said that she would kill me and it will hurt. Then she told me to get you two to argue. I said no and that's when she shook me and called me a brat." "You did so good Isabella. Victoria get out!" "Mr. Jackson-" "Security!" Some my security came right over to me. "Yes Mr. Jackson?" "Throw her out and don't let her back in." I pointed at Victoria. "Yes sir." They threw Victoria out. "Do you want to finish your lunch Isabella?" "Yes." Michael put Isabella down. "Go eat." Isabella went to the table. The rest of the day went by. Soon it was time to go to sleep. I laid down in the bed next to Michael. "Goodnight Honey." I kissed Michael. "Goodnight Baby." I fell asleep. I awoke to what sounded like a scream. I shook Michael. "What?" "Did you hear something?" "No." Just then my mother ran into the room. "She's gone!" "Who's gone?" "Isabella. I heard her scream. I look around for her and she's gone!" Michael and I got up. We looked all round the house. Then we went outside. Isabella was really gone. Michael and I started crying. I dialed 911. "911. What's the emergency?" "My daughter is missing." I said through sobs. "Okay. What's your address?" I gave him the address. "I'm sending the police to your location right now. Stay with me until they get there." "Okay." The police arrive after a while. "They're here." "Okay. Take care." "You too." I hung up the phone. Security opened the door. The police came in. "Someone reported a missing child." "Me." I said. "How old is she?" "She is 3 years old." "How tall is she." "She's about 3 feet tall." "How much does she weigh?" "She weighs thirty pounds." "What was she wearing?" "She was wearing purple onesie pajamas." "What color is her hair?" "It's dark brown. She has two french braids." "What color are her eyes?" "They're dark brown." "Is she African American?" "Yes." "Do you think there's a chance she could have been kidnapped?" "I guess so." "Do you know of anyone who would have want to to kidnap her?" "No." The policeman handed me a paper with a number on it. "If you get anymore information call this number." "Okay." The police left. "I bet it was Joe." Michael said. "We don't know that for sure. Let's just try to go back to sleep." Michael and I went to our room. Michael tossed and turned. "Joseph please. I'm sorry. I'll get it right this time." I shook Michael awake. He sat up. "They have to find her right now! I promised myself that I wouldn't let her get abused like I was." "I know Michael." Then it hit me. "Victoria took her." "What?" "Remember? Isabella said that Victoria wanted us to argue and that Victoria threatened to kill her." I rushed to the phone and dialed the number that the police gave me. "Hello?" "I think I know who took my daughter. Her name is Victoria." "What's her last name?" Michael was standing right beside me. "What's Victoria's last name?" "Carter." Michael answered. "Carter." Is there a particular reason why you think she took your child?" "Earlier today she threatened to kill her." "We will get right on it."

Isabella's POV

Grandma tucked me in like she always does. I fell asleep. Next thing I know I was grabbed. I screamed. "You better shut up before I hurt you." Someone whispered. So, I did shut up. Soon I was put in a car. I cried as we left Neverland because I didn't know if I would ever see my family again. "I don't want to hear that. You better stop crying before I punch you." "I want my daddy." "Well, you're not getting him ever again. Now shut up." That's when I realized that it was the lady from earlier that shook me. I sat back. After what seemed like forever the car came to a stop. The lady got out of the car. She opened the car door that was sitting next to. "Come on." I got out the car. We went into her house. "You can sleep on the couch or don't. I don't care as long as you don't wake me up before 10 am." I waited until I couldn't hear her walking. Then I looked for a phone. I found one. It was high up on the wall. I got a chair and brought it to the wall. I thought about who I would call. I didn't know anyone's number. That's when I remembered that my mommy and daddy always dialed 911 when they needed help. Except I didn't know all my numbers. Grandma only taught me 1,2,3,4, and 5. I decided to keep trying to put different numbers with 11 until finally someone answered. "911, what's the emergency?" "I need help." "What can I help you with?" "Someone took me from my mommy and daddy." "Do you know the name of the person who took you?" "No." "How old are you?" "I'm 3 years old." "Do you know where you are?" "I'm in a house." "Do you know the address of the house?" "No." "Can you look out the window and tell me if you recognize any places." "Okay. Give me one second." I went to a window. Across the street was a McDonald's. I went back to the phone. "I saw a McDonald's across the street. It has those yellow things." "The golden arches?" "Yes." "Do you see anything else?" I went to look out the window. I went back to the phone. "I see a sign with a little girl on it. I think it's a Wendy's." "You are doing so good. I'm sending the police to you. Don't hang up until they get there. Okay?" "Okay." Soon I heard the sirens. I heard someone run down the stairs. The Lady hung the phone up. "Did you call the police?" "Yes." She slapped me hard. "Are you crazy?!" I lost my balance and fell off the chair. "Ouch!" There was knocked on the door. "Police! Open up!" The Lady grabbed my hand. "Come on." She took me to the back door. She opened the door. There were police there too. "Are you Victoria Carter?" "Yes I am." "You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be given to you." She let my hand go. I ran to the police. The police put handcuffs on her. They put her in one car and me in another. "Are Michael Jackson's daughter?" "Yes." "Okay."

Michael's POV

I cried for hours. I didn't know what I would do if I never saw Isabella again. I heard the doorbell rang. I'm sure security opened the door. Then I heard her voice. "Daddy?" I looked and my little girl was standing right there. "Isabella?" "Daddy!" I opened my arms. Isabella ran into them. I picked her up and hugged her tight. She hugged me back. Happy tears flowed down my face. "You don't have to cry anymore daddy. I'm home." "I know. These are happy tears." I put her down. She ran to her mother. "Mommy!" "Hi Isabella." Her mom picked her up. I went to the police. "Thank you so much." "You should be proud of your daughter. She is one smart girl. She dialed 911 and answered all of the operator's questions. That's how we were able to find her. We have Victoria Carter in police custody. We'll let you know if we press charges." "Okay. Thanks again." The officers left. My mother-in-law came into the living room. "Grandma!" Isabella ran to her grandma. They hugged. "Isabella are you hurt?" "No. Except she slapped me so I lost my balance and fell off a chair and hit my leg." "Let me see." Isabella showed me her leg it was bruised. I decided to take her to the hospital. They said she was fine. I was very happy because I had my little girl back.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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